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December 16, 2024
Climate Change Freaks And Depopulation Agenda Supporters Would Love To See Us Eating Bugs Or Dead By Starvation - Prepare Now So We Don't Give Them What They Want
If it wasn't so pathetic it would be amusing to see before/after shots of the democrat media reporting on inflation in the months leading up to the presidential election, and compare those reports to the ones after the election, where the media finally discovered that despite their claims about a booming economy, Americans are going broke.
Make no mistake, the MSM attempted to interfere in the 2024 presidential election by refusing to report the truth of what Americans are going through, the high credit card debt, just so families can afford to pay their bills and buy food.
Before the election we even saw examples of liberals attempting to tell those they were interviewing, that they were wrong about the economy, and those suffering just didn't understand that said suffering wasn't true.
One man told Lemon the U.S. was much better four years earlier when Trump was president. When Lemon pushed back, the man questioned if he got his news from CNN seemingly unaware Lemon was fired from the network in April 2023.
I made a lot more money than I do now, the man told Lemon.
I know you feel that way, but thats not actually what the record shows. The economy is actually better under Biden, Lemon responded, prompting the man to burst out into laughter. No, Im serious!
Just think of the audacity of telling someone they are making more than what they think. I am pretty sure everyone knows what they have in the bank, in their wallet, and how much is available on their credit cards, and Don Lemon, a complete stranger is denying the man's lived experience.
Well, the election is over and now, suddenly, the media has discovered Americans are suffering. Especially at the grocery counter.
"In the 35 years I've been an economist, I've rarely seen an economy performing as well as it is," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics who has previously advised presidential candidates from both parties, told CBS MoneyWatch. "I'd give it an A+."
Like Zandi, many other experts are giving the economy strong marks. The U.S. economy is "hot, hot, hot," noted Yardeni Research in an October 17 report. The job market is "resilient" and "there is no quit in the U.S. consumer," analysts at Oxford Economics told investors this week.
Most the MSM stories on the topic of rising food costs, on top of the triple and double digit increases since 2019, always want to explain why the prices are still so high and why they are rising again.
NEWSFLASH for the MSM: When comparing their grocery bills to their bank accounts or how much is available on their credit cards, Americans generally don't care about the "why," and would rather hear about the "how" of bringing these devastating prices down.
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Ironically, while finally telling the truth about the rising costs of food and showing the massive increases from 2019 to present day, the media is still attempting to point the fingers at anyone other than the Biden regime, and Democrat policies.
For example: They constantly use the Russia-Ukraine war to claim it is responsible for the rising costs of flour made products, wheat products, etc.... yet what they don't mention is that if the Biden White House, and NATO allies, had stayed out of that war, it would have been long over and many of the increases since 2022, would never have happened.
That is just one of many examples of how the MSM is still playing defense for the Biden White House and Democrat policies and spending.
The true state of the economy shouldn't be told to Americans by pundits that likely don't even do their own grocery shopping, but rather by the people affected by it.
Note to readers: If you see outrageous prices at your local grocery story, take a picture, send it over to [email protected] or [email protected], and we will publish them to show the story the media is still only telling us half of.
Another indicator of how the Biden economy isn't as "hot" as the media told us before the election, comes from the same outlets that told us how great the economy was before the election.
CBS News:Store closures have surged 69% in 2024. Here are the retailers shuttering thousands of stores.
U.S. retailers have announced more than 7,100 store closures through the end of November 2024, a 69% jump from the same time last year, according to recent data from research firm CoreSight. That comes as 45 retailers have filed for bankruptcy protection so far this year, compared with 25 retail bankruptcies for all of 2023, the report found.
In that same report they claim that consumer spending "appears" strong, yet the retailers are closing because consumer spending it not strong, so again, the MSM tells half the truth, then bubble wraps it with lies.
The fact is, between refusing new funding for Ukraine, helping form a lasting peace negotiation, spending that money on problems facing Americans, prices will start to lower, but after Biden's last funding package for Ukraine, it will take a while, meaning prices are not going down any time soon, and will continue to rise.
Same goes for using that money to help the supply chain, and manufacturing, etc...
2025 is going to be more expensive than 2024 was, and that is above and beyond what we say in rising costs from 2021 to present day.
While prepping is mostly done to prepare for some type of disaster or event, the disaster here is the food prices, and in some cases, freeze dried foods, those in cans where you can open it and just use a handful of meat for a soup, casserole, stew or salads, leaving multiple meals that can still be prepared with that same already opened product.
Those types of foods, casseroles and such, can feed an entire family, or just provide multiple meals for those not feeding children.
The books below help teach us to use freeze dried foods to prepare delicious meals.
The infamous "they," whether it be the climate change freaks, or the depopulation agenda supporters, would love nothing more than to see our protein consumption be insects and bugs, lab grown meat, or "veggie burgers", while the depopulation folks would love nothing more than to see most of us dead.
Let's not give them what they want.
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