June 23, 2023
As NATO Members Fast-Track Ukraine's Entry Into Their Private Genocidal War Club, The Global Psychopaths Master Plan To Eliminate 90 Percent Of The World's Population Is Right On Track
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
In an excellent comment ANP reader Johnny Shaffer recently left on this new ANP story, Johnny told us why World War 3 is now unavoidable, or even taking place right now before our eyes with the unparalleled placing of Western military assets in Ukraine, with Johnny linking to this story over at RT reporting numerous influential NATO members are now backing the fast-tracking of Ukraine into their private little genocidal war club, with the UK leading the way, though not all NATO members agree.
With that story, interestingly, coming out just 2 days after this story over at MSN reporting Russian President Vladimir Putin had just announced his plans of deploying hypersonic "Satan-2" nuclear-capable missiles, along with the next generation of Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, during a military graduation ceremony, with Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warning graduates that a "real war"was being waged against Russia by the "collective West,"as that story reported, not only were those missiles designed to hit targets thousands of miles away in the US and Europe but at present, the US and Europe have no defenses against such weaponry.
Able to be launched from the land, sea, or air, and forming Russia's so-called 'nuclear triad,' that story claimed such missiles would allow Russia to completely obliterate the UK in only 6 minutes, meaning if used, most people in the UK wouldn't even have a clue they were about to die until it was far too late.
And while we here at ANP would absolutely love to believe some insane-sounding claims made by one ANP commenter that nuclear weapons don't exist at all and their alleged 'existence' is merely used by the globalists as a threatening 'fear factor' to keep the masses scared and 'in line,' until proof of that claim is given, we'll continue to accept the historical accounts of the August 6th and August 9th of 1945 destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan via atomic bombs detonated by the United States.
With videos such as this 1945 classic showing us the scale of the destruction caused all across those two cities in Japan, and showing us absolute obliteration, and with reports that over 450,000 people died because of those two days in those two cities alone, most of them civilians, it's not too difficult to see how much more devastating such weaponry is now in 2023, over 75 years later. And whether 'nuclear bombs' or some other kinds of weapons of mass death that were used to annihilate Japan, as Steve Quayle and Mike Adams of Natural News warn us in the emergency broadcast 1st video at the bottom of this story, unimaginable levels of chaos and mayhem await America once the first bomb goes off.

With Michael Snyder reporting in this recent story over at The End of The American Dream titled "As Russia Prepares To Use Tactical Nukes, Millions Of You Dont Even Realize You Are Going To Die In A Third World War," that a countless number of Americans and people throughout the world will spend their last moments upon this Earth once such outright annihilation begins, most having no clue at all that they and their families are in such peril, we'd much rather be prepared for the catastrophe that World War 3 will bring to the world than completely oblivious and unaware of such possible dangers.
So while we pray that at some point in the days, weeks and months ahead, the 'collective West' that Russian Defense Minister Shoigu warned about will return to sanity, all we need to do is take a quick look at what's happening all across America today to realize such a thing is unlikely to occur, especially with the biden crime cabal also quite literally waging a genocidal war, directly upon the American people, who don't agree with that 'insanity' being exhibited by those who 'run' the country, straight into the ground we might add.
With the NuclearWarMap simulator graphic seen above showing us that a 8000kt surface level strike upon Washington DC would bring about 100% casualties within 2.70 miles of 'Ground Zero' with 100% of those within 25 1/2 miles either being killed or devastatingly injured, meaning people as far away from DC as Annapolis, Maryland would either be killed or severely injured, take note that it also shows deadly levels of radioactive fallout as far away as New York City and all the way up the East Coast.
And with the probability of World War 3 one day hitting the Washington DC area one of the huge reasons why I myself 'bugged out' of that area well over 10 years ago, with 'population density' one of the key 'rules of survival,' where would you rather be when the bombs start falling? In a big city area with over a million of your 'closest friends' living within a few square miles, and with very limited resources, or somewhere far, far away from the cities and suburbs, surrounded by other 'preppers' and those who 'see the handwriting on the table?' The important excerpt below comes to us from this Natural News story and gives us a look at why WW3 is looking to be closer and closer every day, with no 'winners' anywhere once this goes hot.
Russian president Vladimir Putin is now warning the West about military escalations that could lead to nuclear war. As reported by the UK Daily Mail, Putin warns that a Third World War would be catastrophic for the world. "There will be no winners," he says, "including America."
Writing at SHTFplan.com, Michael Snyder posts additional comments from Putin that speak directly about the possibility of nuclear strikes against American cities or military bases:
We were forced to try to end the war that the West started in 2014 by force of arms. And Russia will end this war by force of arms, freeing the entire territory of the former Ukraine from the United States and Ukrainian Nazis. There are no other options, Putin said.
The Ukrainian army of the US and NATO will be defeated, no matter what new types of weapons it receives from the West. The more weapons there are, the fewer Ukrainians and what used to be Ukraine will remain.
And importantly, he emphasized that Direct intervention by NATOs European armies will not change the outcome. But in this case, the fire of war will engulf the whole of Europe. It looks like the US is ready for that too.
Also bringing up the fact within their story that its indisputable that Russia has the world's most advanced assortment of nuclear missiles, including nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles for which the West has no effective defense,we feel it's not just a 'coincidence' that the USA under 'biden and his merry little band of terrorists' keeps poking the 'Russian bear,' and quite literally 'begging to be nuked,' with it proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the globalists have a 'depopulation agenda' and they truly believe in their insane minds that they NEED to 'eliminate' a HUGE portion of the world's population, believing the world is hugely 'overpopulated.'
As Steve Quayle warns us in that 1st video below, everything that we've been witnessing recently is part of the globalists master plan to destroy 9/10th's of the world's population as seen on the Georgia Guidestones before they were mysteriously 'blown up' back on July 6th of 2022.
'Guideline #1' on the Guidestones: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. That at a time when the global population was over 8 BILLION people.
Read also from the Epoch Times: EpochTV: Russia Readies Satan II Nuclear Missile; Biden Warns Nuclear Threats Are Real | Live With Josh
Rising Number of Russian, Chinese Nationals at US Southern Border Raises Security Concerns
According to this Thursday story over at Zero Hedge, Half Of Russia's Strategic Missile Units Have Been Rearmed With Hypersonics.With their story also bringing up the recent Russian military institute graduation ceremony in which Putin vowed to deploy the world's most powerful nuclear weapons systems to defend Russia if necessary, we remind you that a huge portion of Russia has nuclear survival bunkers built for their populations, reported by Pravda to be a whopping 100% of their population, while here in America, a 'joe biden nuclear holocaust' would be greeted by virtually NO ONE except for the politicians and ultra-rich having underground bug-out shelters as Susan Duclos had reported in this February 25th of 2022 ANP story.
Meaning if WW3 does turn hot and America uses our nuclear weapons upon Russia, with Russia responding in kind by unleashing their entire arsenal of nuclear weaponry on America and the West, the Russian people will be much better prepared to survive the hell-fires unleashed than most of us here in the West, we see once again fromthis Natural News storywhy we serve our families and loved ones best by preparing for the madness biden and the globalists are not only preparing to unleash upon the world, but NEED to accomplish their devilish 'depopulation agenda'. From that story before our conclusion.
The issue at hand is that the United States of America -- led by raging, hate-filled tyrants and historically illiterate "woke" idiots like Victoria Nuland at the State Dept. -- keeps provoking Russia on purpose. The latest provocation is the promise of providing nuclear-capable F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. These combat aircraft would be deployed from military bases outside of Ukraine (Poland, for example) and would attempt to engage Russian forces or launch nuclear missiles against military or infrastructure targets inside Russia.
Putin clearly explains that if the West deploys F-16s from military bases outside of Ukraine, Russia will consider those military bases to be legitimate targets for annihilation, most likely using nuclear weapons.
Yet launching nuclear weapons at European military bases would likely lead to European countries launching their own nuclear missiles aimed at Russia. As those are launched, Russia would almost certainly launch its entire nuclear arsenal at targets in Europe and the United States, resulting in the near-total nuclear annihilation of the West.
And with so-called 'Russian influencers' actually calling on Putin and Russia to use their nuclear weapons upon America and the West to SAVE THE WORLD from America and our insane leaders, showing just how close we are to 'global catastrophe,' those who aren't prepared for Western cities to burn have already fallen behind the rapidly moving 8-ball. More discussed in the 1st video below include.:
- The pattern of escalation that leads to nuclear war
- Europe's military bases will be obliterated in giant mushroom clouds
- Why millions of oblivious people will soon be dead
- Putin promises to engulf America in the fire of nuclear annihilation
- Is 2023 humanity's last year on planet Earth? (Scott Ritter)
- Full interview with Steve Quayle on Russia's nuclear arsenal
- Why nuclear war will unleash "unimaginable mayhem" as Americans PANIC
- Almost no one is truly prepared for World War III
- Russia's missiles can strike any target, anywhere on the planet
And in the 2nd video below we hear videographer 'Canadian Prepper' discussing many of the topics we've gone over within this story, including the latest threats by Russia to use their 'Satan 2 nuclear weaponry' upon America and the West and the very real possibility that the globalists will use 'false flag terrorism' in the US, Ukraine, Russia or elsewhere to trigger that forthcoming firestorm.
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