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March 27, 2024

Odd Warnings About Upcoming Solar Eclipse On April 8 - National Guard Deployments And Hazmat Units And Emergency Officials Suggesting Stocking Up On Food Water And Gas

Image:Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

I'll be honest, I thought about teasing Bart by using "break the internet," "OMG," and "worst ever" in the headline, but I just didn't have enough room in the headline to add them and accurately describe the strange warnings and suggestions we have been seeing, but it would have gotten a laugh I am sure!

Evidently solar eclipses, especially the last one until 2044, is something people find worthy of travelling for, clogging up traffic and putting a strain on local resources of towns and cities not prepared for a mass invasion of Americans that want to see....errrrr..... not see for a brief four minutes when day is turned into night asthe moon completely obscures the sun.

Now, all joking aside, we are seeing some interesting warnings about the upcoming April 8, 2024 solar eclipse, including a warning the impact on solar power generation, from the MSM, namely CBS News.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, known as ERCOT, which provides solar service to 90% of the state, says the event will affect solar production in Texas between 12:10 p.m. and 3:10 p.m. CDT while the eclipse passes over the state from the southwest to the northeast.

That was written on March 18, and interestingly didn't mention that three days prior, on March 15, thousands of solar panels in Texas were destroyed by a hailstorm. Now in Texas, solar energy accounts for about 6% of their power generation, which is more than the average solar energy generation for the U.S. as a whole.

This is ironic since we continue to be pushed to use solar more and more, yet in Texas, residents are concerned about contamination from the destruction of panels in a solar panel farm, many of which are made using a toxic substance.

The ABC affiliate in Houston reported that large solar farms, such as the one devastated by the storm, typically use panels made with cadmium telluride.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, cadmium telluride is a toxic substance that can cause kidney, heart, skin, and lung issues.

The company that owns the farm declined to identify what type of panels it uses.

Why decline to answer is they weren't using cadmium telluride? Inquiring minds want to know.

This should offer a warning to people to now depend solely on solar power for anything. Having a solar generator in case of a grid down scenario is one thing, becoming totally dependent on solar energy, not such a good idea.

Back to the April 8 eclipse now.

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In Oklahoma, where it is reported that 100,000 people are expected to descend on one county, the National Guard is expected to be deployed to help with"an unprecedented number of tourists," according to Newsweek.

While that is understandable, what is a bit more curious is that the guard is not just sending first responders, but also "units with hazmat response capabilities." The claim reported by Newsweek is the hazmat units are in case of a "incident like an industrial fire."

Incidents like an industrial fire could happen at any time during the year and they don't permanently station Nation Guard hazmat units there. This begs the question of why do officials think an incident unrelated to the solar eclipse might happen?

Just sayin'.

At least four states on the eclipse's trajectory have urged residents to stock up on groceries and gas ahead of its occurrence, as traffic is expected to overwhelm local roads. The Federal Highway Administration has also warned that increased traffic to remote areas could lead to unsafely parked vehicles and the potential for wildfires in areas with dry vegetation.

There we go again with the prepping tips, which is amusing in a way because preppers have long been treated as conspiracy theorists for preparing themselves to survive should a major disaster, yet no less than four states are warning people to stock up on food, water, gas and basic necessities, for an event that will last 100 minutes across the nation, but will only last approximately four minutes in any one location.

Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio and Indiana are the states warning residents to stock up, but thepath of totality includesTexas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine before heading out over the North Atlantic.



Texas officials have issued a slew of warnings, including that people living within the path of totality should stock up on groceries and gas and run any errandssuch as filling prescriptionsin the days before the eclipse. One official also urged pet owners to stock up on supplies for their animals.


The state warned residents to stock up on supplies like groceries and gas, implement several forms of communication outside of cellular phones, and fill up gas tanks.

On the website other warnings include:Delays in supply chains and deliveries and increased emergency response times.


Officials in Ohio have said that traffic delays are inevitable, according to News 5 Cleveland. The Ohio Department of Transportation is urging Ohio residents to fill their cars with gas and keep snacks and water handy in case of long delays.


State officials suggest keeping cell phones charged, stocking up on essentials and filling cars with gas ahead of the eclipse.

More states may issue warnings in the coming days.

In Hays County, Texas, they recommend eclipse glasses, or if usingtelescope, binoculars, or camera, you should solar filter attached, but it is their suggestion in regards to a "solar eclipse survival bag," that caught me by surprise.

One of the items listed is cash "in case ATMS and credit card machines are down."

While cash is always recommended to have on hand, why would ATM's and,not or, credit card machines be down? They could have just said have cash on hand and leave it at that.


Any time we see states suggesting prepping we think, good, but some of the specific warnings and suggestion are just odd. One shouldn't need multiple forms of communications aside from cell phones, during an eclipse.

We have seen smart suggestions about having satellite phones should a catastrophic event occur, but a solar eclipse is not, in and of itself, a catastrophe, disaster or any other event that should knock out cell phones for any length of time.

Hazmat units also seem to be a way over-the-top preparation. National Guard? While there is no doubt they can be helpful, between local police and State Troopers, it just seems like overkill.

While ATM's could run out of cash, there is no real reason why one should expect ATM's and credit card machines to stop functioning at once.

Normally I would think that nothing extreme is going to happen, but we recently saw a cargo ship knock out a major bridge and we have seen multiple people warn recently of an upcoming black swan event.

So, our recommendations: Stay home, be safe, get your eclipse glasses and watch from the comfort and safety of your own home turf.

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