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January 2, 2025

There Is Nothing Natural About This Global Fog Phenomenon: Remember That From 1949 To 1969 The U.S. Military Used Fog To Experiment With Biological Warfare, Using Americans As Human Guinea Pigs

- Madepeople ill over the course of 50 years, some died

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

"The Fog" sounds like B-rated movie thriller, yet here we are seeing reports of a mysterious fog that people describe as dry, when fog generally consists of water droplets or ice crystals near the Earth's surface, which in and of itself makes this "fog" a strange phenomenon.

Top that off with people getting sick, symptoms including flu-like symptoms and sore throats after being exposed to this "fog" and you truly have the makings of a horror movie.

The "internet", meaning those talking about this creepy fog online, has dubbed this "Fogvid-24," a sort of play on the Covid-19 name from the 2020 plandemic.

I waited to address this until after the New Year because I wanted to research the theories, the reactions, and the health issues associated with this global phenomenon that appeared out of nowhere right around Christmas. Viral videos showing fog that appears unusually thick, with large particles within when shown under a flashlight, with some claiming it had a "chemical" smell.

One X post states the following:

Reports from around the globe are surfacing of mysterious illnesses linked to encounters with so-called "chemical fogs."

Described as a thick, lingering blanket, the fog has left people sickmany experiencing sudden cold or flu-like symptoms after only brief exposure.

Dubbed "Fogvid-24," some victims have also reported an unexplained loss of energy.

Most reports, and countless videos I have seen have come from the U.K and the U.S., but they all seem to agree on one thing, there is nothing natural about this.

It seems noteworthy that this "fog" comes right on the heels of sightings of mysterious drones and orbs, from earlier in December, again, documented on video, making it more than a "someone claims" type rumor or online chatter, and gives proof that these supposedly separate events are indeed real.

I am not going to detail every single "theory" out there because some are so over-the-top it would a waste of my time writing them and yours, reading them, but there are some legitimately logical theories given everything we know about the "depopulation agenda," bioengineered viruses, and the well-deserved lack of trust in the government.

Readers are of course encouraged to share their thoughts on the topic in the comment section below.

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The first comes from an SQ note on a link at Steve Quayle's website, to a video, which will be shown at the bottom of the articles, with a few others. The video is titled "Global fog, govt patents, sickness, Bill Gates."


Given what we know about the depopulation agenda, and the variety of quotes about it from high-profile names, this isn't far-fetched, despite the fact that many in the MSM would call it a conspiracy theory, which they do with anything they cannot explain and want to discredit.

The next one also fits under the depopulation agenda.

Via InfoWars:

Anyone else notice since this fog arrived on Christmas Day, you have sore throat, you started to feel lethargic, you lost your appetite, you felt flu-ey, you couldnt do anything, you didnt have any energy, sweat, couldnt sleep, the TikTok user documented, adding he believed the fog contained chemicals intended to make people sick.

If this fog does have a chemical smell, then we also could be looking at chemical warfare, which would naturally make people sick, and that is the purpose. It also leaves questions of the closeness between the drone and orb sightings, and this strange fog being documented all across the internet.

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In 2021 it was reported that theUnited Arab Emirates were using drones to fly into the clouds to "release the electrical charges needed for cloud seeding."

The UAE typically sees less than four inches of rain per year, causing water scarcity to be a large issue for the country. Two-thirds of the UAEs water needs are met through the use of groundwater. This reliance has become an issue due to high temperatures causing high levels of evaporation and increased demand as a result of a growing population. Studies have shown that cloud seeding can potentially increase rainfall by 35%. The NCM is hoping this increase in rainfall can help alleviate the impact of water scarcity in the areas that are struggling.

If they can be used for rain, the drones can be used to "seed" anything into the clouds, including chemicals that could produce this type of unnatural fog, which smells like chemicals and is making people sick.

In 2023, another report explains "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) - In recent years, there has been interest in using drones for cloud seeding experiments. Drones (Meteomatics Meteodrone MM-670, Drone America Savant, etc.) offer the advantage of flying at lower altitudes and in challenging conditions while providing safety for crew members who might not need to be on board during potentially risky operations."

The media might call it a conspiracy theory, but the the truth is out there.


This one isn't a conspiracy but is 100% fact, is that in the 1950's, showing how long technology using fog to harm people has been happening, and reported in 2015 by CBS News, "Military Once Used SF Fog For Simulated Germ-Warfare Attack, Exposing 800,000 To Harmful Bacteria."

In what sounds like a conspiracy theory, the fog over San Francisco was used by the U.S. military in the 1950s as a way to maske the spreading of a biological agent in simulated germ-warfare attacks.

Leonard Cole, the director of the Terror Medicine and Security Program at Rutgers Medical School, called it one of the largest human experiments in history.

For a period of 20 years between 1949 and 1969, the U.S. Army conducted more than 200 secret biological warfare tests over populated areas. Among the first was in the 1950s along San Francisco's bay coastline.

Here is the key paragraph from that piece:

Cole said a careful inspection of the medical literature would have shown that bacteria was responsible for not only making some people ill over the course of 50 years, but also in a few instances caused their death.


TikTok user characterized the fog as a chemical fog and described it smelled and tasted like sulfur.

Weve got people in Kentucky, weve got people in Sweden, weve got people in Finland all reporting the same thing. The fog has made them sick.


While this mysterious fog, on the heels of all those drone sightings, has people theorizing about what it can be, often with different ideas, what everyone who has seen it, or gotten sick after being exposed to it, seem to agree on, is that there is nothing natural about this "fog."

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