Politically we have the man that occupies the White House, Joe Biden, targeting Republicans by telling his leftist base that "MAGA" Republicans, are a threat to the very nation.
For the record, I find it very disturbing that to Democrats, the very term "Make America Great Again," causes them fear and mental anguish, when the entire country should want this nation to be great.
So, while politically Biden himself has escalated the ongoing "civil" war, pushing Americans one step closer to all out war in the streets, economically we are on the edge of complete destruction.
The Biden regime and their puppets in the media continue to smile and claim, gas prices are down, therefore inflation is lessened, yeah!!!!!
They ignore that more people are having to work multiple jobs just to survive and afford food which has seen price hikes at unprecedented levels.
They ignore that as gas prices see minor lowering at the pumps, food costs continue to rise, with reports indicating further price increases coming.
We see the gullible, relying on the news their MSM programs them to believe claiming inflation is down again, repeating the false propaganda, but the truth is, inflation continues to rise.
Prices have climbed by 8.3 percent over the past 12 months, according to the consumer price index (CPI) data released Tuesday morning by the Department of Labor. That's down from the 8.5 percent mark in July, but the uptick in August's monthly figure seemingly puts an end to hopes that prices were finally cooling after a year of increases, the likes of which hadn't been seen since the 1970s.
But, wait, how can inflation be rising and yet be down from the tallies announced in both June and July? That's because the annualized ratethe 8.3 percent numberis the sum of the past 12 monthly figures. Prices rose by 0.1 percent in August, but this month's annualized rate drops from last August's monthly rate of 0.3 percent. So the annual figure declined even though inflation rose last month.
With all that is happening, from the supply chain issues, food shortages, spiking food prices, the destruction of dozens upon dozens of food manufacturing and processing facilities, what Americans do not need right now, is more events that can kill an economy that is volatile and fragile already.
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While reports regarding a possible UPS strike show us we have until July 2023, giving those involved time to still try to negotiate, the more imminent threat to the American economy, is the possibility, with some saying likely, of a rail strike.
The deadline for negotiations is this Friday,when a federally-mandated "cooling off period" ends and a strike becomes possible, according to Politico, which seems far more concerned about what a rail strike will do to democrats in the midterms, than what it would do to Americans within days of an actual strike.
So this could potentially spell political disaster for the Biden administration, and by extension, Democrats, with less than two months to go until Election Day.
Right. Industry groups from the Chamber of Commerce to the Consumer Brands Association to the trucking lobby to the fertilizer lobby have been calling on Congress to intervene if the unions and railroads cant reach an agreement before this Friday, when a federally-mandated cooling off period ends and a strike becomes possible. Labor law works differently for railroads than other industries, and the Railway Labor Act allows Congress to intervene and mandate its own resolution if the parties cant come to an agreement but Congress would really rather not.
Organized labor, of course, is calling on Congress to stay out of it, because the threat to withhold their labor is the greatest leverage they have to force the employers hands. So Democrats are in a tough spot. No one wants a strike that would paralyze the economy, obviously, but intervening in a way that defangs labor isnt a great look for Democrats less than two months before an election either.
What could a rail strike, cost the U.S., therefore the American consumer? $2 billion...a day.
"Democrats have scored some wins as of late, but an economic shock like this one an industry estimate projects a railroad shutdown could cost $2 billion a day, threatening recovering U.S. supply chains could put a big damper on the partys rebounding November prospects."
Again, notice how Politico feels the need to talk of democrats prospects in the November midterms, more than what would actually happen for Americans.
More food shortages, massive price hikes, an economic downturn and a possible economic collapse.
Apparently that doesn't mean near as much to the American liberal media as the possibility of losing the Senate and The House to those "MAGA Republicans," that Biden wants America to fear more than starving.
To make matters worse, UPS, mentioned earlier in this piece, which has until July 23, 2023 for their negotiations, which we thought would buy time.....may be the single largest rail customer.
One of the more concerning disruptions consumers might feel at their doorstep could include packages delivered by UPS.
UPS, for example, may be the single largest rail customer, a report from the Association of American Railroads said. A single intermodal container or trailer railroads carry for UPS could contain 1,800 to 2,000 packages.A train with 100 containers or trailers could have 200,000 UPS packages headed for our doorsteps.
Whether the rails and unions work things out or not this time around, this entire down-to-the-wire scrambling on the part of the Biden regime to prevent a rail strike, tells us how fast everything can just implode.
One strike and boom, everything unravels even further than it already has. In just a blink of an eye, the path to starvation for millions could begin, and those are the ones not already being forced to food banks and giveaways just to put a meal on the kitchen table.
According to Fortune, even without the actual strike, just the potential of it, is already affecting deliveries.
Fortune's headline: "Freight rail operators say they cant carry hazardous goods or your e-commerce package, blaming a looming rail strike."
If rail operators and unions don't reach a deal by 12:01 a.m. ET on Friday, about 60,000 rail workers will go on strike. That disruption could cost the U.S. $2 billion per day, according to the Association of American Railroads, an industry trade group representing major freight rail operators. On Monday, the U.S. Department of Labor called a freight rail stoppage an unacceptable outcome for our economy and the American people.
But rail operators are already taking measures to lower their workload due to the possible strike. Both CSX and Union Pacific have said they would stop shipping hazardous material, arguing that a lack of staff could force operators to leave such materials unsecured or unattended in violation of U.S. regulations.
Norfolk Southern, another rail operator, said it would stop accepting intermodal transportwhen trains carry shipping containers brought by ship or truckstarting Tuesday. Such shipments are used by large retailers and e-commerce companies.
What is next? USPS, Fed Ex, Truckers? The fact is gas prices are already disrupting the entire supply chain, despite their lowering slightly over the last month, because the prices are still unacceptably high.
How long can businesses, say trucking companies, continue to delivery to stores and other retailers without price hikes of their own, which in turn are passed on to the consumer by the actual stores?
What happens when the prices rise again in the winter, or when Biden runs out of the reserves to keep releasing to manipulate the prices ahead of the midterms?
The overreactions by state leaders in locking down their states, closing businesses they deemed "non-essential," closing schools, forcing restaurants to shut down, knocking over dominoes as we watched shortages occur almost immediately, followed by price hikes, the destruction of food, milk, livestock because there was more supply than demand, should have taught Americans a critical lesson.
It only takes one major event for everything to start breaking down.
When that happens, it all breaks down very fast.
Preppers prepare because they know this. Prepping websites constantly encourage people to prepare because they too understand that.
With the amount of panic and scrambling by the Biden regime is trying to keep the rail strike from happening, it is possible, in fact probable, that they find a temporary solution, buying Americans a little more time, until the next contract negotiations for the next "critical" industry.
Remember, the media and the Biden regime is more worried about the November midterms than helping Americans, so it is more than likely that they do something to "delay" what is coming until after November. Then it won't matter to them.
What this should be is awake up call to us all, even those of us that have been preparing some type of catastrophe or disaster.
The bottom line here is simple... the next disaster is right around the corner and the only question is are you fully prepared to survive it?
Links are below and if you are missing any of these items that you know you will need if SHTF, get it now, because we are just one event away from economic catastrophe.
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