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March 8, 2024

MSM Outlet Bluntly Warns 'America Is Running Out Of Power': Staggering Problems Facing Us Due Largely To 'Green Energy Political Decisions' Have Devolved Into A Nightmare Scenario

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

According to this February 11th story over at the Epoch Times (saved here at the Wayback Machine), electricity is among the most essential sources of America's prosperity and productivity over many decades, though as they also report, it's also our greatest vulnerability.

Reporting that the US has become so utterly dependent upon an uninterrupted supply of affordable electricity that a sudden and long time stop to it would instantly become an existential crisis for 100's of millions of Americans, especially those who've never taken the time to consider what would happen to them should the grid go down, as that story warned, according to former CIA director James Woolsey, if Americas electric grid were to go down for an extended period, such as one year, there are essentially two estimates on how many people would die from hunger, from starvation, from lack of water, and from social disruption.

One estimate is that within a year or so, two-thirds of the United States population would die, Mr. Woolsey said. The other estimate is that within a year or so, 90 percent of the U.S. population would die.

And while that news is certainly 'old news' to ANP readers as we've been warning about the estimates of 90% of Americans being dead following a grid down scenario for years and years now, attempting to warn some friends and family members about that possibility who instead called it 'just another conspiracy theory,' maybe they'll pay attention now that the Washington Post has put out a new story as a dire warning to their own readers titled "Amid explosive demand, America is running out of power."

Warning in their opening that AI and the boom in clean-tech manufacturing are pushing Americas power grid to the brink, and the utilities companies are unable to keep up,. that story bluntly reports that "Vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short of power as electricity-hungry data centers and clean-technology factories proliferate around the country, leaving utilities and regulators grasping for credible plans to expand the nations creaking power grid."

And with that story finally catching up with the independent media where we've been warning we've been heading towards a disaster for many years now, with this February 6th ANP story warning decisions made by our politicians at the very highest levels to 'go green' are leading to a catastrophe that we may never be able to get out of, that Washington Post story never mentioned how the grid going down and 'America running out of power' would imperil the 'average Jane and Joe' living across America, but they were sure to point out how important it was for America to meet state and federal climate goals.

Yet with it being that 'push' for America to meet state and federal climate goals a huge part of WHY out nation's power grid is in such bad shape right now, with this new Fox News story also mentioning 'clean tech' and the 'A.I. boom' as being largely responsible, as Jason Shaw, the chairman of the Georgia Public Service Commission warned of the challenges dead ahead of us, When you look at the numbers, it is staggering, it makes you scratch your head and wonder how we ended up in this situation. How were the projections that far off? This has created a challenge like we have never seen before.

(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)

And with that Washington Post story not even mentioning the very real possibility that our power grid could be 'targeted' by an adversary should war break out in the coming days, weeks or months, an incredibly likely 'strategy' that our enemies (or even the US government in a false flag attack) could use against us to immediately send 330 million+ Americans back to the 'dark ages,' as we'd warned in this December 19th of 2020 ANP story, such an 'attack' could take place via a multitude of different ways, including an EMP attack or a massive cyber attack, and either way, most Americans ARE NOT prepared for such a scenario.

With all of the recent attacks upon our internet creating outages that have caused havoc for some, and this new story over at the Daily Mail reporting numerous US government websites went down all at once during Biden's State of the Union speech, including the websites of the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, FEMA, and the Secret Service, looking like some kind of coordinated attacks although the DHS claims the outages were not malicious, it's easy to see just how quickly they could bring things crashing down in the future if our enemies, or enemies of America within, really want to do so.

As ANP friend and EMP Task Force member Dr. Peter Vincent Pry had warned us for years prior to his unfortunate death back on August 20th of 2022,should America's electrical grid go down for an extended period of time, up to or more than 90% of Americans will likely die in the following year to 18 months from starvation, massive civil unrest and the eventual meltdowns of nuclear power plants across America.

As we had reported in this September 18th of 2020 ANP story, according to the Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, some of the 'systems' that would go down all across America due to a long term power outage include:

1) Electric power The report said that essentially every aspect of American society requires electrical power to function. The loss of electric power could then make it impossible to perform even the most basic everyday tasks, especially since all the other infrastructures rely on electricity to run. According to the experts, the collapse of electric infrastructures essentially means most machines will stop working, resulting in the restriction of transportation and communication, limited heating, cooling and lighting, and the interruption of food and water supplies.

2) Telecommunications Being able to communicate with others is important especially in an emergency situation, but an EMP or total grid down scenario will make this extremely difficult. As the report pointed out, electronic systems such as circuit boards and cable connections are a major part of the civilian telecommunication network. This means that in the event of an EMP, cellphones, landlines, and the internet will be rendered virtually useless.

3) Banking and finance Most financial transactions are now done electronically from depositing and withdrawing money to trading stocks. An EMP or total grid down scenario could very well bring the U.S. economy to a standstill. Financial data will be difficult to retrieve and transactions will no longer be possible; people will not have cash on hand to pay for necessities.

4) Petroleum and natural gas An EMP could halt the production of petroleum, oil, and other natural gases, causing a domino collapse on other systems that need petrol and gas to function. Transportation systems could go down, while manufacturing and production systems could also be affected.

5) Transportation infrastructure Automobiles, airplanes, trains, and maritime transport are all reliant on electronic systems to keep operating. An EMP attack could damage cars, make it unsafe for airplanes to fly and land, disrupt port operations, and shut down railroads.

6) Food infrastructure The food supply chain will inevitably be disrupted by an EMP attack or grid down scenario. Cleaning, sorting, and packaging, and even distributing food all require electricity. Supermarkets have a limited supply, and in the aftermath of an EMP, they will certainly not be able to replenish their stocks, making food scarce. As a result, hoarding and hunger will become more common, and could cause crime rates to spike.

7) Water infrastructure Water delivery and filtration systems all rely on electrical machinery. If an EMP happens, water for drinking and other purposes may become limited, causing dehydration, deterioration, and even death.

8) Emergency services In an EMP strike, emergency services such as fire control, law enforcement, and rescue and emergency medical services could ironically be cut off at a time when they are more necessary than ever.

And while thankfully we haven't arrived at that point in time that this Washington Post story had warned about YET, as we had asked within that December of 2020 ANP story, "how many people reading this right now are prepared to survive should such a nightmarish scenario take place in America?"

Certainly to the 10's of millions of people who still get their news from outlets such as the Washington Post, NY Times or CNN, the grid going down long term is a problem that they haven't even thought about, short of the few times during the year when their own power goes out, leaving them in predicaments that, thankfully for them, end as quickly as the power companies are able to restore the power. But what happens when, as this new Wash Po story warns, America simply runs out of power? And why, after many years of even denying such a potential nightmare scenario exists, are they suddenly reporting upon it now? Do they know something that we don't know?

According to this October 24th of 2019 story over at the BBC titled "What would happen in an apocalyptic blackout?," during a 5-day nationwide blackout that Venezuela suffered during 2019, there was nothing that doctors or hospital staff could do to save their patients with almost of their medical machinery needing electricity to function, leading to a number of deaths that occurred while medical staff simply watched, unable to do anything about them.

Reporting that all of the machinery the doctors needed to save those lives was tantalizingly close, but that they couldn't even get to those machines with the elevators no longer functioning, and the machines not working anyways because they relied upon electric power to function, in the first video at the bottom of this story, actor Dennis Quaid gives us his introduction to his whistleblowing documentary that explores the threat that experts say would kill hundreds of millions of Americans,and explores what led us to this terrifying scenario.

With Quaid warning us in his award-winning documentary "Grid Down, Power Up,"seen in full as the 2nd video below, that the grid going down long term will be the 'next 9/11,' Quaid shines a spotlight on the essential truths we must confront, with this thought-provoking exploration leaving you captivated, and inspired to play your part in securing a resilient power grid for generations to come.

Warning us all that 'The grid' is something that most Americans don't think at all about, at least until it goes down,which is happening more and more in recent years, it doesn't take too much of an imagination to envision what would undoubtedly happen all across the country should, suddenly and without warning, that nightmare scenario unfold, leaving 300+ million Americans 'in the dark'.

Meaning the food supply in the stores will dry up quickly, 10's of millions of Americans fighting to get what's remaining of it so they can feed their own families, it's easy to see why such a long term scenario would leave 9 out of 10 Americans dead within a year to 18 months, if that long, with most Americans nowadays struggling just to put food on their tables for a week, not to mention prepping for a long term power outage.

And while thankfully, there are millions of Americans who've been preparing for just such a scenario, including many ANP readers as we've noticed in your comments in our comment sections, as Dr. Peter Vincent Pry had warned us numerous times in his stories he sent to ANP, even the very well prepared will face challenges they'd never thought of should the SHTF and the grid goes down, things like all of the nuclear power plants across the country melting down, sending deadly radiation from coast to coast.

So by all means, we've opened up our comment section below for you to share your own ideas of how to survive such an apocalypse that we pray never arrives on our shores, your comments and ideas could save lives. And below the videos we've linked to numerous items that could very well be 'live saving' once TEOTWAWKI arrives just in case you need to stock up, or get yourself ahead of the game.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:

P.O. Box 575
McHenry, MD. 21541


Anything at all at Amazon purchased through this ANP linkor any of those below will allow ANP to make a bit of revenue, all of which will be used to keep ANP online and to keep a roof over our heads.


Honda EU2200i 2200-Watt 120-Volt Super Quiet Portable Inverter Generator

WEN 56203i Super Quiet 2000-Watt Portable Inverter Generator w/Fuel Shut Off, CARB Compliant, Ultra Lightweight

A-iPower SUA2000iV 2000 Watt Portable Inverter Generator Quiet Operation, Lightweight

Westinghouse WGen7500 Portable Generator with Remote Electric Start - 7500 Rated Watts & 9500 Peak Watts - Gas Powered - CARB Compliant - Transfer Switch Ready

Champion Power Equipment 76533 4750/3800-Watt Dual Fuel RV Ready Portable Generator with Electric Start

Champion Power Equipment 100692 2000-Watt Ultralight Portable Inverter Generator

Extension Cords:

Southwire 2588SW0002 Outdoor Extension Cord- 12/3 American Made SJTW Heavy Duty 3 Prong Extension Cord- Great for Commercial Use, Gardening, and Major Appliances ( 50 Foot- Yellow)

AmazonBasics 16/3 Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord | Orange, 100-Foot

Items For your Power Outage Kit:

RunningSnail Solar Crank NOAA Weather Radio for Emergency with AM/FM, Flashlight, Reading Lamp and 2000mAh Power Bank (Green)

Service Survival Emergency Radio & NOAA Weather Radio | 2000mAh Hand Crank Radio & Battery Powered Radio AM/FM NOAA Solar Radio Weather Radio Weather Radio LED Flashlight USB Power Charger

GearLight LED Tactical Flashlight S1000 [2 PACK] - High Lumen, Zoomable, 5 Modes, Water Resistant, Handheld Light - Best Camping, Outdoor, Emergency, Everyday Flashlights

Energizer Max 9V Batteries, Premium Alkaline 9 Volt Batteries (8 Battery Count)

AmazonBasics D Cell 1.5 Volt Everyday Alkaline Batteries - Pack of 24

Energizer Max C Batteries, Premium Alkaline, 4 Ct, Packaging May Vary

Energizer AAA Batteries (48 Count), Triple A Max Alkaline Battery

2-in-1 First Aid Kit (348-Piece) 'Double-Sided Hardcase' + Bonus 32-Piece Mini Kit: Perfect for Home & Workplace Safety [50 Person Kit]

Emergency Communications:

BaoFeng UV-5R Dual Band Two Way Radio (Black)

BaoFeng UV-5R Plus Dual-Band 136-174/400-480 MHz FM Ham Two-Way Radio

2PCs Baofeng Radios UV-5R MK5 8 Watt MP Max Power 2020 1800 mAh Li-ion Battery with Programming Cable Compatible for Baofeng Two Way Amateur Ham Radio Walkie Talkie, Mirkit Edition

Motorola Solutions T480 Talkabout Rechargeable Emergency Preparedness Two-Way Radio Single Unit (Red/White)

Ham Radio Walkie Talkie UV-5R Pro 8-Watt Dual Band Two Way Radio with Ham Radio Handheld Speaker Mic and NA-771 Antenna 2Pack and One USB Programming Cable


Fully Cooked Bacon, Ready to Eat, 80 Slices Per Pack / Case, 10 Year Shelf Life, Superior to Canned, Real Thick Cut, 2+ Pounds, No Refrigeration Needed, Grocery, Long Term Storage, Camp, Hunt, Lunch

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Grilled Chicken | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Chicken Breast | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Chicken | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping & Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life

Nutristore Freeze Dried Beef Dices | 80 Large Servings | Premium Quality | USDA Inspected | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping | Survival Food

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Sausage Crumbles | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping, Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25 Year Shelf-Life

Nutristore Freeze-Dried Pulled Pork | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Canned Meat | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Meat for Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | #10 Can | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life (4-Pack)

ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze-Dried Meat, Survival-Food Disaster Kit for Hurricane Preparedness, Camping Food, Prepper Supplies, Emergency Supplies, Entre Variety-Pack Bucket, 60 Servings, Meat

Nutristore Premium Meat Variety Bucket | 60 Large Servings | Freeze-Dried Chicken, Ground Beef, Beef Dices, & Sausage | 25-Year Shelf Life | Made in USA | Emergency Survival Food Supply
Freeze Dried Diced Potatoes 10-Bag Bucket, 64 Oz | Premium Emergency Food Supply 25 Year Shelf Life
Dak, Premium Ham, 16oz Can (Pack of 10)

Fruits and Veggies:

Augason Farms Freeze Dried Vegetable Variety Pack 4 gallon Kit

ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Vegetables, 120 Servings, Vegetables

Nutristore Freeze Dried Vegetable Variety Bucket | 1 Month Supply | Healthy Snacks | Perfect for Emergency, Survival or Everyday Food

Augason Farms Vegetable Stew Blend Certified Gluten Free

Freeze Dried Vegetable Search Page - For those that want individual cans of vegetables not included in the buckets.

Eggs and Dairy:

ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze-Dried Powdered-Egg Bucket, Disaster Kit for Hurricane Preparedness, Camping Food, Prepper Supplies, Emergency Supplies,144 Servings

Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can, 72 servings

Judees Whole Egg Powder 11 oz - No Additives, Just One Ingredient, Pasteurized - 100% Non-GMO, Gluten-Free and Nut-Free - Great for Camping & Outdoor Preparation - High Protein and Vitamin Source

Eggylicious Whole Egg Powder, Dried Natural Protein Powder, Made from Fresh Eggs, White & Yolk mixed, Pasteurized, Non-GMO, No Additives, Used for Baking Icing,1lbs

Hoosier Hill Farm Heavy Cream Powder Jar, 1 Pound

All American Whole Milk Powder by Hoosier Hill Farm, 2 LB (Pack of 1)

Hoosier Hill Farm Sour Cream Powder, 1 Pound

Augason Farms Cheese Blend Powder Certified Gluten Free Long Term Food Storage Everyday Meal Prep Large Can

Augason Farms Butter Powder 2 lbs 4 oz No. 10 Can

Hoosier Hill Farm White Cheddar Cheese Powder, Cheese Lovers, 2 Pound


Member's Mark Purified Water - 1 Pallet 40ct (48 Cases) 16.9 fl.oz Water Bottles

Pack of 10 Purified Water 16.9 fl. oz, 40 pk. (Total 400 bottles)

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