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October 8, 2022

OPEN THREAD: Midterm Election 2022: Control For The U.S. Senate And U.S. House Of Representatives At Stake - Can Republicans Turn Biden Into A Dementia-Ridden Lame Duck?

ByAll News PipeLine

Finally, November 8th is here, after what seemed like the midterm election cycle that never ends.

[Updates will be added throughout the day in the comment section below, by ANP readers]

At stake is control of Congress. Republicans are massively favored to take control of the House of Representatives, while control the U.S. Senate is a much tighter race with Republicans just slightly favored.

We at ANP are asking readers to share in the comment section any and every election-related news they find. Where voting is going smoothly, where irregularities are being seen and what they are personally experiencing when heading to the polls to cast their vote.

The stakes are high. If Republicans can pick up one additional seat for control for the Senate, then Joe Biden will be rendered a lame duck.....a dementia-ridden lame duck, but a lame duck nonetheless.

In the video below, pollsters go through the key races that will decide who gets control of the Senate and why they think as they do.

We have also been warned, multiple times, by Pennsylvania that they do not expect to have completed their count by the end of the night, so without a clear win, equaling 51 seats for Republicans by the end of counting for the rest, we could be waiting more than a week for the final results.

There are some livestream events going on through the day, and those are embedded below.

The last set of polls for the U.S. Senate, posted at Real Clear Politics on November 7, shown below:

Attorneys for both the Republicans and Democrats are on standby in each state, prepared to challenge any fraud, intimidation, undated ballots, and any other issue the lawyers can think of to fight for each and every seat, specifically the Senate seats.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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