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June 9, 2024
Food Recalls Are Increasing In Frequency As We Get Closer To Nuclear War - Trying To Ban Our Meat While The Govt Is Restocking Deep Underground Military Bases So They Can Eat Like Kings
The constant yammering on the part of the global "elite," regarding food intake, specifically meats and dairy products is hitting a fevered pitch as they discover that us pesky humans don't want to give up our natural proteins and dairy products, and we also are getting tired of dire warnings about "climate change," and their failed predictions.
Before moving on to the meat and potatoes of the article (yes, pun intended), a quick reminder for those new to ANP, that for more than 50 years we have seen dozens of predictions of how climate change would destroy the world, and not one of those predictions came true.
Instead of looking back at said predictions and trying to figure out where they went wrong, the "blob," aka the powers that be, keep doubling, and tripling down on their arrogant assertions that mere human beings are capable of destroying Earth by what we consume.
If anything is going to totally annihilate Earth, it will be an all-out nuclear war, and even then, while humanity may go extinct, Earth itself will likely still be mostly intact, and hundreds or thousands of years down the line, it will repopulate with... something.
All the available evidence shows that if Americans were to cut meat consumption, it would not cause the average global temperature to fall. Why, then, is the UN so keen on keeping meat off Americans dinner plates?
Unfortunately, in recent decades, many UN agencies have been overtaken by environmental radicals, men and women who have promoted one extreme "green" agenda after another, and the problem is only going to get worse in the near future.
This brings us full circle, right back to the 50+ years of failed climate predictions, which terrified generations of people, and they are the ones now making the doomsday predictions about climate change.
These climate change hoaxsters, from King Charles of England, to the Biden regime and liberal politicians, have literally terrorized generations of the young, who are now using the same failed data to predict doom for the masses. It is like a creepy merry-go-round.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
According to theFDA recall page, "A Terminated Recall is a recall where the FDA has determined that all reasonable efforts have been made to remove or correct the violative product in accordance with the recall strategy,and proper disposition has been madeaccording to the degree of hazard. Recalls that are not indicated as being terminated are either ongoing or completed."
Finding out how recalled foods are disposed of took some searching, andMorgan & Morgan explained itin the following manner:
These recalled products will generally be disposed of in a landfill or by incineration, depending on local, state, and federal regulations, according to the FDA.
However, not all recalled food necessarily ends up in landfills. Depending on the reason for the recall, there is an entire secondary market that takes tainted meats, such as raw meats that test positive for E. coli, and safely cooks them into processed foods, according to a 2016 report by Buzzfeed. These formerly-tainted processed foods can be found in your supermarket freezer section, in fast-food, or even in pet food. And this method is USDA-approved.
Packages containing recalled foods that were cooked and then resold, does not have anything on the label indicating that was done.
This means that "we the people" have no idea if the meats and others foods recalled are actually being disposed of, or if they are truly being used again after companies cook it and repackage it.
Has anyone reading this ever heard of, or known someone that transports recalled foods and/or disposes of them?
The fact is we have no way of knowing if these recalled foods, especially our proteins, are really being destroyed, or reused after cooking, or if they are really being hauled off to resupplyunderground bunkersbuilt for country leaders, military leaders and the families of both groups, in the even of world war or major catastrophe.
It seems that the closer we come to nuclear war, these recalls increase in frequency.
At this rate, they'll have us all eating dog food, fake meat or insects, unless we grow our own foods, and have plenty of freeze dried meats and powdered dairy products.
Learn to grow, dehydrate and freeze dry your own foods for when you run our of survival foods, because at the rate they are going, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Nazi-wannabes put an outright ban on meats, dairy products and home vegetable/fruit gardens, while they are all eating like kings.
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