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August 31, 2015
'Creepy' New Mall Goes Up In Colorado With Guard Towers Close To Train Tracks - Exclusive ANP Pictures - Are Russian Soldiers Tied To Washington Fires?
With the dreaded month of September of 2015 about to begin, All News Pipeline has recently been emailed several new pictures of strange happenings in our readers home cities and towns and in this story, we get updates from Texas, Colorado and the state of Washington with exclusive new ANP pictures as seen above and at the bottom of the story.
We'll first take a look at this new SQAlert in which we learn of firefighters in Washington state who just had an interesting run in with Russian soldiers wearing US Army uniforms and later we'll take a peak INSIDE a couple of these shopping mall towers that are now under construction at a outlet mall in Bastrop, Texas courtesy of Mike Adams at Natural News.
My son-in-law is a wild land firefighter based in Chelan, WA. As Im sure you are aware the fires in Washington are some of the worst in the nation right now. I spoke with him last night after he came off of a 20 day shift. He has been battling the Wolverine fire which lies in a very remote part of the county only accessible by Boat or Helicopter. This is the same remote area that the U.S. Army Airborne division has been using to practice helicopter mountain training. (https://www.wenatcheeworld.com/news/2015/jul/06/army-considers-helicopter-training-in-ncw/)
While battling the fire and establishing fie lines around Holden Village, he and his crew came upon two Blackhawk helicopters on the ground in a remote part of the forest. He said that soldiers drew their weapons on his US Forest service fire crew and told them they couldnt be in the area because it was a restricted Military zone. He said all of the soldiers were in US Army uniforms, but two of them appeared to be Russian (wearing US Army uniforms) and in his opinion the Russian soldiers seemed to be in charge.
My son-in-law challenged the soldiers stating they were there to save structures threatened by the fire and they would continue to do their job, at which point all the rifles in the company pointed at him. At this point he said he actually felt threatened for his life and he and his crew retreated going around the helicopter crew. This led to a discussion as to whether or not the US Army had been involved in possibly starting the fires which now burn approximately 135,000 acres.
This next set of photographs comes to us from a reader in Longmont, Colorado and show us the now under construction and 'creepy' Twin Peaks Mall featuring guard towers and being built very close to railroad tracks as shared by our reader. Merely cosmetic or something else entirely?
This next screenshot show exactly how close this newly-being built mall is to the railroad tracks directly across the street with a roadway already built right to the tracks providing direct access to the site.
Mike Adams over at Natural News had the opportunity to visit an outlet mall under construction in Bastrop, Texas and got a chance to get up-close-and-personal with a couple of the towers that ANP had previously reported on August 24th. We thank Mike for getting these! While they don't show anything specific from these angles to label them as 'guard towers', they do show some interesting signs that they could be turned into something else if needed and quite quickly.
Check them out below; what do you think? While Mike believes they were created purely for cosmetic purposes, one construction designer we spoke with points out we're not actually seeing INSIDE of these structures. Could these be merely for cosmetic purposes? Of course. Could they be quickly turned into something else? You can also check out Mike's video tour of these in the 1st video below.
The next set of pictures comes to us from ANP reader Bob in Bastrop, Texas and show us towers at both a CVS store as well as a Walgreen's. As he mentioned to us, these both could be quickly and easily fortified with ladders and sandbags in the event SHTF if necessary.
This 1st video is Health Ranger Mike Adams investigation of new guard towers in Bastrop, Texas. With China now punishing 197 'conspiracy theorists' for 'spreading rumors' as shared in the 3rd video below while the Pentagon puts out a new Dept of Defense War Manual allowing them to treat journalists like enemy belligerents as shared in the Infowars special report seen in the 2nd video below, how long will it be until Chinese style-censorship comes crashing down upon Americans?