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December 29, 2023

Liberals Making Their Children Crazy! Study Shows Conservatives Raise Well Adjusted Kids While Liberal Parenting Causes Mental Health Issues And Increased Suicides

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

While we have seen multiple studies and research over the years which all found that liberals, especially female liberals, suffer from higher levels of mental illness than conservatives, rarely has the parenting styles of liberals and conservatives been studied in relation with the mental health of their children.

A new study byInstitute for Family Studies and Gallup, has found thatconservative parents are more likely to raise mentally healthy teens compared to liberal parents. It all comes down to rules and discipline, and parenting styles.

In the last decade, mental health issues and suicide has increased the point wherethe AAP, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) and Childrens Hospital Association have declared a national emergency in childrens mental health, citing the serious toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on top of existing challenges.

Aside from the study, we note that the increase in "gender" issues, such as transgenders, non-binary and any number of other manufactured "genders," directly correlates with the increase of mental health issues and suicide.

Even before the increase of transgenderism, where males think they are female and vice versa, and other gender issues, the suicide rate of those who are gender confused was already significantly higher than those not confused about gender issues.

A new study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law finds that 81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide, 42% of transgender adults have attempted it, and 56% have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury over their lifetimes.

These two areas overlap. The parenting styles of liberals who often encourage gender confusion, with some claiming that their children knew they were "transgender" by the age of three years old, and increased mental health issues and suicides.

Conservative parents are far less likely to "push" or encourage their children to attempt to change their genders.

Liberal parents will say they are just more "accepting" than conservative parents, yet conservative parents do not encourage their children to change genders (which isn't possible anyway as men are XY and women are XX and no amount of pills or surgeries can change that), which is known to raise the chances of suicide.

In the new study by Institute for Family Studies and Gallup, they do not deal with the gender issues, but rather the parenting styles, and the mental health issues that are more prevalent in children raised by liberals than those raised by conservatives.

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The 20-page PDF of the new study can be found at this link, but Jonathan Rothwell, one of the researchers that launched the study, summarized the findings at the Institute of Family Studies website, which we will be discussing below.

After a decade of surging adolescent mental health problems and suicide, the nations leading public health authorities have declared an emergency. Unfortunately, the solutions proposed by organizations like the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatricssuch as increased funding for diagnostic and psychiatric servicesdo not meet the challenge and ignore what are likely to be the most important causes. Adolescent biology hasnt changed.

Theysurveyed 6,643 parents, including 2,956 who live with an adolescent, and an additional 1,580 of those adolescents. According to Rothwell, theyasked about mental health, visits to doctors, parenting practices, family relationships, activities, personality traits, attitudes toward marriage, and other topics, including excessive social media use.

The findings are clear. The most important factor in the mental health of adolescent children is the quality of the relationship with their caregivers. This, in turn, is strongly related to parenting practiceswith the best results coming from warm, responsive, and rule-bound, disciplined parenting. The data also reveal the characteristics of parents who engage in best-practices and enjoy the highest quality relationships.

When it comes to the quality of parenting practices and the quality of child-parent relationships, there is no variation by socioeconomic status. The results may be shocking to many highly educated Americans who were taught to believe that socioeconomic status dictates everything good in life. Income doesnt buy better parenting, and more highly educated parents do not score better, either. Parenting style and relationship quality also do not meaningfully vary by race and ethnicity within our U.S. sample.

Now some might think that since studies have proven that liberals suffer more mental health problems than conservatives, therefore it makes sense that they would raise children with more mental health issues, and there is no doubt there is some logic to that thinking, but it doesn't tell the entire story.

For example, according to the charts of their findings, very conservative, and conservatives have above average scores on "warm disciplined parenting," with liberals and moderates scoring lower, but "very liberal" parents score higher than both moderates and liberals.

Rothwell states "Liberal parents score the lowest, even worse than very liberal parents, largely because they are the least likely to successfully discipline their children. By contrast, conservative parents enjoy higher quality relationships with their children, characterized by fewer arguments, more warmth, and a stronger bond, according to both parent and child reporting."

Have you ever seen children in restaurants, stores or other public spaces, where they run around and act like brats, while other children around the same age show manners and courtesy?

9 out of 10 times, the brats' parents are liberal while the mannered children have conservative or very conservative parents.

Rothwell also states:

Aside from political ideology, parents who think highly of marriageby disagreeing that it is an outdated institution and agreeing that it improves the quality of relationships by strengthening commitmentexhibit better parenting practices and have a higher quality relationship with their teens. Parents who wish for their own children to get married someday also tend to be more effective parents. Those who embrace a pro-marriage view on all three have the best outcomes.

Personally I would not say this finding was "aside from political ideology," since conservatives hold more of a pro-marriage view than liberals do. Not only that, but studies have also found that Republicans are happier in their marriages than Democrats.

Conservative are also happier than Democrats regardless of marriage.

....Taken as a whole, these results suggest, consistent with prior research, that while system justification plays a role in conservative happiness, conservatives are also happier because they believe hard work leads to good results (and as a result, feel they have attained more achievement), and because they are more religious.

Conservatives collectively are far more well adjusted than liberals, so they end up raising more well adjusted children.

The results of this latest study as well as the previous ones mentioned absolutely match my own observations online.

Liberal Democrats are constantly looking for something to be offended about. They are more likely to kill the unborn. They project their own misery upon others, constantly nagging, giving proof to the old clich that "misery loves company.


The bottom line here is simple: Liberal Democrats are literally making their children crazy. They are unhappier, less religious, more anti-marriage than conservatives, and less likely to discipline their children when they misbehave.

Related:10 Rules Liberals Have for Raising Children that Explain EVERYTHING

BUY: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder T-Shirt

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