May 4, 2022
With America Past The Point Of No Return, Do NOT Fall For The 'Orchestrated Distractions' That Keep Americans Minds Off Of The BIG Picture While The Globalists Intentionally Enrage The Left
- Keep The Focus On Prepping With America Intentionally Being Ripped To Shreds

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While the HUGE story out Tuesday morning that blew up the internet and set Democrats hair on fire reported the US Supreme Court may have finally decided to 'strike down' Roe v Wade, as ANP reader/commenter 'Fatty Wink' pointed out in an excellent, thought-provoking comment on Susan Duclos' May 2nd ANP story titled "Warnings Become More Dire As 'Bidenflation' Forces Massive Changes In Eating Habits As Food Shortages Become More Pronounced From Coast To Coast", "let's call the leak of the supreme court opinion on Roe v Wade what it is, a calculated distraction from everything in this article."
With Susan's article 'Fatty Wink' referenced pointing out the awful and getting-worse-every-day food situation in America, and even the far left now openly calling out Biden such as at the recent White House correspondents dinner when Trevor Noah claimed of Biden, "ever since you came into office, things are already looking up. Gas is up, rent is up, food is up. Everything", 'Fatty Wink' made great points in that comment, and several to follow, that remind us to keep our eyes on 'the big picture' while the left is melting down.
Pointing outthis 'distraction' also "serves to galvanize a splintered base who was regretting voting for Biden in the first place", as Susan also mentioned to me in discussing this entire situation, the 'right' to 'murder' one's own child is a 'civil war level issue' to the far left, potentially pushing America to that SHTF scenario long warned of as seen in the comments and actions from the radical left in the past 48 hours alone.
So we'll be taking a look within this story at the threats of extreme violence being levied by the far left with one of their most precious 'values' under attack in a huge way in 2022 and how the globalist establishment is using this anger to 'get out the vote' for Democrats as well as to 'intimidate' the US Supreme Court and other Conservative politicians as well as how this entire 'orchestrated' scenario is being used to distract everyone from the 'big picture', the 'takedown' of America. The remainder of 'Fatty Wink's' comment first.:
All the ground the sane and common-sense-crowd have gained over the last 2 years could essentially be erased on this manufactured story. This is NOT about abortion or anyone's opinions on the matter, this is NUMBER ONE about getting votes at the midterms, NUMBER TWO about distracting the masses from worsening conditions (that are only going to get worse) under the Biden admin and the consequences of all their policies, and NUMBER THREE to discredit the validity of the court, should they make any votes on future vaccine mandates, voter fraud etc. You have to wonder if the courts are in on it as well - it's all too conveniently timed, and all too obvious.
Everyone from Joe Rogan, to Tucker Carlson, to Russel Brand to Tim Pool to any influencer with a reach outside of the mainstream need to be calling this distraction out for what it is, screaming from the mountaintops. It may not even matter, as the left base will vote for a potato if they feel their precious ability to abort babies is threatened - they will ignore all the more impactful "bad" going on because it is a wedge issue sword designed for them to fall on. This could however, be an opportunity (if everyone calls it out) to EXPOSE the MSM and the establishments M.O. with manufacturing this "crisis". If exposed loudly enough by enough people, it might wake the fence-sitters, the re-gretters up to the reality that yes, the MSM is working in concert with the PTB to manipulate you.
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As mentioned briefly above, while discussing everything now happening in America on Tuesday with Susan, her comment to me that this is a 'civil war level rights issue' to the left got me exploring and what I found in comment after comment from 'the left' at website after website is alarming.
With 'divide and conquer' long a favorite tactic of the globalists, and the biggest target of them all now in their sights, America, we expect we'll continue to see more and more 'orchestrated events' that will be used by the globalists to turn up the heat and push us well past the point of no return.
Such as this new Reuters story reporting 'gay marriage' and other so-called leftist'rights' are now at risk with the high court allegedly aiming at 'Roe v. Wade', we expect they'll keep on cranking up the heat upon us all as long as they're able to, especially with mid-term elections coming up.
So with the radical left now openly calling for violence while claiming that 'political violence works', imagine if a Conservative had made the following remarks or comments, and think about what Democrats are trying to convict Conservatives of doing all the way back on January 6th of 2021 to see another part of the much bigger picture.

As this new story over at Whatfinger News General Dispatch reports,"leftist nuts are threatening violence. All for having to drive a few extra hours to commit murder". Just imagine what America might look like should they have that 'right' taken away! Giving all of us a reason to continue to prepare as if SHTF might arrive in the coming weeks, we should never forget that the globalists NEED TEOTWAWKI in America to fully usher in their dictatorial great reset.
So while Democrats attempt to make Roe v Wade a key issue for the mid-term elections, a very clear get out the vote drive based upon what may or may not even eventually play out at all, as Steve Watson reported in this new story over at Summit News, back in 1982 as a US Senator, Joe Biden claimed Roe v Wade 'went too far' and should be left as a 'State issue'.
With Biden again angering the left on Tuesday while the internet was blowing up with leftists hair on fire when he called 'the unborn' a 'child', we still should remember what 'Fatty Wink' says, all of this is an orchestrated distraction to keep America's eyes off of our nation being torn apart and tyranny being rushed in.
While the first video below takes a look at the very real possibility that the left will explode in violence over the coming weeks over that US Supreme Court case, the final video below reminds us exactly what the 'big picture' that we need to keep our focus upon is, the pre-planned starvation of Americans that can be dated at least as far back as 2005.
And with history a reminder that the globalists have long used food as a weapon, that 'weapon' will become twice as deadly in 2022 if the worst case scenarios discussed within this story come to pass in the coming days, weeks and months as Summer arrives and the weather heats up, like America, towards the boiling point.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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