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July 13, 2024
With The Kenyan Obama And The 'Wicked Witch' Pelosi Orchestrating The Removal Of 'Brain Dead' Biden Others Are Setting The Scene For A New Socialist Democrat Presidential Ticket
Redacted with Clayton Morris a few days ago had an interesting story (video below) saying that dunderhead Biden still refuses to move from the Democrat presidential candidate idea, and that is no surprise. He and his mafia family are making far too much profit from their worldwide scamming, blackmail, fraud and war crimes to ever give up that without a big fight. More so, he still claims that if that were to happen, the cheap, morally loose second in contempt Kamala will take over. Oh well, that was expected and since is covered by so many outlets that I will not spend time to go over it.
Their next video (also below) states President Trump is planning to run against Kamala Harris which is a good sign that she is what the Marxist party is going to go with, meaning whether or not she is elected to do so in the Democrat Convention, she is assigned to be in that role. Also they note that all of a sudden, polls find she is running very strong, a complete reversal from earlier. All so convenient dont you think?
The takeaway from this is that the deep state, run by homosexual Kenyan husband of Michael Robinson, Beri Obammer and friends have determined that they are indeed going to remove Biden from the ticket, and it seems they have decided on what grounds to do so. This is really not anything new as it takes many months to plan things out like this and prepare for the execution of it all.
When asked if he had Parkinsons, Biden said he does not have Covid. That is so reassuring isnt it? An article on Lew Rockwell with doctor McCullough and other experts determined that Biden suffers from a COVID-19 vaccine injury neurodegenerative syndrome and is either the cause or a serious contributor to Bidens severe cognitive decline. On Dr. Peter McCulloughs website he stated that I have multiple patients who appear to develop a rapid decline in cognitive function after COVID-19 vaccination. The Spike protein is produced in large quantities and for a long duration of time after mRNA injection has been found in the brain at autopsy. Additionally, the Spike protein can fold and create amyloid plaques, which are the hallmark of Alzheimers disease and that higher rates of cognitive impairment and Alzheimers disease among the vaccinated over age 65 years which seems to substantiate the claims that Biden has dementia with rapid onset because of Covid 19 vaccines and now (very conveniently) may also may have Parkinsons.
One good indicator of that huge decline is evident in the Gateway Pundits article that shows one strong indicator of end cycle dementia is the fast and harsh temper and violence as his staffers also seem to be in that mode of operation, reflecting the working conditions around Ol Joey mafia boss. A top Democrat has accused Joe Bidens advisors of threatening to beat the shit out of White House staff who stray from the official narrative regarding Joe Bidens health and at the same time there is a lot of anger and the blame that is being placed on the inner circle of advisers and family members around the president and what these people say is this really painstakingly choreographed and stage managed daily operations at the White House around the president that is set up, specifically designed to prevent the public from often seeing the president in these extended unscripted settings according to M J Lee.
This is what one top Democrat told me, they said, Everyone who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary views, they call everyone, and they beat the shit out of them and say stay on message. Now, it is not just the inner circle of advisers that is getting a lot of this heat. It is also members of the presidents family who of course have been up there, really standing by the presidents decision to so far stay in this race, said Lee.
Ah, what wonderful working conditions they must have.
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Nevertheless, at the same time Bidens main supervisor, the Kenyan communist, is, as Scarborough said, Ill say one thing that we do have to underline here just so viewers can follow. Whats going on behind the scenes is the Biden campaign and many Democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind thescenes to orchestrate this.What I find amazing is that a radical left winger like him would admit that the Kenyan is actually in control of the White House still. We have known it all along, but what is being orchestrated among the left to all of a sudden have them reverse course? The plan determines that, and they are following their plan, something communist revolutionary organizers are highly trained to do as is Bathhouse Beri.
The New American added in a second name into the mix of White House insiders that actually dictate to Biden what the policy is to be when they reported on a story from Politico when they said Pelosi has been doing some behind-the-scenes maneuvering as well. She carefully ironed out what she wanted to say yesterday on Morning Joe, Bidens appointment viewing keeping Democratic leaders abreast of her intentions..Those comments were meant to serve as a subtle green light, one person close with Pelosi said, meant to encourage members to speak up about their desire to see change atop the ticket and to warn Biden to reconsider staying in the race.
And as is standard practice, she is publicly stating exactly the opposite of what she is doing when she denied pretty much all of this reporting through a spokesman last night, including that she told anyone Biden should step aside. Publicly and privately, Speaker Pelosi has acknowledged the concerns that many have expressed in recent days but has repeatedly said that she fully supports whatever President Biden decides to do, which is a damned lie, but like I said, that is the average politicians and especially her normal method of operation.
With the Kenyan and the Wicked Witch of the West on the move to rid the dems ticket of a brain dead relic, Up-Chuck Schumer has also been out and about declaring that there needs to be a change in the lineup for a new Marxist err, socialist democrat presidential ticket. The big bosses of the communist party have spoken, and feces-skull Biden is out of the picture.
Ok, we do know that decrepitude suffering Biden is not running the Whitehouse, he has not the mental acuity to do so, and we have established that the Kenyan, Pelosi and Schumer seem to be the operational monkeys pushing things, but who really is running things for ol Joey?
I like the way Connor OKeefe at The Liberty Beacon put it when he said Every four years, were supposed to pretend that a single individual, who we collectively choose at the ballot box, takes charge of the federal government and acts as we would to address the problems we face at home and abroad.
Bidens inability to get through a debate and a sit-down interview without issues shatters the illusion that he is the one running things in Washington and across Americas globe-spanning sphere of influence.
He then goes over the fundamentals such as all of the people surrounding Biden that are doing the heavy lifting. That includes Doc Holiday like surrogate Jill Biden and son Hunter who has been especially close recently, and the others of the Big Guy, Joe family crime syndicate, his closest advisors like Mike Donilon, Ron Klain, Anita Dunn, and Ted Kaufman, and those who do the day in and day out drudgery work, the White House staffers. And then there is the broader DC political power structure made up of so many actors that have a stake (meaning money, unmentionable benefits and power) as well as the actual rulers of this insane world; those that hold all of the money and power for real, exemplified by the CFR and their more international cohorts the WEF acting in unison (many are the same people) for the world bankers who own everything.
Feces-skull is NOT in charge, just a puppet and it is easy to see that the power brokers are not pleased, so a change is coming.
But on the local level someone else besides Joey is calling the shots, and President Trump agrees with me when he stated on Hannity that Hunter Biden is running things behind the scenes. we went over that a few days ago in another column we did published here on ANP titled There Are Many Names To Replace Joe Biden, Yet It Is His Son Hunter Pulling Joe's Strings And Dangerously Being Involved In Presidential Meetings And Other Dealings After Daddy's Debate Debacle. Since that has been published there have been many other articles saying basically the same thing.
One thing we noted that still holds true is that Hunter is worried about his loss of power and income from the family crime syndication that runs world-wide profit skimming and money laundering scams among other things. Add in the seeming hope that they can expand that evil even larger and the draw is most obvious. Of course others are claiming that it is Beri and Nancy that are running the country, so it is up to them to determine who the democrat ticket will hold, and I am not so sure they can stand Hunter either.
The looming September democrat convention to elect or certify the presidential duo that will run is still to be had, and there is much concern over how things may progress. Armstrong Economics recently had a say in this when the question was asked whether or not Joe Bidens death will be the catalyst for the September 2024 panic cycle our computers have been forecasting for decades. The event in September will mark a global shift perhaps and more likely a war. A few readers have written in to question whether this event could end up being the death of the Democratic nominee. After all, media outlets are in overdrive to push the Parkinsons narrative, and one is led to believe that his condition is worsening by the day, given the sudden negative press. Even the most liberal of commentators are suddenly calling for Biden to step down, with new reports released each day detailing Bidens declining mind.
They are correct in their question, as I also am thinking that Biden may not live through this as he is so despised by those running things right now. In that event the veep Kamala Harris would automatically take over, and that is how some are playing the odds. The article continues as they say Joe Bidens team is not willing to relinquish power just yet, but rest assured the Democrats want him out of the office before the election to prevent a Kamala presidency under the 25th Amendment, factoring in if the Democrats could even secure the election.
So goodbye to the theory that Camela will get the easy nod; too many people absolutely hate her. Even The Burning Platform asked the question, Could the September Target Indicate Bidens Death? reposting the Armstrong article.
Whatever actually happens, please be prepared for the worst. We have covered a lot of ground quickly here, and although we have also brought in the Ezra 4 (or Esdras 2, same thing) Eagle prophecy a number of times, this is getting to the proof of that prophecy. We will have to go over that in more detail sometime, but briefly if Biden does not get removed prior to the January 20th 2025 swearing in of the next president, if he fails to fulfill his whole time in office it proves the truth, and if he makes it through it proves it is not true. Very simple really as it states that this feather or wing will be a short one, and the next even shorter time in office which may indicate Kamala getting in for a few days or weeks prior to the next selected pair. Which, incidentally, they NEVER TAKE OFFICE and that indicator is one of frightening importance.
I really need to go over that idea better sometime, but for now realize that things are getting biblical for real now. What happens exactly I do not know, but after this it will be the power brokers (Eagle heads) that take over and then the anti-Christ. Be prepared and stay in good with the Lord or suffer the fate of the damned. Both Ezra and Daniel tell the same thing but using different terms, and that is something for a pair of 2600 years old dreams. Let alone Isaiah, John, Joel and others, all telling the same story with different perspectives and focus.
Civil war? World war? Total economic breakdown? It is coming to a head very soon.
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