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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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June 13, 2024

Media Melts Down As Trump 'Steals' (Yes, That Is The Word Liberal MSM Used) Young Voters, Hispanics And A Small Portion Of Black Voters - They Finally Admit They Think They 'Own' Certain Demographics

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Donald Trump has exposed quite a lot in the years since he rode down the elevator in 2015 and announced his candidacy for president.

He exposed the extent of the liberal media bias, something that was obvious before Trump entered the political arena, but nowhere near as blatant as after the announcement.

He exposed the Republican members of the "uniparty," which are basically democrats in disguise, which resulted in getting rid of many of them, although conservatives still have a ways to go in separating true conservative from the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only).

Of the 10 Republicans that voted to impeach Trump, only two are left in Congress.

His three nominations and confirmation and seating of Supreme Court Justices, and the subsequent ruling in Roe v Wade, sending the issue of abortion back to the states, exposed the fanatical commitment by Democrats towards killing the most vulnerable among us, the unborn. It was always known that Democrats and liberals (in many cases the same thing, since moderates are a dying breed) favored abortion more than Republicans and conservatives, but the lengths they are willing to go in order to kill unborn babies, has been on public national display since the Roe v Wade ruling.

Trump also exposed the extreme bias, and compromised federal intelligence agencies, and specific members of said agencies, that actively worked against Trump when he was in office.

Imagine any federal agencies, or members of those agencies actively working against their boss in any other country?

In some countries those members would have been prosecuted and jailed, and in other countries treasonous actions against their leaders would be a death penalty. Even corporations and businesses would at least fire anyone that actively worked against the good of the business.

The biggest complaint we hear about Trump from conservatives is his refusal to acknowledge the damage Operation Warp Speed, which was the rush to develop a Covid vaccine, has done, particularly so-called "vaccine injuries," which include death. The again, being a germaphobe, Trump was always going to favor medical "experts," so many understand he perhaps wasn't the best to be holding office during a pandemic, even one that was deliberately created in a lab.

Another thing Trump exposed was the lengths social media and Big Tech giants would go to to kill Independent Media, especially the websites that collectively forced the MSM to acknowledge certain topics such as Hillary Clinton's email scandal, her health issues when she passed out at a 9/11 memorial service. Another action that brought the weight of Big Tech and social media giants down on the head of Independent Media, was the truthful reporting of the media bias, where more than 90% of MSM stories about Trump were hostile and negative.

Note on image above: Sorry we cannot find a better image of what Red Flag News had on their website until their hosting ended, and the entire site shut down, but since it was in 2017, things appear to be disappearing down the memory hole of the internet.

Our greatest fear is having ANP readers wake up to a message like the one Red Flag News (shown above) had on their now defunct website (their link now redirects to a Twitter page), explaining that due to the censorship that began in earnest after the 2016 election where Independent Media collectively helped Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, we were out of business. For the rest of the year already paid for the website hosting, folks would be able to still comment to each other on older stories, but no new content would be forthcoming.

One of the biggest things trump exposed in discussed in the next section.

(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)


Over the years Democrats have assumed multiple demographics of the population belong to them, because historically those demographics have voted for them in overwhelmingly high percentages, but Trump has exposed the fact that Democrats actually think they "own" those populations.

Blacks, Hispanics, and the youth vote has previously favored Democrats, and we have often reported over the years that if a Republican candidate could get just 5% to 10% of those groups, Democrats would be in a world of hurt.

This election cycle we see constant reports with headlines such as "Trumps surge in polls with Black voters stuns CNN analyst: Truly historic"

Don't get me wrong, Blacks still overwhelming support Democrats, but the media reaction to Trump's doubling of support with Black voters, is causing shock amongst the media, and those that assume Black must vote with Democrats, as if they own them.

"My goodness gracious," he said as he reacted to the polling average, which showed Trump's support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020. Biden, meanwhile, saw a 12% drop, though he still holds a 47-point lead.

I had to laugh at that direct quote "my goodness gracious." The shock is palpable.

Same thing goes for Hispanics, a left-leaning website (meaning far left since those that rate websites also lean left), The Conversation, reports that "any move towards Trump among these groups [Hispanics] is particularly interesting"," stating the reason is because "Hispanics have historically lent towards the Democrats."

Again, you feel the authors shock that voters Democrat treat as if they own them, are daring to gravitate towards Trump.

With Hispanics, that move is far more prevalent than the move by Blacks towards toward Trump.

Here are the numbers that are freaking Democrats out:

The chart also shows that the gap between support for Biden and Trump started to narrow after the latters 2016 victory. In 2020 44% of the Hispanic vote went to Biden and only 16% to Trump, a gap of 28 points. According to voting intentions in the 2024 YouGov survey that gap is now six points.

A gap of 28 points favoring Democrats has dwindled to just 6 points.

While the palpable shock alone simply indicates they believe they own those votes, a new piece by Axios, another left-leaning website, regarding young voters, finally drops the pretense by Democrats that they don't "own" certain segments of the population.

I took a screen shot of the Axios headline, just in case they realize what they have admitted and change it.


The definition of "steal" from states " take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force:

The latest New York Times/Siena polling of likely voters has President Biden with just a 2-point lead over Trump among those between 18-29. A recent Quinnipiac survey has Trump ahead by a point among registered voters between 18-34.

By contrast, CNN exit polling showed that Biden won the 18-29-year-old vote by 24 percentage points in 2020, and that Hillary Clinton won it by 19 points in 2016.

They have finally given up pretending that they do not believe they own certain voters, because one does not accuse someone of stealing something from them if they do not believe the item, or in this case, the demographic, belongs to them.


In 2016, Republicans and conservatives know the media was going after Trump with negative reporting, so Independent Media websites, collectively worked to bypass traditional media, and helped get Trump elected as president.

It didn't hurt that Hillary Clinton was disliked.

In 2020, Independent Media didn't think Dementia Joe had a chance, and collectively we didn't push as hard as we could. Republican voters also did not show up at the rate they did in 2016. The result of both has been four years of Biden policies, Bidenomics, and Bidenflation.

This year, Trump has made gains with Hispanics, Blacks, Young Voters and Whites, who already had larger percentages for trump than the other demographic groups.

In 2024, the choice is either four more years of the same, or Trump. Voters should act accordingly.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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