March 24, 2022
With Eugenicist Warning 'Disease Would Be The Fastest Way To Kill The Billions That Must Soon Die' To 'Solve The Population Crisis', Expect More Bioterror Attacks Upon Americans

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While we'd reported just days ago on ANP to BEWARE more incoming tyranny with Joe Biden's new pick as 'COVID Czar' another freedom-hating despot who's pushing for mandatory 'vax passports' for Americans to simply live their every day lives, i.e., going grocery shopping, going to church, visiting the beauty shop or going to the library, while insanely claiming such a requirement wouldn't violate the civil rights of anyone, if you haven't yet heard Dr. Ben Marble speak on these matters yet, he's well worth listening to.
Having testified back in January at the "On COVID: 2nd Opinion" hearings held by Senator Ron Johnson in which a 2nd perspective was offered on this entire 'COVID-op', as the Epoch Times also reported back in January, just days after those hearings, Dr. Marble's organization,, has had HUGE success treating COVID patients, over 150,000 (200,000+ now) of them, allegedly with a 99.99% survival rate.
And while Dr. Marble is located in Gulf Breeze, Florida, as this WEAR-TV story reported, Dr. Marble has been'virtually treating' all of these COVID-19 patients patients for free, though donations are absolutely welcome, using 'alternative therapies' shunned by the establishment and mainstream media, reported in this Chicago Now story to be a treatment protocol consisting of: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Monoclonal Antibodies, Prednisone, and other low-cost, generic drugs.
Also advocating that their patients take vitamin D and vitamin C, and zinc as well, as that Chicago Now story pointed out, "in other words, stuff that Faucis Big Pharma cabal opposes because it cant get rich from low-cost, widely available meds." And aswe hear from Dr. Marble in the only video at the bottom of this story, he believes biological warfare is being carried out upon Americans and has been for over 2 years now.
With numerous people who had at one point in time tested positive for COVID who ANP has communicated with who told us they felt like they'd been hit with some kind of biological weapon, maybe we shouldn't be surprised, as we'dreported all the way back in February of 2020 on ANP, only months after this pandemic began, after interviewing biological weapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle, that there was no doubt in his mind all the way back then the world was dealing with a COVID bioweapon.
So we'll be taking a look within this ANP story at that video below featuring Dr. Ben Marble of in an excellent video within which we learn not only about Dr. Marble's insights into COVID and the process of healing COVID as well as his thoughts on the globalists agenda.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
Before continuing we have to briefly look back. Back on July 23rd of 2020, USA Today decided to do a 'fact check' storytied to the COVID outbreak titled "Fact check: U.N. Agenda 21/2030 'New World Order' is not a real document," a story within which the 'gatekeepers' supposedly 'examined' the 'new world order' and whether or not 'global government' was part of the United Nations plans for the world.
Employing Orwellian 'doublethink' to a tee within the story, speaking out of both sides of their mouths within it as they both confirmed and denied the UN's Agenda 2030, confirminga resolution adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 2015 that is focused around achieving 17 goals within 15 yearswhile denying such a beast had anything at all to do with 'global government', that story is typical of what we've seen from the MSM on all topics they've deemed 'conspiracy' for decades now.
Yet anyone who has been paying attention for the past several decades has seen the moves being made in unison by national governments from all around the world to combine into a massive conglomerate, those moves also being made concurrently by the mainstream media, big tech, big corporations, big pharma and the big social media conglomerates. As we also hear in this video, that is fascism, and the value of the human being is reduced to being a mere commodity.
And with those moves also all being made towards a much more 'tyrannical state' than any 'free people' should ever have to deal with, the fact that this 'beast' has long called the 'new world order' a 'conspiracy theory,' despite numerous US presidents having mentioned it, most recently Joe Biden just days ago as reported in this ANP story,it was warned the unspoken words from Biden's recent 'new world order speech' were: 'but we'll have to DESTROY the 'old world order' to bring in 'the new world order' I speak of'.
And we've been warned of over and over and over again about these moves towards 'global government' happening at the very same time when the globalists believe in their insane minds that they NEED 'depopulation' in order to 'weed out' the 'useless eaters' to get our planet Earth's population down to a much more 'manageable' number, say, 500 million as written on the Georgia Guidestones. Yet as has been pointed out again and again, that 500 million would require a 7 billion human culling.
So while they may very well end up resorting to 'nuclear war' to accomplish that absolutely pertinent objective of theirs, it's been warned they prefer to avoid the 'nuclear' route as the radiation unleashed would cause havoc across most of the planet. So eugenicists like Dr. Erik Pianka have suggested 'disease' as the way to do it, just as Dr. Ben Marble warns us of in the only video below.
Dr. Pianka's comments republished below offer us a look into the mind of the globalist cabal while warning us that more and more of these bioterror attacks upon us will likely be coming soon.
War and famine would not do. Instead, disease offered the most efficient and fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die if the population crisis is to be solved. AIDS is not an efficient killer because it is too slow. My favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world's population is airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. "We've got airborne diseases with 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that. "You know, the bird flu's good, too. For everyone who survives, he will have to bury nine.
And while thankfully, COVID isn't ebola, and it definitely didn't kill off anywhere near 90% of the world's population as Dr. Pianka and surely many other globalists hope will eventually be killed off, just reading those comments gives us great insight into the minds of the globalists who want us all dead and why Dr. Marble is right on the money in the video below, the globalists are waging war upon humanity. Some of the comments made by Dr. Marble in this video include:
"This is war. You know, people don't realize that. This is a biological war, the bioterror war started in 2020. We know 'Dr. Death' Fauci funded the creation of the COVID-19 virus and the poison. So this is bioterrorism. They unleashed bioterrorism on the world but we still have this denial. A lot of people just don't understand we are under biological war and have been since 2020."
Echoing the warnings given to ANP over two years ago by bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle, warnings that were insanely called 'conspiracy theory' by the mainstream media which never investigated the 'theory' at all while running cover on the theory all the way, this video gives us a look at the 'COVID-op' through the eyes of a doctor who has had tremendous success treating his patients.
And we should also remember how the entire establishment has gone out of their way over the last several years to attack medical doctors like Dr. Marble, doctors who went against the globalist narrative. So we thank Dr. Marble, and ALL of the other doctors who have done so, for having the courage to speak out. Also discussed in this video are America's descent into fascism, the ongoing 'great reset' and much, much more.
So by all means, if you believe that you may have been exposed to COVID at some point in time and don't want to deal with the mainstream doctors/hospitals who have shunned alternative treatments such as Ivermectin, please reach out to, doing so could very well save your life. And personally, knowing that MyFreeDoctor was founded by a Patriot like Dr. Marble, who has shown the courage to go where most others fear tread, is a great reason to support their work.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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