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March 28, 2024
From Poisoning Our Waters & Lands To Killer Plagues Caused By Manmade Bioweapons, God Is Using Man To Destroy Ourselves & Carry Out HIS Will - Destruction Will Be Intense And Complete
One of the more obvious lessons to be learned when reading the Old Testament is that God does not always use super natural systems to end peoples that have gone astray after having known the goodness of His favors, such as we see in Noahs Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah or like kind on other than Abrahamic cultures such as the destruction of the Minoans with the eruption of Thera on the Greek island of Santorini and many more examples.
What we also see is that God often uses other peoples to destroy those that are in disfavor, or even one evil group to destroy another evil group. The term evil may or may not be not always be the correct one to use, but relative defiance against God compared to anothers is the idea I am getting to. If we continue using the Old Testament stories as examples, we can see that around 720 BC the Assyrian Empire destroyed Israel for lack of faith and lack of obedience to His laws. Again in about 590 BC King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Judah and carried the peoples off to Babylon. And of course, King Cyrus later on destroyed the Babylonian empire and released the tribes of Israel to go back home. The peoples repented and survived for a while after that, but fell again. And again. And again with the last destruction being the Romans complete destruction of Israel (Judah specifically) in 70 AD that lasted until 1947 when the Israeli Provisional Government was formed and the independent state of Israel was official in May 1948.
Known as the Abomination of Desolation, that destruction was intense and complete, with a few escaping to other nations if they fled quickly enough. That being said, we will dive into other topics seemingly not connected and wrap things up to hopefully make sense nearer the end of this column.
Massive wildfires have erupted as of late among so many areas that are historic in size and destruction from California, Canada, Australia, Brazil and many other places. Most sources try to say that yes, they are historical but no, they are not uncommon. Which is it? It has already been proven that many of these are not natural, with arson of some sort or the other being used. Whether fires started in electric meters as in the California fires, simultaneous fire eruptions of massive fires in Canada being set seemingly on purpose, likely by satellite or other direct energy beams just as has been proven in the Hawaii fires on Maui like the destruction of the town of Lahaina, similar fire sequences in Australia and Brazil, Indonesia, Siberia and the Arctic even, and there is something very amiss with some proven to be man made in one form or another and the others strongly suspected to be so.
Directed Energy Weapons are a matter of fact. Whether using high powered lasers or microwave or very low frequency or high frequency or other types of RF radiation, they can be tailored to the specific target. We have gone over a number of times how HAARP is used for not only weather modifications but also exciting the earths electric fields to induce earthquakes. Even things as simple as the very high tension power lines directly affect the flow of earthquakes and here they will strike as shown by the pioneering work of Michael Janitch (aka Dutchsinse) who has been harassed so badly by the Powers that Be that he has had to stop forecasting earthquakes because he is so accurate and they are jealous as hell and refuse to acknowledge this advancement in science because, if nothing else, of the not invented here syndrome that infects just about all of academia.
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Tornado in Salt Lake City 1999
The earth is a living organism, and the flows of energy in and out of it including the solar RF energies and those injected into the system by massive power plants and transmission lines along with the massive energies directed into it by HARRP and other high energy systems to include the satellite microwave transmissions. No, I am not saying all earthquakes are manmade, but I am saying that those natural ones are directly influenced in many cases by man intentional or not. And I believe many are intentional.
Lets take a look as a few of his headlines to see what he has been covering on this. M5.1 Earthquake strikes Southern California below RADAR station!! DEW weathermod, "HAARP ring" produces possible tornado REAL TIME as it pulses, 'HAARP ring' RADAR Pulse from NEXRAD causes storms over Georgia, Aircraft CAUGHT SPRAYING live on RADAR -- Making an actual "Storm"!, Ft. Worth / Dallas Texas MILE WIDE MAN MADE microwave generated tornadoes, HAARP "rings" created by US Military -- Plasma heating via Radio Waves PROVED, New Zealand hit by Microwave Pulse -- Then hit by Earthquake Swarm.
On and on these stories go, and Dutch is not the only one making these connections. The best point is that he shows PROOF that they are occurring. Usually satellite images, radar images, etc.
Man can cause earthquakes by many means, and some of those are actually claimed by the science community to be true, such as those caused by mining, drilling, oil production, frocking and so forth. Not to mention Scalar weapons which we have covered a number of times already.
ANP has published many articles on the war on food, how the NWO is destroying our ability to feed ourselves by destroying the production of food and making GMO weaponised Franken food seemingly the norm anymore. I will not go over this in any detail but will mention artificial meats, C19 shots infused into foods, fortified poisons destroying our wheat and much more. Susan Duclos has a very wide variety of excellent article on this topic to peruse and study. And that does not even consider the war on our production systems with all of the canneries granaries, meat production systems and so forth burning down lately destroying our ability to feed ourselves and the push to destroy our protein sources by eliminating herds and other animal farms. The result will be mass starvation, especially when combined with the looming wars.
The poisoning of our water and our land by spraying heavy elements into the atmosphere, the chemical warfare on our water and land making it not safe to use for agriculture, the pushes to eliminate private farms and even growing a small home garden being pushed by very evil groups, and so much more.
Plagues cause by manmade virus and other bugs such as the infamous war on humanity best exemplified by the so-called Corona Virus and the massive push to get people injected with a bio-weapon to cure it; cure a manmade disaster by injecting what made it in the first place sound intelligent to you? Many more plagues are in the offing as they do their best to kill off the human race and add to that all of the above to be topped off with massive wars that will destroy almost all of humanity in the planning and now the beginnings of the execution of it all. With a nuclear final blow it would seem as if mankind is doomed to extinction, and the Holy Prophecies bear out that that is where we will be if God does not intervene before the final war ends.
What is it all coming to? Let me answer that if I may.
I began by showing how God uses man in so many cases to answer His judgments upon those who are not willing to live His laws and rebel against His loving care. What I am trying to get over is that all of the end times maladies are now being put into force, and that He is using Man to implement those. Most of those end times horrors can be produced by man himself; call it a self inflicted Abomination of Desolation if you will. It all does not need to be supernatural causes alone, but can be by self made curses that we are destroyed. Consider this when you hear about so many frightening evils coming upon us and that so many of them are of our own doing. This is not a pleasant scenario but one that seems to me to be most obvious. We need not wait to see the massive catastrophes caused by unknown supernatural powers since we are doing it ourselves as God uses us to destroy ourselves. We are already under those curses!
How fitting of an end is that?
May God bless
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