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November 17, 2023

Endgame Martial Law: Order Out Of Chaos Agenda In Play As Violence Hits America Streets And Campuses Leading To A Hot Civil War Which Will Allow The Biden Regime To Lock Down America

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Some very strange and bizarre events have been happening, online and offline, some that appear to have nothing to do with each other, yet looking at everything together leaves one with the feeling that all hell is about to break loose.

Aside from being in a midst of World War III, with the U.S. inserting itself in both the Russia/Ukraine and Hamas/Israel wars, with nuclear capable countries taking sides, we are seeing in-country sides being taken in these wars, that frankly have nothing to do with the people bitterly arguing over them.

Step one in almost any battle is to divide and conquer. At this moment though it isn't the countries directly involved with the either war, but instead people of different countries are being divided from within.

This is indicative of not actions on the part of the waring countries, but rather the "New World Order," Illuminati, Freemasons, the Powers That Be, or whatever name one associates with the group of people who cause chaos deliberately to use said chaos to control the masses.

These so-called elite power brokers work by one motto,Ordo Ab Chao, Latin for Order Out of Chaos.

Their formula is easy and has been used throughout history. Cause an event or in this case, simultaneous events that cause chaos, produce the solution which promotes the agenda of the chaos agents, and society follows along without rebellion doing exactly what the "elite" wanted when they created the original chaotic events.

COVID-19 was the perfect example of this. A bioweapon created in a lab in China is released, (Chaos), state leaders issues decrees, masking, no holiday gatherings, "non essential" businesses ordered to close, social distancing, all called a "solution" which accomplishes their goal of control, which was their agenda.

Now they know which members of the nation they can control, and which they cannot.

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After the attack on American soil on September 11, 2001, killing approximately 3,000 people, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden wrote a letter to America claiming responsibility.
No matter what one thinks about who was truly responsible for 9-11, or doubts the official narrative, his letter is fact. He wrote it. He claimed responsibility. He offered his justification for the murder of 3,000 Americans and explained why he believed America, Israel and others should be destroyed.

On the Chinese-owned platform TikTok, influencers have received millions of view for praising bin Laden's "Letter to America."

Massive TikTok influencers are racking up millions of views on videos openly praising the writings of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, calling them mind-blowing and eye-opening.

I need everyone to stop what theyre doing right now and go read its literally two pages. Go read A Letter to America, Lynette Adkins said in one viral TikTok. And please come back here and just let me know what you think because I feel like Im going through, like, an existential crisis right now, and a lot of people are.

Young woman on TikTok

Its bizarre, if unsurprising, to see this stance from supposedly woke progressives because they must have breezed past the part of the letter where bin Laden names our countrys tolerance of homosexuality, separation of church and state and sexual liberation for women as motivating reasons for terrorists desire to destroy America.

Another sick trend on TikTok is #TalibanLife.

This new obsession with bin Laden's letter became so viral that the UK's Guardian removed it from their website, with the following note:

It is archived, but it is almost impossible to understand how young liberals can be thinking of bin Laden of some type of fold hero.

I don't know if it is the indoctrination of public education, but after years of reporting on America's educational institutions, it does appear to be the most likely the reason.

Once again we see the divide and conquer strategy turning young Americans against the very nation they live in, a nation that provides the freedoms they would never see from from the groups they are beginning to idolize.

Of course to the liberal rag Wired, exposing this very disturbing trend is weaponizing the "Letter to America." Yes, Republicans pounce is the story, not that young liberals are revering terrorists, like bin Laden and Taliban life.

Related:Sacha Baron Cohen BLISTERS TikTok for Creating the 'BIGGEST Antisemitic Movement Since the Nazis'


More chaos: An anti-Semitic group has are passing around a map of NYC newsrooms, and other Jewish organizations, and calling on"direct action" to "globalize intifada."

Direct action refers tothe use of strikes, demonstrations, or other public forms of protest rather than negotiation to achieve one's demands, and in the case of Antifa events, it calls for violence.

A pro-Palestinian group that calls for intifada and Israels destruction temporarily posted maps online detailing the locations of Jewish organizations in New York City and saying they had blood on their hands.

The posts have drawn the NYPDs attention and sparked condemnation from elected officials and Jewish leaders. Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine called the posts dangerous and reprehensible.

Included on the map are the Rupert Murdoch-owned News Corp., the New York Times, Grand Central, Port Authority, Barclays Center, NBC News, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and Blackrock.

A look at the group's Instagram pages are calls to action, videos of their own vandalism, and other worrisome content.

Think about that for a moment. These organizations are here in America. They have no control over Israel at all. They have absolutely nothing to do with the war, yet these people are targeting them for no other reason than they are "Jews."

Divide and conquer!

We already had culture wars dividing America, along with politics. This is a whole other ballgame. This is taking it a step further, creating the conditions where Americans are not just protesting and counter protesting, but attacks against both Jews and Muslims, violence against law enforcement.

They are setting us all up for martial law. They know they can away with it with at least half the population, just as they forced compliance during the COVID lockdown, and the experimental vaccines.

Chaos = Civil War/ Solution = Martial Law/ Agenda = Total Control

Bonus Video: This comes from ANP's Stefan Stanford, who earlier posted a Twitter video, and watching this 30-something second video should terrify everyone knowing this is what represents America on the world stage.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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