December 2, 2023
Like A Horror Movie Come To Life, Bludgeoned Americans Are 'Doom Spending,' A Dire Warning America Is On The Edge Of The Abyss And The Decay In Washington DC Will Soon Bury Us All
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
According to this recent story over at CNBC, a recent poll found nearly ALL Americans concerned about the current state of the economy and the direction our country is headed, with a whopping 96% of those polled being 'concerned' according to Intuit Credit Karma.
Leading to over 25% of those polled carrying out what they called 'doom spending,' that story also warned that 'young people' are particularly dismayed, with the cost of living continuing to go up under Joe Biden whilehigh inflation is making it particularly difficult for 'Generation Z,' with over 50% of them claiming the 'increased cost of living is a barrier to their financial success,' according to another survey conducted by the Bank of America.
And while at no point within that story did they blame Joe Biden for America's economy crumbling, nor did they blame the Democrat party policies we're seeing leading to absolute disaster in Democrat-run cities from Sea to shining Sea, the mere fact that SO MANY Americans now see 'the state' America and the world are now in is a HUGE sign that things will soon come crashing down all around us.
As Michael Snyder has been reporting in a series of stories over at his website The Economic Collapsethe past couple of weeks, we've reached a point in time that we've long been warned about. Anyone needing any more proof the economic 'S' has 'HTF'should check out more of his stories.:
We Are Witnessing An Avalanche Of Branch Closings As U.S. Banks Desperately Try To Stay Alive
The Government Debt Crisis That We Have Been Warned About For Decades Is Happening Right Now
The Entire Banking System Is Shaking
Say Goodbye To The Middle Class: Half Of All American Workers Made Less Than $40,847.18 Last Year
More Problems With The Banks: JPMorgan Chase, Bank Of America And Wells Fargo Have All Had Their Ratings Downgraded
106.4 Million U.S. Adults Do Not Have A Job Right Now
11 Signs That U.S. Consumers Are In Very Serious Trouble As We Head Into The Final Stretch Of 2023
With those seven stories alone from just the past two weeks giving us a great look at what's now happening to America under Joe Biden and 'Bidenomics,' we'll get the ultimate reality check in the rest of this story below, including a must watch recent interview between Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle titled "We Won't Escape The Financial Meltdown That's Currently Underway."
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With nearly 1/3 of all Americans taking on more and more debt over the past 6 months just to keep their heads above water more proof 'Bidenomics' has been an utter disaster for a huge segment of America, while the CNBC story reporting 96% of America are 'concerned' over the state of the economy also a sign that the 4% NOT concerned about the 'fall of America' are the 'enemies of America within' who have hastened the destruction we're witnessing all around us, as Susan Duclos had reported on ANP on November 28th, even liberal outlet Bloomberg has gotten off of the 'Bidenomics is working' bandwagon.
Reporting thatthe prices of groceries are up at least 25% since January of 2020, with electricity prices also up at least 25% along with rents going up 20%, used car prices climbing 35% and auto insurance in general up another 33%, it's no wonder that Americans are dissatisfied with the economy, though nowhere near enough Americans are putting the blame where it belongs, squarely on the heads of Joe Biden and the Democrats along with globalists from both parties here in America and around the world.
In the first video at the bottom of this story featuring Steve Quayle along with Doug Hagmann titled "We Wont Escape the Financial Meltdown Thats Currently Underway" we're shown how things are now exploding at breakneck speed, with the US govt going more and more in debt, a debt which we and our children and grandchildren will have to pay, and how we're being rushed full speed ahead into a real life doomsday scenario.
Also warning us how people like George Soros and Klaus Schwab and countless others tied to 'big government' and the 'big pharma mafia' profited at our pain and expense and are getting away with it, we're warned that everything happening now in the financial world all around us, including banks collapsing, massive debts coming due and the absolute corruption of our so-called 'leaders' in Washington DC have set America up for the destruction of our country, putting America on a countdown to oblivion.
And with this dire and worsening economy leading to record suicide levels in America in 2022, particularly among older men, being another way that 'Bidenomics' has led to the deaths of far too many Americans, remember that while Americans are homeless or starving or in other alarming ways in dire straits, the 'Biden crime cabal' is giving away over 350 million dollars of US taxpayer money to house, feed and transport illegal alien invaders while still spending TRILLIONS of US taxpayer dollars upon the military industrial complex and the death, wars and destruction they love to bring to the world.
With the US National Debt under Joe Biden and Democrats now way over $33 trillion and growing closer to $34 trillion by the day, this newEpoch Timesstorygives us a great look at not only how we arrived at this moment but what certainly lays ahead for us.
Warning that the national bankruptcy that we've been witnessing unfolding is not only economic but of a political and moral nature as well, we're warned that 'dictatorship' nearly always follows nations going broke and spending their population into oblivion, especially when that 'government' is already carrying out genocide. An excerpt from that story before our conclusion.:
Last month I got a call from a friend who works in Congress. He was distressed by the absurd condition of the federal finances. How could the wealthiest country in the world be almost $34 trillion in debt while charging ahead into ever-deeper debt? It seems like a horror movie come to life.
Congress is gridlocked with the spigot of federal spending seemingly locked permanently into the wide-open position.
The conversation with my friend touched on three points: how did this untenable situation come about, how can we reverse course, and what model of government would protect us from endless debt?
How Did We Get Into This Untenable Predicament?
What has brought the federal government of the United States of America to the edge of a fiscal abyss? It boils down to two main factors: the perverse incentives of electoral democracy accompanied by a gradual moral decay.
The fundamental underlying cause of our catastrophic debt is a decay of morality. Over the decades, the traditional American respect for the sanctity of private property has eroded and diminished. Under the influence of progressive and socialist ideas and other sophistries, the American people came to believe that they were entitled to receive benefits that others would be made to pay for. This is the self-destructive nature of democracy. By popular demand as expressed at the ballot box, voluntary exchange and charity have been progressively replaced by compulsory government-mandated transfers of wealth (transfers of wealth that would be considered theft if done by non-government actors).
In a democracy, politicians seeking elective office always need more votes. They have found that they can buy votes, not with their own money, but with money from the federal treasury, by conferring ever-larger benefits on ever-more beneficiaries. The political incentive is for Congress and presidents to spend, spend, spend. And since voters hate taxes, another political incentive is to not antagonize voters by raising taxes. Running up the national debt is the inevitable outcome of these incentives.
Government over-spending is the Achilles heel of democracy. In words often attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship ..."
You can read the rest of that story from The Epoch Times here.
So that is where we now find ourselves in this mad dash into tyranny, where our government has lost all sense of 'morality,' and therefore has also lost all of its 'credibility'among people who still have 'morals,' and now finds itself on the edge of the abyss of the collapse that itself has created. Leaving the American people, including your friends here at ANP, quite literally fighting for survival, how long will it be until we reach that moment of full scale financial and govt collapse, followed by the dictatorship that now feels inevitable?
As long as this government of tyrannical wannabe's, who should all be wearing matching 'neck ties,'(after their trials and convictions, of course!) continues spending the American people into our collective graves, with the American people simply allowing ourselves to be used as door mats for those who are pushing our extinction, that moment in time is growing closer and closer, every single day.
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