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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

August 3, 2022

As Attacks Against The Independent Media Increase Exponentially, The 'Ministry Of Truth' Trust Level Is Tanking As They Cannot Tolerate Independent Thought - The Correlation Is Impossible To Ignore

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

The reference to the "Ministry of Truth" in the headline, comes from George Orwell's book "1984" and is described by book analysis in the following manner:

The Ministry of Truth, like the other three ministries, has an ironic name. It purports to be focused on the pursuit of truth when in fact, the ministry is concerned with erasing the truth of the past and present and replacing it with whatever the Party deems correct. Those in charge of the ministry decide what truth is.

We have seen and used this reference many times in the past, but the most recent example comes from the MSM attempting change the official definition of "recession," in order to protect the Biden regime from the consequences of their policies.

Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" in America is what has been called the mainstream media, to which some have dubbed the "lame" stream media, changing definitions, trying to erase truth, and replacing it with what the Democrats want people to believe.

Below we delve into the correlation between the new historic record lows of trust in the media, and the increasing attacks against Independent Media. The lower they go, the harder democrats/media/social media/big tech, comes after the Independent Media.


When bloggers started writing about politics and news, the MSM wasn't worried at all, after all, how many people could they actually reach? Then more and more Independent websites started getting into the "news" game, politics, current events, and began countering the "official narrative" being offered by the MSM, as well as highlighting information the MSM wasn't covering.

Not only were Independent Media websites bypassing the decades-long control of information the MSM enjoyed, but the Internet itself offered the opportunity to "save" information, and to show visual proof time and time again when the MSM lied, misled, or ignored relevant information because it did match the "Ministry of Truth's" preferred narrative.

For anyone that has any doubt that the MSM pundits and TV personalities believe it is their "job" to "control" what people think, the short clip below (for those that haven't seen it before), shows MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski admitting it out loud.

Key quote: "And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job."

Up until then, before the 2016 Presidential election, the MSM still underestimated three key issues: 1) The distrust the majority of Americans have for the MSM; 2) The growing popularity of Independent Media, and; 3) The hunger of the American people for unfiltered news.

That popularity stems from a number of things. Providing/embedding documents when available instead of only cherry picking information out of them and insisting we know what you should be focusing on rather than putting it all out there and leaving it to the reader to decide. Offering a different angle, a big picture rather than doling out stories individually. Willingness to refuse to toe the "official narrative" line.

The point here is Independent Media, in general, reports with their own bias, yes, but offers information that the MSM refuses to report on, or downplays and buries if it doesn't fit their narrative. This allows the audience to "see" everything, all sides of an issue, the MSM provides theirs, Independent Media provides other considerations, and informed people then make their own decisions.

That is unacceptable to the "Ministry of Truth" and their puppet masters.


While the MSM, and those that control them have always had disdain for "bloggers," after 2016, when Independent Media bypass the MSM and help get Donald Trump elected, in their eyes, we then became the "enemy."

Washington Post hyped a website that listed Trump supporting websites as "Russian propaganda," social media kicked their censorship of conservatives, and conservative media into overdrive.

According to a former employee, Facebook has downranked and suppressed live content from conservative creators, as well as developed ways to censor 'trolls' who share 'toxic memes' and 'red-pill normies.'

Big tech websites such as Google started manipulating search results to prevent Americans from finding different points of view, different narratives than the MSM/Dem preferred narrative, and their video platform demonetized conservative creators, as they did with my own channel which focused on ANP content.

Sites such as Patreon, which allowed people to donate monthly, started suspending accounts, as they did with ANP, because we didn't toe the "official" narrative on Covid.

Google then started stripping ad services from websites that reported information that didn't comply with the "consensus," as they recently did with ANP.

The message is clear, comply or die. Stick to the media's "official narrative," or we'll bankrupt you.

Once again, the "Ministry of Truth" and their merry band of puppets, underestimated Americans desire to control their own knowledge flow, to make up their own mind armed with all available information. Those readers keep websites like ANP online, with donations, sharing articles, emailing them to friends and families, clicking on ads, and spreading knowledge.

A huge thank you for that ladies and gentlemen.... oh my, I said ladies and gentlemen.... once again, non-complying with the "pronoun" police of the Ministry of Truth!


Related:Big techs secondhand censorship shields conservatives from information at alarming rate, study shows

ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to the google ad services just dropping ANP articles,we'rerunning an fundraising drive this very moment and into the near future.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years.

Withdonations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


The category bullet point above says it all, but lets offer the proof of our assertions, with the chart above from Gallup's July 18, 2022 article, and the specific quotes below.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' confidence in two facets of the news media -- newspapers and television news -- has fallen to all-time low points. Just 16% of U.S. adults now say they have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in newspapers and 11% in television news. Both readings are down five percentage points since last year.

The breakdown is even more interesting, with a majority of Republicans, Independents and Democrats, expressing distrust. Republicans and Independents more so that Democrats, but that is to be expected since the MSM has a liberal bias.

Granted the MSM shot themselves in the head, especially during the Trump years, with countless fake news stories, misleading content, selectively edited quotes and videos, attacks against MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters, but the fact that they now have Independent Media to hold them accountable, keeping the receipts as they say by way of video proof, links, archiving content before they have a chance to stealth edit, etc.....has also help expose them as the "Ministry of Truth" from Orwell's '1984.'

See:Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List (157)


The lower the MSM sinks, the more read/watch Independent Media, the harder the "Ministry of Truth" attacks Independent Media.

The correlation between the coordinated social media, big tech, and MSM attacks against Independent Media and the continuing downward death spiral of the MSM, is at this point, impossible to ignore.

The Ministry of Truth can no longer tolerate Independent thought on the part of Americans.

There is absolutely no doubt that the attacks will not only continue, but will increase exponentially.

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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P.O. Box 575
McHenry, MD. 21541


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