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November 14, 2022

Americans Are Not Prepared For The Unrest And Riots Dead Ahead With Countless US Households Headed Towards Homelessness And Starvation Due To Joe Biden's Weaponized Inflation

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

With it long warned only 9 meals separate a civilized society from total anarchy,with Alfred Henry Lewis stating all the way back in 1906 There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy, the key here is that, unlike all other commodities, food is the one essential that cannot be postponed.

If there were a shortage of, say, shoes, we could make do for months or even years. A shortage of gasoline would be worse, but we could survive it, through mass transport or even walking, if necessary. But food is different. If there were an interruption in the supply of food, fear would set in immediately.

And, if the resumption of the food supply were uncertain, the fear would become pronounced. After only nine missed meals, its not unlikely that wed panic and be prepared to commit a crime to acquire food. If we were to see our neighbor with a loaf of bread, and we owned a gun, we might well say, Im sorry, youre a good neighbor and weve been friends for years, but my children havent eaten today I have to have that bread even if I have to shoot you.

Yet as this story over at Doug Casey's International Man warned some time ago,theres nothing on the evening news to suggest that such a problem even might be on the horizon. So the large majority of Americans still have no idea what is ahead, but they'll find out soon enough with Joe Biden seemingly 'weaponizing' inflation, who will be prepared for a scenario like the one laid out above?

While the midterm elections have been dominating the news for months now, more so over the last week since some states appear to no longer be able to actually count and/or are using the extra time to commit voter fraud while "counting", so elections results in many races have still not been projected and announced, the world still turns and Americans are still being forced to make food decisions based on inflation, rather than nutrition.

As the Biden regime touts a7.7% inflation number for October, down from 8.2% in September, what they do everything in their power to ignore, is that the when itemized, the staples used nearly every day in many American households, are seeing increases of 3-to-6 times that amount.

For example, via Market Watch, we see: "The rise in the cost of living showed some relief from last summer, but several categories rose far more than the overall rate of inflation. Egg prices rose 43% year-over-year in October, butter increased by 26.7%, and flour and prepared flour mixes were up 24.6%. Lettuce prices rose 17.7% year-over-year, while bread and milk prices rose by 14.8% and 14%, respectively."

Deviled eggs to munch on while waiting on Thanksgiving dinner are going to be expensive this year with many families choosing something else in its place. Same with the breads used in cooking, dinner rolls, milk, all things used daily as well as for special occasions, and we start to get an idea of how much more we are spending today for the same amount of food were able to purchase for nearly half the price just two years ago.

As millions of Americans have been forced to make changes to how they shop, therefore how they eat, with heartbreaking stories of those that can no longer afford to even eat three meals a day, or having to decrease their portion sizes, many of those that have not had to make those changes yet, will be forced to in the near future.

The rise in food and energy prices over the last year has led some Americans to change their eating habits buying less meat, and switching to cheaper grocery stores, as well as cutting back on eating out. Cash-strapped families are increasingly searching for discounts and deals, including buying near-expired food thats marked down in price.

Below we will go through some recent food news, tips for saving as the cost of food continues to rise, and showing why in some cases, making changes such as baking your own bread, making your own flour, and growing your own vegetables indoors, year-round, should be permanent changes.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'rerunning an EMERGENCY fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history.

During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

FOOD NEWS......................

The foods listed above, eggs, butter, and bread, and flour, are only the tip of the iceberg regarding continuing increases in food costs.

The website A Taste of Home offers more consumables seeing rising inflation, along with some tips on saving money. Those other items include deli meats, hot dogs, candy, coffee, and rice, are just a few to add to the growing list.

MarketWatch explains how companies plan to continue raising prices, assuming the American public will continue to pay them, in a piece titled "Food prices keep rising. Food-company execs are betting Americans will keep paying."

For those that keep thinking "this has got to end," unfortunately there is no end in sight as of now. While each month we hear predictions from Biden-friendly sources about how everything is getting better, some outlets are finally beginning to acknowledge that we will be seeing more price hikes, and further food shortages well into 2023.

We'd love nothing more than to declare that bountiful (and affordable) food products await us in 2023. But the reality of the global situation dictates pragmatism rather than heedless optimism. While there's no guarantee any potential issues will come to pass, the available evidence provides clues on what to expect. With that in mind, here's what we know about the food shortages that may happen in 2023.

Many of the items listed are the same as what we have already been seeing inflation hit, but now we are seeing projected shortages on the horizon once again as well.

Those items are: Bread, vegetable oil, corn, butter, Hershey candy, tomatoes, flour, beef, canned good, beer and produce.

Mr. Beer Complete Beer Making 2 Gallon Starter Kit, Premium Gold Edition, Brown

Craft A Brew - Hefeweizen - Beer Making Kit - Make Your Own Craft Beer - Complete Equipment and Supplies - Starter Home Brewing Kit - 1 Gallon

Before moving along, let us start with what we continue to see mentioned prominently in almost every food news related reports published recently.

Because the price of boxed breads & other boxed flour products, such as cake mixes are not only listed in the massively higher-than-average inflation, but also as projected shortages in 2023, we'll start with flour.

Not store bought, but milled yourself, to be used to make cakes, pastries, breads and pastas, and many other products.

Making Artisan Pasta: How to Make a World of Handmade Noodles, Stuffed Pasta, Dumplings, and More

Italian Cooking From Scratch - How to Make Fresh Homemade Pasta, Grow Your Own Herbs and Vegetables and Cook Classical Italian Recipes

The Ultimate Pasta Machine Cookbook: 100 Recipes for Every Kind of Amazing Pasta Your Pasta Maker Can Make

How to Make Bread: Step-by-step recipes for yeasted breads, sourdoughs, soda breads and pastries

How To Make Bread: Step-by-Step Guide From Growing Wheat To Baking A Bread Loaf

Bread Machine Cookbook for Beginners: Discover 400 Easy-to-Make Bread Machine Recipes to Help You Bake Fresh, Healthy and Tasty Homemade Bread from Scratch

Bake Like a French Pastry Chef: Delectable Cakes, Perfect Tarts, Flaky Croissants, and More

Wheat Berries

Wheatland Hard White Wheat Berries 25 lbs Bucket, Mylar Liner & Oxy Pack Emergency Food Storage Family Farmed in Utah/Idaho 13.9% Protein Non-GMO Lab Tested Chemical-Free Premium Quality Sproutable 25 Year Shelf Life

Wheatland Hard Red Wheat Berries 25 lbs Bucket, Mylar Liner & Oxy Pack Emergency Food Storage Family Farmed in Utah/Idaho 13.8% Protein Non-GMO Lab Tested Chemical-Free Premium Quality Sproutable 25 Year Shelf Life

Great River Organic Milling, Whole Grain, Rye Grain, Organic, 50-Pounds (Pack of 1)

Grain Mills: (Different price ranges)

Grain Mill 150g High Speed Food Electric Stainless Steel Grinder Mill Seeds Flour Nut Pill Wheat Corn Herbs Spices & Seasonings Grinder Dry Grain Superfine Powder Machine

OKF Grain Mills Electric Stainless Steel Grain Grinder Mill High-speed Cereals Corn Herb Spice Flour Mill Commercial Grade Machine Dry Grain Grinder

Powerful High Speed Electric Grain Mill Grinder for Healthy Gluten-Free Flours - Grain Grinder Mill, Wheat Grinder, Flour Mill Machine and Flour Mill Grinder for Home and Professional Use - Wondermill

Making your own breads, pastas, pastries, cakes and other flour-based foods, not only makes you less dependent on the grocery store and global conditions, but homemade always tastes better, and there are a number of benefits other than cost and availability.

First and foremost, it will cost less. Not for one loaf, but make your own flour-based products for just a month or two and you have paid for your supplies, and everything else is just icing on the homemade cake!

Guaranteed freshness, as you make your foods as you need them. No preservatives added to keep the consumables fresh. You customize your ingredients to make your own flavors, ad fruits, nuts, whatever your taste buds desire that day. The products stay fresher for longer.

Next up is produce. This is something we have been keeping an eye on, farmers are now paying massively more from planting to harvest, meaning the prices keep rising. According to reports, harvests are going to be much smaller on items like lettuce, corn, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables are expected to see the same types of issues as well.

The books listed below are for indoor gardening. Foods that can only be grown in certain conditions outdoors can be grown inside with the proper knowledge, year round. For those in cold climates, indoor growing can save significantly on your grocery bill.

Indoor Kitchen Gardening: Turn Your Home Into a Year-round Vegetable Garden - Microgreens - Sprouts - Herbs - Mushrooms - Tomatoes, Peppers & More

Indoor Gardening Guidebook: Effective Techniques For Growing Your Own Food Inside Your Home: Tips On Choosing Vegetables For Indoor Gardens

Indoor Edible Garden: Creative Ways to Grow Herbs, Fruits, and Vegetables in Your Home

Plant Grow Light, VOGEK LED Growing Light Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants with Timer, Plant Growing Lamps for Seedlings with Adjustable Gooseneck & Desk Clip On, 3 Switch Modes 10 Brightness Settings

1000W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg and Flower SUNRAISE LED Grow Lamp with Daisy Chain Triple-Chips LED

Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants LED Lamp Bulbs Full Spectrum

Then get your seeds, and we are linking here to seeds from the USA.

Survival Garden 15,000 Non GMO Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Survival Garden 32 Variety Pack by Open Seed Vault

Canning Supplies:

As always we start with books, for methods and recipes.

Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving

The Complete Guide to Pressure Canning: Everything You Need to Know to Can Meats, Vegetables, Meals in a Jar, and More

Water Bath Canning And Preserving Cookbook For Beginners: The Easy Homemade Recipes Guide To Enjoy Healthy Foods And Meals In Jars, Canning Meats, And Prepping Low-Sugar Marmalades And Jams

The Homestead Canning Cookbook: Simple, Safe Instructions from a Certified Master Food Preserver Over 150 Delicious, Homemade Recipes

Granite Ware Enamel-on-steel 12-Piece Canner Kit, Includes 21.5 qt. Water Bath Canner with lid, Jar Rack, Blancher, Colander & 5 pc. Canning Tool Set

Canning Supplies Starter Kit, Stainless Steel Canning Set Tools: Rack, Ladle, Measuring Spoons, Funnel, Tongs, Jar Lifter, Lid Lifter, Bubble Popper, Ladle for Canner, Mason Jar, Beginner

Ball Regular Mouth Pint 16-oz Mason Jar with Lids and Bands (Pack of 24)

Canning Lids Regular Mouth - 108 Pcs Regular Mouth Canning Lids 108 Canning Labels, Canning Jar Lids Regular Mouth For Ball Canning Jars, Canning Supplies Mason Jar Lids Regular Mouth Mason Jar Lids


First we'll discuss shrinkflation, which is happening with more and more products, as shown above. Shrinkflation is where the product size decreases, while paying the same price. It is inflation, but less noticeable to the consumer.

Consumers note when prices go up, but they often don't notice of there are 20 less chips in a bag, if a product is just slightly thinner or shorter, so they aren't as aware of paying more for less as with rising prices.

Here are just a few examples offered over at the website FingerLakes1,listed with the percent size reduction from the original.

Crest Toothpaste: 7%

Cottonelle: 8%

Charmin: 8%

Chobani: 15%

Dove body wash: 8%

Folger: 15%

M&M Keebler cookies: 14%

Gain detergent: 7%

GM Cereals: 5%

Safeguard soap: 20%

Strawberry Quaker Oats: 20%

Sun-Maid Raisins: 11%

Tostitos hint of lime chips: 15%

Granted, unless you bring an old package to the store, you may not notice the difference, so research is the next tip for saving money.

Look up "shrinkage" and "list of products," and many websites provide lists of products and entire companies that are doing it.

Then, choose other brands. I know many of us get spoiled to a specific brand, but trying others that are lower in price for the same amount of product you used to get, until you find one you like just as much, can save more than you think.

The way you cook can also be quite cost efficient. For example, cooking a whole chicken for a meal, then using the leftovers in soups, stews, salads, casseroles, etc....each of which can feed you multiple meals.

Buy in bulk when you can. Things like paper products, paper towels and toilet paper, soap, toothpaste and so much more.

Soap in bulk

Toothpaste in bulk

Toilet paper in bulk

Paper towels in bulk

Items that will not go bad and will always get used.

Another money saving tip is to buy generic brands when possible. Most of them have the same ingredients, they just cost less because some buy by brand, where the additional costs are simply to have that brand name, not quality or quantity.

ANP readers are always so great in helping each other, sharing resources, tips, tricks, links and videos, so we ask everyone to share their cost saving tips to help each other out as inflation worsens and food shortages become more prevalent.


Americans are resilient, but we have been hit with crisis after crisis, all of which affecting the food supply chain as well as Biden's policies spiking inflation to the point where millions of Americans are having trouble putting food on the table.

Many Americans, even preppers, can't help but to think, "this has got to get better," yet it continues to get worse. Save where you can, buy in bulk, use freeze dried foods for casseroles, stews, salads, soups and other meals, pick generic brands and when cooking meals with meat and sides, use a large piece of meat so it can be used in at least another meal.

FOOD LINKS.................

Freeze dried and powdered foods last longer after opened, can be used just a little at a time, and can help you survive "Bidenflation."

Hoosier Hill Farm All American Dairy Whole Milk Powder 1 lb

Hoosier Hill Farm Heavy Cream Powder, 2lb (32oz), Gluten Free & Hormone Free

Hoosier Hill Farm Real Butter powder, 1 lb

Eggylicious Whole Egg Powder, Dried Natural Protein Powder, Made from Fresh Eggs, White & Yolk mixed, Pasteurized, Non-GMO, No Additives, Used for Baking Icing,1lbs(16oz)

ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Vegetables, 120 Servings, Vegetables

Wise Company Long Term Emergency Freeze-Dried Food Supply, Breakfast and Entree Variety

Long Term Dehydrated Food Storage - 120 Large Entree Servings - 29 Lbs- Disaster Prepper Freeze Dried Supply Kit

Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Freeze Dried Fruit Bucket, 120 Servings

Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Meat Variety, 15-Year Shelf Life, 60 Servings

Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Variety Pack, 25-Year Shelf Life, 104 Servings

Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Vegetables, 120 Servings

Mountain House Classic Bucket | Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | 24 Servings

Mountain House Diced Beef #10 Can Freeze Dried Food - 6 Cans Per Case

Mountain House Cooked Diced Chicken #10 Can

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Ground Beef | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping, or Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze Dried Beef Dices | 80 Large Servings | Premium Quality | USDA Inspected | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping | Survival Food

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Chicken | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping & Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Sausage Crumbles | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping, Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25 Year Shelf-Life

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Pulled Pork | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Canned Meat | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Meat for Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | #10 Can | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life (4-Pack)

Augason Farms Long Grain White Rice Emergency Food Storage 24 Pound Pail

Augason Farms Long Grain Brown Rice Emergency Food Storage 24 Pound Pail

Patriot Pantry Beans Trio with Rice Emergency Food Kit (100 Servings, 14 pk.) by Ready Hour


Vegetable Oil

Hershey's Candy

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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