March 4, 2024
CDC Pushes The Next Round Of Genocide By Urging People To Get The New Clot Shot, 'Ignoring' The Avalanche Of Evidence Vaxxes Are Causing Horrific Cancers & Deaths Worldwide
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
According to the CDC in a newly released warning, Americans 65 years old and older should be rushing out to get the latest COVID vax booster shots, with the CDC reportingmore than half of COVID-19 hospitalizations during October 2023 to December 2023 occurred in this age group.
Warning that as of February 23rd, only 22% of American adults have gotten their updated boosters, including 41.8% of those over the age of 65, as this Zero Hedge story touching on that CDC warning reports, even the CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) panel, which put out the recent advisory, had a difference of opinion on the actual 'wording' of the announcement.
Reporting that some wanted even stronger wording, such as should receive an additional dose, while other members disagreed, pointing out that evidence does not support the need to add should in the vaccine recommendation,that group also raised concerns that the wording could end up having a chilling or discouraging effect on individuals who havent received a shot during the fall.
Proving us that even at the CDC, there are major differences of opinion among those pushing another round of vaxxes for the population, of coursethose totally spinelessmembers eventually voted in favor of the stronger recommendation, with the measure passing 111,including the support of the stronger wording by CDC Director Mandy Cohen, who later endorsed their recommendation.
Reporting also that those who want the latest vax should wait at least 4 months after their previous vaxxes, but that those with compromised immune systems can cut that 4 month wait down to only 2 months, the CDC totally neglected to mention the fact that these vaxxes are causing serious harm to some of the recipients, up to and including death, as proven by a January 2024 study which had warned that "repeated vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 boosters could result in adverse effects on the immune system. From this Zero Hedge story.:
This is particularly relevant in the case of immunocompromised individuals, where the overall cost-to-benefit ratio may lean toward the negative, the researchers wrote.
Given the decreased severity of the virus, as acknowledged in various jurisdictions, there are legitimate concerns about the frequent administration of boosters in immunocompromised patients, raising questions about whether this practice may be causing more harm than benefit.
And as Natural News had reported in this new story, there have been more and more studies confirmingCOVID-19 vaccines risk shedding toxic particles to unvaccinated people,meaning those who've chosen for health reasons to avoid 'the vax,'such as Susan and I here at ANP along with many ANP readers, might be getting poisoned by it, anyways, that topicwas touched upon by this Zero Hedge story.:
COVID-19 vaccines are also facing scrutiny for shedding effects. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration defines shedding as the release of [viral or bacterial gene therapy products] ... from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids, etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds).
Dr. Pierre Kory, founder of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), has said that both mRNA and adenovirus COVID-19 vaccines may cause vaccinated individuals to release spike proteins and other components. For instance, one study found the presence of mRNA in the breast milk of vaccinated females.
During a Feb. 15 congressional hearing, health officials from the FDA and the CDC admitted that COVID-19 vaccinated people can still get infected and transmit the disease.
So despite the ever-growing mounds of evidence that 'the vax' has largely done more harm than good, including a countless number of 'sudden and unexpected' deaths by many people in the primes of their lives, the CDC is acting like they haven't even heard that news. Either that or they're covering up genocide.
As Dr. Peter McCullough recently warned in this story about 'vaccine shedding' when asked by some of his readers and patients if it's real, Biodistribution may not be limited to the body of the vaccine recipient, as a growing body of evidence demonstrates the possibility of secondary exposure to vaccine particles."
These can be via bodily fluids and include the following routes of exposure: blood transfusion, organ transplantation, breastfeeding, and possibly other means. As covid-19 vaccines are associated with an increased risk of stroke, the persistence of vaccine artifacts in the blood presents a possible threat to a recipient of a blood donation from a vaccinated donor who suffered from vaccine induced thrombosis or thrombocytopenia.
And as Dr. William Makis MD recently warned in this interview, vax shedding is also causing 'turbo cancers' in the unvaxxed who'd been 'shed upon,' along with 'vax injuries' that are typically associated with those who'd 'been vaxxed'. As one astute commenter bluntly warned in a comment left on his story.:
Great interview. I have numerous covid vaccine injured people in my support group who have turbo cancer. One just lost her husband who had turbo cancer and she also has a rare cancer, she is a former nurse in Canada.
This has to stop. We are sick and dying at a astronomical rate. We have to share our truth and hold these people accountable!.
And we can't miss this new story over at Natural News reporting that according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, there are 20 different 'mechanisms' of 'COVID vaccine injury'that help to explain all the injuries and illnesses still being caused by 'the vax' to this day as also heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. Yet despite all of these proven injuries and deaths caused by 'the vax,' the CDC is pushing us to go out and get another round of boosters, sure to cause more injuries and deaths in the future.
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According to this March 3rd story at Slay News, a group of some of the world's leading scientists from Cambridge University has warned, at least 25% of those who've been 'vaxxed' now have VAIDS, vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Warning that according to a recent study, a whopping 1 out of 4 of those questioned suffered an 'unintended immune response' at some point following their shots, those scientists none-the-less toed the line, calling the problems people were experiencing 'a glitch' in the shots.
Proving once again that many of those people who are sitting in the positions that would allow them to take a hard stand against 'the vax' as a whole are instead caving in to pressure from the 'big pharma-government-military' complex that created and keeps pushing these death shots upon the masses no matter how many people are dying, we're seeing the results of this very real 'genocide' unfolding in front of our eyes as reported in this new story by Dr. Joseph Mercola titled "Shocking Finding: Life Expectancy Continues to Plummet" which bluntly warned: "As the dust settles on a global health emergency, a more insidious threat looms large, quietly erasing years of life and widening the gap between genders."
Reporting in that story that "provisional estimates and finalized reports reveal a significant decline in American life expectancy with young adults bearing the brunt of excess deaths," note once again that the 'young and healthy' and people in the primes of their lives are getting hit hardest, Americans, both men and women, of 'fighting age' having their lives wiped out while fighting age men continue to flow into this country unabated.
As if 'the vax' was 'bioengineered' as a very real 'act of war' upon us, created to kill those who might eventually be called upon to defend this country in war time, who'd put it past the globalists, who created COVID 19 in biolabs in Wuhan, China and across the world to do while forcing Americans to get injected with a very real bioweapon, to do such a thing when they're at war with America?
With Dr. Mercola's alarming story just more proof the American people have been targeted for 'elimination,' and largely by psychopathic eugenicists within our own military and government, as we've warned in this story, even 'pure bloods' aren't immune to this madness if they spend time with 'the vaxxed,' with shedding proven and Dr. McCullough and Dr. Makis warning that they've had patients who were unvaccinated and were still falling ill with vax injuries and turbo cancers.
And meanwhile, the 'mass murderers' continue to urge the American people to go out and 'get the latest booster,'ignoring all of the evidence of the damage they've been causing as heard in both the 1st and 2nd videos below while in the final video, we're told by Australian senator Malcolm Roberts that the so-called "pandemic" was planned and globally co-ordinated, decades in advance. This is genocide.
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