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July 1, 2024
The Media's 'Cheap' Fakery Has Endangered America As The MSM Is Now Pushing More White House Propaganda Claiming Biden Is Not Mentally Diminished From.... 10:00am To 4:00pm
- The Propaganda Arm For Dems (MSM) Has Just Made Things Even Worse
While it has been fun to watch everyday Americans, dependent on the MSM completely freak out over Biden's debate performance, learning for the first time that Biden is dementia-ridden, there is another aspect to the whole debacle that I would like to focus on, and it isn't Joe Biden, the White House figurehead.
They deserve to be laughed at for trusting the MSM, who has lied to them about everything from the Russian collusion hoax, to Jussie Smollett's claim that he was "attacked," and his attackers yelled "this is MAGA country..... in Chicago.
That is the focus of this piece. The media and their "cheap-fake" cheap fakery. Joe Biden wouldn't even be on the 2024 Democrat presidential ticket if it weren't for the media hiding his mental decline from gullible Americans.
Independent Media has screamed it from the rooftops, so to speak, just to have traditional media aka the MSM, call us liars, conspiracy theorists (which as this point, we take as a compliment), and accuse us, the so-called "rightwing" media of pushing "cheap fakes."
Biden wanders away at the G7 summit and has to be corralled by the Italian PM Giorgia Meloni back into the fold of world leaders. It was on video for the world to see, but the media told them not to worry, the rightwing was spreading "cheap fakes."
Biden froze with a creepy grin on his face on stage at a fundraiser, and Obama, who was waving at the crowd, casually takes a step back toward Biden to grab his arm, then throws his arm around his shoulders and guides him off stage. Again, all on video, yet the media went on their "it's a cheap-fake," video which misrepresents the truth.
In other words, don't believe your own eyes, believe us.
Then the third video is released, clearly unedited, as were the aforementioned ones, showing Biden unable to get into the presidential SUV, his foot first missing the step completely before weirdly leaning in and seemingly doing nothing, for a while.
The gullible believed the media, while the cynical knew they were real but suffered from such an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and both cruised the internet howling about how those videos above were all "cheap fakes!"
The following is from one of those clueless or lying liberals in an the "email list from hell" group that has both types of liberals as members, Daniel:
It is pathetic the things that Fox "News" and the other right wing media sources will do to make Joe Biden look bad! However, it is even more pathetic, if possible, that so many regular folks on the right eat those "cheap fakes" up and believe them without question.
While I delete most of the emails from that group unread (I admit that now and then I do like to tweak the liberals in the group though), by searching for the words "cheap fake," in my trash I was able to find this gem again. In that same search, nothing using the term "cheap fake," has shown up anytime after the debate.
The gullible got a wake up call on Thursday, while the nasty little lying liberals had to change tactics and are using the "Trump will be a dictator," and "the end of Democracy" if Trump is reelected fearmongering.
The media has done a bang up job terrifying liberals in regards to Trump, despite the fact that Trump was in the White House for four years, yet the America is still standing.
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All of what we are witnessing, Jilldo's refusal to force Joe out of the race, to Joe claiming he will debate trump again in September, which his controllers would be crazy to allow, unless they deliberately threw him out there to expose the true state of his diminished mental faculties.
That would explain why his puppet masters allowed the debate and in fact, set the terms of the debate i.e. 90 minutes on his feet and only two breaks, but it doesn't explained why his wife allowed it, especially since her ex-husband has been clear about her being power hungry ex-husband has been clear about her being power hungry.
Ive been proud of her at certain moments. I have no hard feelings Im just surprised to see her front and center in the middle of this battle after flying under the radar for so many years. Shes always been very driven. People say shes the one who wants to be president now.
It is likely she the thought the media would simply continue telling their herd of followers that they yet again were not seeing what they thought they saw. Some did. Some are pushing the White House spin that Biden is fine from 10:00am to 4:00pm, yet that is almost as dangerous as his performance, because now America's enemies know Biden cannot make decisions in the evening, thought most of us already know it isn't Joe making those decisions anyway.
The fact is, now countries hostile to the U.S., also know it.
Via the liberal Axios spinning away for the White House:
Between the lines: Biden's miscues and limitations are more familiar inside the White House.
The time of day is important as to which of the two Bidens will appear.
From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios.
Had the MSM not covered up the true state of Biden's physical and mental health, Americans would not have been blind-sided on Thursday night, and this nation wouldn't have been left as exposed as it now is to our enemies.
No one in their right mind actually believes the headline of Axios, which states "Two Joe Bidens: The night America saw the other one."
No, there is only one Joe Biden and America, and all of the world, saw him in all his dementia-ridden glory.
Anyone that trusts the media about anything at all, deserves to be lied to. They didn't learn after the Russia collusion hoax, they didn't learn after the "hand up, don't shoot" hoax, and if they don't learn after the the debate fallout, they never will.
There is no awakening those that refuse to see the truth.
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