It is corporate suicide no matter which way you turn.Bud Light, Victorias Secret, Old Navy, Coca-Cola, Nike, Disney, Adidas, Kellogg and so many more are pushing a woke agenda that is ruining their brands hard fought good names.Why?
Publicly supporting Black Lives Matter, NBA teams sporting rainbow flag images on their uniforms, many if not most film production companies filming and producing pro-perversion movies, taking a knee to promote anti-Americanism, forcing employees to be less white, outright racism in the name of anti-racism, and the left touts that those programs are not making companies go broke.Oh - Really?Talk to the many thousands that have lost their jobs directly because of that position.Talk to the many thousands that have lost retirement incomes because of their woke investments.Silicon Valley Bankcollapsedbecause they pushed woke agenda programs over safe profit investments.Their head of financial risk management Jay Ersapah said I feel privileged to co-chair the LGBTQ+ ERG and help spread awareness of lived queer experiences, partner with charitable organizations, and above all, create a sense of community for our LGBTQ+ employees and allies. She was hired precisely to push that perverted agenda as so many others that have gotten their businesses into such dire financial straits were specifically hired to do.To say nothing of the various churches that have defied their own creeds and is pushing those same agendas of evil.I would hate to be in their shoes when they stand before our Maker to be judged.
Just what is woke anyway?That is perhaps a difficult question to answer correctly because it has evolved a bit since first coming out after Barry Obamas love affair with the Black Lives Matter program.BLM starts out as an anti-capitalist pro-communist gang that adopts the Antifa communist revolutionary stance and tactics after the Floyd incident where a criminal died from drug overdose after robbing a store and a cop had his knee on his neck supposedly killing him somewhat faster than the overdose of drugs would have anyway, and thepowers that bepushed the situation far from reality and put Floyd into cult hero status that was never truthful nor defensible.It is just another false flag event for the world communist revolutionaries of which Bathhouse Barry and his community organizing is designed to do.Originally it was a hash tag event that got out of hand and became an organized movement that became part of the required belief system in order to be considered a proper leftist or democrat.Remember that linkage with the democrat party as it is official religious dogma and a mandated item in the cultural hegemony of the party of the jackasses, who are the party of the communist revolution by admission of their own leaders and of the Communist Party USA leadership.Over time it has become less especially connected to racial protests and more of a required doctrine to espouse; more like an official shibboleth to chant and flags to fly about to prove that you are a great democrat.
As bad as that is, the situation with the mainstream pushing of the woke agenda of the perversion and destruction of our sacred children is far worse.They are destroying our very future and inviting Gods wrath as He did in Sodom and Gomorrah.It will not, it cannot end well for them and if we do not curb this vile evil it will not go well with us either.
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Overall, woke is a good catchall term covering the radical leftism of the satanic idiot class.
Lets get back to the original question: why are so many companies following that irrational and dangerous path to ruin?Simple really; they are required to do so by their major investors.One would think the investors, who actually own the companies through major stock holdings, would not like their toys to lose value, but that is not the case.They are so wealthy that it does not matter to them all that much.Rather, their disgusting political and twisted religious values are of far more importance and they demand that be your case as well.
Some are owned by elitist families and some by their founders, but the majority are owned or at least controlled by a couple of major investment firms; namely, Blackrock and Vanguard but to include many more.One might think that as the far left ideologies are imbedded further and further into American society that they might do better by espousing those doctrines.But that is not the case even though the leftist rags and news readers (you dont actually believe they write their own materials, do you?) say otherwise.In reality those companies that hold dear the radical leftist philosophies of woke capitalism actually drive away investors, alienate customers, drive away possible employees and make massive losses for their investors.Nearly 80% of Americans of all political persuasions prefer companies stay out of politics.It would appear that the large numbers of consumers that boycott such companies are serious about their desires.

A writer by the name of Dave Seminara has recently compiled a listing of those woke companies and although it appears there may not be many that are not woke, we can see that the majority of large companies are indeed woke now.That listing can be found by following thelink imbedded here.
TheWall Street Journalagrees that corporations that remain neutral on social and political issues outperform those companies that push the evil leftist narratives.A study by2ndVote Value Investmentssaid that companies focused on shareholder returns are better for investors than companies focused on political activism or social agendas. 2VAs investment strategy is consistent with the view of renowned economist Milton Freidman thata business first responsibility is to generate returns for its shareholders. 2VA also believes that investors should be able to invest without offending their own values.Nicely worded stance and sound advice.
AlthoughBlackrocksaid We have zero tolerance in relation to illegal or unethical conduct and this is articulated in our relevant policies and they also said that they hold their companies tohuman rights, inclusion and diversity, environmental sustainability, integrity and ethics in management practices.This is the very basis that is driving their own companies out of business.They further define their stance whenthey saidWe continue to ask that companies disclose anet zero-aligned business plan that is consistent with their business model and sector. For 2022, we encourage companies to demonstrate that their plans are resilient under likelydecarbonization pathways, and the global aspiration tolimit warmingto 1.5C. We also encourage companies to disclose how considerations related to having a reliable energy supply and just transition affect their plans.They mandate the insidiously foolish global warming agenda that is destroying our planet.
We arestrengtheningour focus on diversity of personal characteristics on boards, which in our view should aspire to have meaningful diversity of membership and all companies report in alignment with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.The real kicker is this one regardingESG;We highlight that ifenvironmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteriaare included in executive compensation programs,those metrics should be rigorous, aligned with a companys strategy and business model, and linked to company performance.
Got that?They mandate that companies follow the evil and destructive policies that are being pushed by the Klaus Schwab variety of the New World Orders insipid satanic cults idiocy and the WEF mandates and act as the enforcers of those mandates.They are directly linked together and working in harmony to destroy the American economy and strengths of industry, honesty and freedom of operations outside of artificial constraints that destroy those same companies in direct violation of time proven concepts and actions.
In other words, companies are FORCED to follow theHuman Rights Campaignnational benchmarking toolmeasuring policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) employees, the Human Rights Campaign Foundations Corporate Equality Index is a primary driving force for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion and force anti-Christian perversions onto those companies that Blackrock and Vanguard and others invest in.They are forced to hire PR and HR directors that will do soin order to keep from being shut down and degraded.In other words, from being destroyed in the marketplace by those same investor corporations that are very evil in their foundation documents.Purely Satanic.
AlAlthough there is supposedly a war on ESG policies and on Blackrock for forcing those policies onto corporations, it appears to be a non event because those policies are still being made and met.

One portion of ESG is known as DEI. Ostensibly not connected, the fact is they are directly connected.DEI isany policy or practice designed to make people of various backgrounds feel welcome and ensure they have support to perform to the fullest of their abilities in the workplace.Diversityrefers to the presence of differences within a given setting; in the workplace, that may mean differences in race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age and socioeconomic background.Equityis the act of ensuring that processes and programs are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual.Inclusionis the practice of making people feel a sense of belonging at work.In the raw that sounds like a good thing; we do not discriminate against people because they are different than us.It is in the practice that the evil emerges as we are FORCED to accept even vile and sickening perversions because they said so.It is a good thing to hire someone that is not like us as long as they do not force their perversions on others, but the ESG system does just that, and that is why we see things like school films showing how to have gay sex and forcing the allowance of transsexuals in womens sports.
We are being forced to accept Equity on the basis of to ensure equal circumstances for all individuals across the organization, equity requires that employers recognize barriers and advantages. This is the crucial difference between equity and equality.That flies directly in the face of sanity in hiring the best candidate for the job rather than hiring because the job candidate is a different skin color or sexual perversion or an evil revolutionary that you would rather not have represent your company.Pure insanity.

The Babylon Beehas an excellent parody on Woke behavior and I would like to quote a couple of their items in the listings of how to be woke just for fun.
Carefully choose your pronouns and then scream them at everyone you meet:Whenever you go to Costco, loudly scream your pronouns in shoppers' faces. If anyone refuses to celebrate your pronouns, smash a giant box of pretzels over their head and call the manager.
Compare everything to Nazis:Compare everything to Nazis (as long as you're a Democrat. If you're a Republican this might get you fired).
Abandon religion, and instead accept everything the woke crowd believes without question:Your religious beliefs are at odds with others. You should fix that and accept Wokism.Repeat after us:WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT. WOKISM IS NOT A CULT.
Ok, that was three and not a couple, but they are so good they were a must to include here.They had a dozen overall.

The CEI score is the general rule among modern woke corporations.As a portion of the ESG scores, CEI is forcing many CEOs to comply or lose their funding.CEI scores are theCorporate Equality Indexand it isfunded by the George Soros Open Society Foundation(a funding source of the communist revolution here and abroad)and also Disney.This thing forces compliance, forces public support of something that is very evil and I do not support any part of it.It is nothing more than a major extortion racket just like the funding drive for BLM and the democrat funding drives that steal directly from peoples accounts.We should be angry very, very angry about what is being foisted upon the good people of this once great nation.We are a nation led by an organized crime syndicate and by satanic forces of people that literally worship Lucifer.
The forced religion wokism by the WEF and the other radical leftists on the world allows the CEOs and the Boards to abdicate their responsibility for excellence in leadership and corporate guidance.This is most notable in the past few years as this insanity has erupted and even our government is doing all they can to force compliance with this evil.We can sum up the first question of why so many corporations are committing suicide by pushing a woke agenda simply on who owns them; the investment firms and the banks.It is not the doings of a sane leadership but the attempts to keep from losing funding as even the banks they must use are also forcing those evils on them in order to have the operational funds.Yes, they know they will lose a lot of face and trust, but until they can come up with the fortitude to tell the evil ones to go to hell and rely on their customers to support them as so many conservative companies are very successfully doing, it will only get worse.Sure there are some states making regulations against Blackrock and the others to stem the flow of this idiocy, but it is too little too late.Perhaps it is actually a good idea to boycott them until they change or go completely out of business to stop this destruction by the woke crowd and stand up for reality and sane business practices.The feds and the leftists areas of the nation, ie the democrats, are fighting this with all of their might and we must stand firm.They are destroying our nation, our economy and our spirit on purpose for their satanic communist revolution and we must stand firm.
God Bless