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December 24, 2023

Media Lies To Protect A Treasonous Joe Biden Ahead Of The 2024 Presidential Election - Claim Trump Would Be A Dictator, Ignoring All The Dictatorial Actions Of The Biden Regime Over The Last Three Years

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

2023 was not a banner year. In fact, the three years since Biden took office have all brought America to its lowest points in a number of areas, news lows for each year Joe Biden has occupied the White House.

Of course the media has been singing Biden's praises, carrying the regime's water, and doing their part to interfere in the 2024 presidential election, just as they did with the 2020 presidential election when they insisted before the election that the Hunter Biden "laptop from hell" was "Russian disinformation" before admitting it was real after the election was over.

Only now, three years in, the media is attempting to get Biden reelected in 2024, despite the fact that his regime has literally committed treason and turned America into a Banana Republic using lawfare against political opponents, from J6 protesters to the leading GOP candidate who leads Biden in the polls.

Now critics will instantly point out that Biden hasn't been charged with treason, yet neither has Donald Trump been charged with "insurrection" and yet that hasn't stopped the media, Biden and his merry band of Democrats from constantly claiming Trump led an insurrection on January 6, 2021.

What is good for the goose and all that!

We'll start with the treasonous acts: The Biden regime has allowed, and in fact facilitated, an invasion of the United states of America by allowing more than 10 million illegal immigrants to invade America by crossing the border. That report was from October, yet new reports state that approximately 10,000 illegals are crossing every single day.

But over recent days, more than 10,000 migrants have unlawfully crossed the US-Mexico border daily numbers not seen since days before the lifting of a Covid-era restriction known as Title 42 that allowed authorities to turn back migrants at the border. Whats uniquely challenging about this moment is that multiple sectors many of them remote are overwhelmed so usual processes to try to decompress or to process migrants are more complicated and result in migrants waiting in droves to be taken into custody.

A GOP candidate in Arizona claims illegal aliens are being handed a "cell phone, a plane ticket to anywhere they want to go in this countryso, probably to a community near youand a $5,000 Visa card."

Fact checkers in the MSM claim there is no truth to that story, yet with the amount of disinformation the national liberal media have pushed over the last 7-8 years, it is hard to trust their assertions of disinformation.

This is what happens when trust in the media continues to hit new lows, no one can be sure if they are reporting factually or lying through their teeth to protect Joe Biden.

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A sign at the "Justice for J6" protest

J6 Political Prisoners: J6 protesters were held in prison without due process. They were not given "speedy trials, as is required by law. Nor were they allowed to bond out, which generally only happens in cases of murder or when the defendants prove to be a flight risk.

In America, speedy trial rights are protected by the Speedy Trial Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution. For federal charges, the Speedy Trial Act of 1974 applies. The trial must commence within 70 days from the date the information or indictment was filed, or from the date the defendant appears before an officer of the court in which the charge is pending, whichever is later.

The Act establishes time limits for completing the various stages of a federal criminal prosecution. The information or indictment must be filed within 30 days from the date of arrest or service of the summons. 18 U.S.C. 3161(b). Trial must commence within 70 days from the date the information or indictment was filed, or from the date the defendant appears before an officer of the court in which the charge is pending, whichever is later. 18 U.S.C. 3161(c)(1).

Dictatorial Actions: The Biden regime has also taken actions that go against the law. For example, the student loan bailouts where Biden decided to cancel$430 billion in student loan debt. The Biden regime was taken to court, and in the end the Supreme Court ruled against the plan. Biden went ahead and did it anyway using a "variety of different tools that no previous president had ever used to this extent."

Look at the vaccine mandates, where Biden said the following about Republican Governors that were blocking his mandates in their states: :"Ill use my power as president to get them out of the way."

His first week in the White House Biden decided to rule by Executive Order.

In President Bidens first week alone, he has signed 37 executive orders and actions as of Thursday. Thats 33 more than the guy he indirectly referred to as a dictator, in the form of predecessor Donald Trump. Its 32 more than his old boss, Barack Obama, and 37 more than George W. Bush, who signed zero in his first week as president.

Another authoritarian move on Biden's part was when the regime "put pressure on big tech companies to infringe on Americans' First Amendment rights to discuss COVID policies or election integrity." A federal Judge stated in ruling blocking the Biden regime from communicating with social media and tech companies, that "During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian Ministry of Truth."

Last for this article, but definitely not the last of Biden's attack against Americans, is the latest FBI category of targeted individuals, namely, MAGA supporters.

The irony of all this, and more, is that the MSM has been on a rant claiming that Trump would be a dictator if elected in 2024.

Just more proof the media is doing everything in their power to get Biden reelected, and if, as many think, Biden drops out before the 2024 presidential election, any other Democrat.


The MSM hides behind the First Amendment to get away with their lies, and their own form of treason against Americans, so they will never be held legally accountable for the damage they have done to this nation.

The only way for Americans to hold the media accountable is to not read them, refuse to click their websites, pay for their papers or pay to get behind paywalls. Otherwise "we the people" are literally paying them to lie to us.

Reject their cable news shows, or their nightly national news. Local news generally does an okay job on local issues, but they too will push the "official narrative" on national issues, so beware there as well.

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The MSM is not going to stop trying to influence elections or push their own political view on Americans, unless we stop funding them.

The video below is extremely hard to listen to, as the wife of one the J6 political prisoners describes what her husband, a former cops, has gone through over the last 633 he has been held without being brought to trial.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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