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October 16, 2024

No Matter Who Wins The November U.S. Presidential Election, Remember There Is No Happy Ending To The Story Of America In 2024

Submitted by Rob Pue -All News Pipeline

I was sitting beside a lake recently, admiring the beautiful autumn sunset and thanking God for the serenity of that place, the beauty of His creation and the peace in that tiny part of the world I was sitting in.It was still warm out for this time of year in Wisconsin; an Indian summer, but the falling leaves will soon give way to falling snow. And I believe the Holy Spirit spoke a single, simple word to me: Remember.

Remember this time of serenity, beauty and peace in this place, because it wont always be this way, and things can change so quickly.The rest of the world is in great turmoil now, so appreciate and remember this blessing.You have no idea whats coming quickly.

I cant imagine the devastation people in our Southeastern states are going through and in just a few weeks we have the November election.Its been said that this is the most important election in all of American history.I know they always say that, but this time, the outcome really is critical and will let us all know if our nation will be quickly cast down to hell or if Gods patience and longsuffering will be extended just a little bit longer.Just a quick question: how is it that 2-5 million illegals registered to vote in November isnt foreign election interference?And those are just the illegals we know about that the Regime has already registered.The actual number is most certainly much higher.

Im under no delusion that there will be mass repentance in America, or that suddenly, the modern American Church will finally take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously.Of course, some will and a remnant alreadyhavehumbled themselves, prayed, sought Gods face, and turned from their wicked ways.But the majority of those who call themselves Christians have not.Like the rest of America, their hearts are hardened. Theyve chosen to believe the lies.Theyve chosen the broad and easy road rather than the narrow way.Theyve chosen apathy, luxury, comfort and ease.They preferred ignorance rather than truth.Theyre of their father, the devil, and are the ones who will hear,Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.I never knew you, as Jesus pronounces the final judgment.

Why do I believe that most dont understand the lateness of the hour?Isaiah 5:20-23,Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink; which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!Read the rest of Isaiah 5 if you want to know what happens next.

We were so greatly blessed in this land of the free and home of the brave, but with our luxury, comfort and ease came complacency.Though many watchmen on the wall were sent to warn us, few heeded the warnings and now this most blessed of all nations has been cursed with falsehood and lies, sexual depravity, unjust and tyrannical rulers, and though we may not see it with our human eyes, the blood of the innocent floods every street in every neighborhood in every city and town across this land.

Ronald Reagan once said, If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.The Democratic party, long ago, exchanged God for Satan in their party platform.And while the Republican party gives lip service to the notion of religious liberty, they have, this year, disavowed all support of the right to life for the unborn.Im sorry, but you cant expect me to believe youre serious about your Christian faith if you refuse to adamantly defend and protect the very lives of precious babies.

Once again, its a case of the lesser of two evils.On one hand, if Kamala Harris is selected, along with Tim Walz, we have an immediate straight-line expressway to full on Communism.Theres absolutely no doubt whatsoever about that.It will be immediate and drastic.Harris is the daughter of a Marxist college professor.No one questions that.Thats the ideology she was raised with in her middle class home.The United States of America will be immediately turned over to the New World Order, under Globalist control.Their first order of business will be to confiscate guns and abolish the second amendment.Harris has already stated thats essential for her.

Then, were talking crushing tax burdens, forcing even a majority of Americans into homelessness.Bankruptcy for countless corporations and Mom and Pop businesses.Were talking the further weaponization of the healthcare system and more purposeful depopulation of the useless eaters.Add to that, re-education centers for adults and increased brainwashing in our public schools and colleges for children and young people.

The end of affordable energy, strict travel restrictions, and of course, federally-funded abortions up to and after the time of birth.You may as well add federally funded euthanasia and suicide, because if they arent able to kill enough babies prior to or at birth, or enough people with their mandated jabs and the poisoning of our air and food supplies, theyll be happy to pay to end your life when you just cant take any more of their tyranny and oppression.

Of course, the insanity of transgenderism with an endless array of sexual identities will only grow more intense and idiotic and the majority will be forced to bow down to the cult of the growing minority of individuals with gender dysphoria a condition of mental illness that is cultivated, nurtured and encouraged by the radical left.Not to mention the acceptance and celebration of minor attracted persons.

Then there is Americas place on the world stage.Theres no doubt that the US Dollar will become extinct as we join a new, One-World digital currency.Our military will be placed under the control of a Globalist government.The hated Christian White Male will be targeted in every possible way by every traitorous government agency.America as weve known it, will be forever gone.

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On the other hand, if Trump is allowed to take office, you can be assured there will be no peaceful transfer of power.If thats whats been decided, then you can rest assured that every possible form of chaos, anarchy, discord, lawlessness, pandemonium, turmoil and mobocracy is, even now, being planned to rain down utter destruction in every city and small town nationwide.There will be nowhere to hide.

I have no doubt that Obamas private army, which hes boasted of so often, is already training.Then, add in the millions of illegal enemy combatants that have already been settled into this country under the Regime, just waiting for the call on their government-issued cell phones to launch the attack.There will be no escape.It will be open season on all American citizens.

Trump will have no other option than to declare martial law to maintain some semblance of law and order, which of course, will then give the subversive mainstream media even more opportunity to openly declare him a fascist.

Trump has an ambitious list of things hed like to accomplish, but if you think the Left and those of his own party are going to stop the attacks theyve been piling on him for the past eight years, youd be wrong.

He wants to seal the border, stop the invasion and begin deporting the criminal illegals already here.He wants to bring energy independence to our nation and end the nonsensical Green New Deal and all-electric mandates.Also on his list: end inflation, bring manufacturing jobs back to America, provide tax cuts, defend the Constitution and bill of rights, restore peace in Europe and the Middle East, set up an Iron Dome defense system like Israel has here in this country and rebuild our rotting cities.

His plan includes strengthening our military, keeping the US Dollar as the world reserve currency, cutting federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children.He wants to keep men out of womens sports, secure our elections and unite the country.

This all sounds great, but bear in mind, that as he struggles to achieve these goals, hes going to be fighting for his life against the Democrats, Republicans and the Global Deep State.Their attacks will be unrelenting, and as I already stated, the country will be in turmoil like weve never seen before because of the mass violence that will certainly be everywhere...orchestrated by the demonic Left.

Of course, thats assuming Donald Trump makes it to November 5th, and then to January20th.In addition to never-ending witch hunts by a weaponized justice department, FBI and CIA, hes already survived two assassination attempts so far, and its been reported that there are now five separate teams of trained assassins hunting him, along with the nation of Iran.Hes also been warned that these professional killers are armed with surface-to-air missiles, which could be launched from anywhere on the ground and aimed at his campaign jet as it leaves the ground.

And as I write this, Im told that the Secret Service, which failed in its duties to protect Trump so miserably on July 13th, has only gotten worse.Like so many other things, we have the traitor Mayorkas to blame for this too.

I must admit: Trump is an enigma to me.Why would he want this job in the first place?Why is he enduring so much personal trauma, for a goal that, even if he manages to accomplish, will leave him in an impossible situation with constant attacks for at least the next four years or until hes killed?

And I must also wonder why he went along with the scam-demic of COVID.He most certainly had to know COVID was a psy-op, Fauci was a criminal and the jab was deadly.Why did he continue to fund Planned Parenthood?Why has he been so supportive of the LGBTQP+ agenda? Hediddo many things I agreed with during his first term, but others just left me wondering, what in the world??Two things are clear... Harris is an express train to immediate Communism; and Trump is an enigma.

Today we stand at the brink of World War 3 for real this time.Weve come close before, but its never been this close.America has faced threats from enemies many times in the past, but never so badly from within, and the thing that enrages me the most is that our own government has imported these violent criminals, intent on our destruction and has made us pay for it.And we should note that while the federal government hasneverbeen on the side of the American people, theres never before been a time in history that its beenthiscorrupt and traitorous...with every 3-letter agency now the avowed enemy of us all.

Americans just want to be left alone.We want to be able to go about our daily lives, raise our families in peace, pay our bills and not be crushed to death by sadistic tax burdens.We want to raise our kids ourselves, not have their health, their hearts, minds and souls stolen by Big Brother.We dont want to be forced to agree that 2 plus 2 equals five or that evil is good and good is evil.We want an end to lawlessness, and we want to see justice prevail.We just want to be able to go sit beside a lake sometimes, breathe in the crisp, fall air and admire the grand beauty of Gods handiwork of Creation and thank Him for the blessings of peace and tranquility.

We dont want war, we dont want injustice, we dont want gay everything. We dont want the murder of babies to be normal anymore. We dont want Leftist and transgender rage and vengeance.We dont want racial hatred. And it would be nice if we could trust those weve hired to lead us.

But right now, Id urge you to enjoy what you have.In a few weeks, I dare say things are going to look a lot different than they do today.And no matter what happens, there is no happy ending to the story of America in 2024.

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