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March 17, 2024

Never Thought I Would Say This: America Could Learn A Lesson From England Who Just Banned Puberty Blockers From Being Given To Children

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

This is a piece that should never have to be written, but in this day and age, the "transgender" sickness, for lack of a better word, is destroying children's lives.

Over the past few weeks I have seen a number of videos and stories about this issue. These reports, some self-reported, making it even worse, show us the damage the LGBT community is doing to children. This isn't about being "gay," but rather the ongoing campaign to convince children, defined here as minors under 18, that: 1) That there are more than two genders; 2) They can choose their gender, and; 3) That doing so will make them happier.

Number one is a complete fabrication as there are only two genders. We are born with with either XX chromosomes or XY. Females, with the appropriate genitalia are XX. Males with appropriate genitalia are XY.

Number two is a complete lie because no matter what is done, whether puberty blockers, being given testosterone, or surgical procedures that remove the men's/women's genitalia, nothing changes the chromosomes you were born with.

Period. End of.

Number three is also a lie, since every study conducted shows that those that "transition," attempt to change their gender, commit suicide at a far higher rate than those that do not.

One does not commit suicide if they are happy.

A Canadian study found that so-called transgender teens are 7.6 times more likely to attempt suicide, while the American Academy of Pediatrics found transgender adolescents (TGAs) "had higher odds of all suicidality outcomes, and transgender males and transgender females had high risk for suicidal ideation and attempt."

A survey in 2022 found thatmore than 50% of trans and non-binary youth in US considered suicide that year, and an "alarmingly high rates of depression, anxiety and suicide attempts are spread across liberal and conservative regions."

Emphasis mine. That debunks the claim that it is non-acceptance, or harassment against transgender children that is responsible for the suicides and attempted suicides, because liberals, and liberal areas, not only accept the fallacy that one can "change genders" but liberals also encourage it.

They publicly fight against restrictions against minors being put on puberty blockers, or mutilating surgeries that cannot be reversed, calling it "transphobic."

With all that said, a statement I never in a million years thought I would ever say: England has learned faster than America to stop giving children puberty blockers.

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In most every category, America is more free than in the UK. From speech to heckling to online content not landing you in jail as long as it isn't death threats, Americans have more civil liberties than England does.

Yet England, so far behind America in so many categories, has taken a step to protect children, that we are nowhere near doing to protect America's children.

NHS England made the announcement in response to the results of a public consultation on the ban, which it first proposed last June, and a review of available evidence by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice).

A spokesperson said: NHS England has carefully considered the evidence review conducted by NICE and further published evidence available to date.

We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of puberty suppressing hormones to make the treatment routinely available at this time.

Puberty blockers arrest the physical changes in a childs body that puberty brings, such as the development of breasts or facial hair. The NHSs decision means that the new regional services caring for under-18s with gender dysphoria, which open next month, will not use them as part of the treatment.

They will still allow children to partake in clinical trials using puberty blockers, but this is a step in the right direction, to protect children.

Not only is America behind England in this regard, but we are still seeing things like mothers telling people that their toddler is "non-binary." Parents deciding to allow their children to "decide" what gender they want to be is one of the new fads right here in the good ole US of A.

Below we see what happens when a teenage female is given testosterone. Remember, this is irreversible.


What would you, dear reader, say about a six year old already being two years into their transition? I cannot think of anyone that is sane truly believing that a child at four years old is capable of making any type of life altering decisions, especially a four year old little boy deciding they want to spend the rest of their lives being a female.

No. That is the parents deciding to jump onto the new fad bandwagon, despite the fact that their child will be more likely to attempt or to commit suicide.

That same parent sends her little boy who thinks he is a girl (thanks Mom!) to a transgender day camp, named Rainbow Day Camp. Yes, a camp for children too young to know better, to be free to be transgender.

How do we know it is the mother putting this nonsense into her child's head? Well, when asked what makes the day camp special, the child answered with "You get to do fun stuff."

Now that is a kid answer, but wasn't good enough for the mother who decided to coach a different answer out of the child.

Her mother, Molly, tried to coax a reporter-friendly answer out of her.

What is special about you, and the same as everybody else in the camp? she prompted.

I dont know, Gracie said.

Youre transgender and theres other kids that are transgender, too...

Im transgender and theres other kids that are transgender, too.

Of course the writer of that story is obviously sympathetic to transgender ideology and having parents decide they want their children to be transgender, therefore those parents coach them into it, not giving a damn about what happens to those children later in life.

Maybe I phrased that wrong. No doubt they will cry hysterically if their child is one of the many that commits suicide, but will they ever understand or acknowledge that it was their own choices that killed their child?


Below is a story of a child allowed to transition, then regretting it when it was too late, titled "I literally lost organs: Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders."

When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized shed made a mistake all by the time she was 16 years old.

She should be allowed to sure her parents and the doctors, clinics, and anyone else that participated in destroying her body and her life.

The linked piece above has more stories of those that changed their minds once they grew older, and some did it for the attention and support, nothing more.

Children can not make life altering decisions and parents that let them, should be arrested for child abuse.


Asking a four year old, or even allowing a four year old to "decide" what gender they are is child abuse in my opinion. When I was a kid I climbed trees, played football, took karate, buy never once though "I am a boy." I had two older brothers, one 8 and one 9 years older than me, so of course I played like a boy, that didn't make me one.

My heart breaks for these children.

Kudos to England for finally putting a stop to this form of child abuse.

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