February 2, 2023
The January 6th Gulags Are Terrorist Acts Upon The American People From The Same Playbook As 9/11, Meant To Terrify Americans From Holding Congress Accountable For Their Crimes
- Congress will be entrapped by their own treasonous and seditious acts and misplaced loyalties
By Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News for All News Pipeline
I think a lot about the razor-wire and chain link fence that was erected around the Capitol in January 2021, at the core of Washington, District of Columbia.
I think about the God-fearing American patriots escorted into the Capitol by infiltrator Pied Pipers on Jan. 6, 2021, and then imprisoned and tortured in the American gulag archipelago for their acts of trespass.
I think about the silence of Congress in the face of those political imprisonments and tortures.
I think theres something extremely important about the physical spaces the interior and exterior created by the chain link perimeter fence, on both the vertical, theological axis and the horizontal, geopolitical plane.
Im sharing those thoughts for broader consideration, especially by the handful of Congress members who hold onto the belief that the only legitimate purpose of human governments is the security and prosperity of the People entrusted to their care, and that enslaving, sickening and murdering the People is out of moral and lawful bounds.
In short: the J6 events were terrorist acts, orchestrated by the globalist central bankers, intended to and effective at instilling fear to widen the distance between Congress and People.
J6 was from the same playbook as the 9/11 penetration and collapse of the World Trade Center, and anthrax attacks on Congress.
The central bankers and their marketing teams in mass media create and distribute visually terrifying cues.
The cues are followed by demands for power transfers from People and Congress to the infiltrated, central-banker-controlled administrative state, on the predicate that the power transfer is for the victims own protection from harm. The very same individuals and criminal organizations who pose the greatest threat, receive the transferred power.
Its protection racketeering writ global, as Sasha Latypova recently explained.
The observable result of the fear-mongering is the ongoing imprisonment of Congress and People both.
Congress members are imprisoned in fear in the Capitol buildings and offices, within the chain link perimeter line, whether the physical fence is present at any particular moment or not.
Several hundred People are imprisoned in the gulags: the men and women rounded up for being present at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Millions more are imprisoned in their own homes, workplaces and schools, too frightened by J6 to plan and converge in mass demonstrations against government corruption in Washington DC, lest they join their brethren in the gulags.
In my view, J6 was never about Trump at all. It was always about setting up barriers between Congress and People. It was about separating the real Congress from the real People, and from the real lawmaking power Congress holds, through delegation from the People.
When Congress stands in its People-derived power, the hands of the administrative state traitors are tied, and the financing for their terrorism contracts dries up.
So the central bankers hate the People, and they hate the Congress, because Congress is the federal institution most connected to the People.
They also hate the Constitution, because the Constitution is the foundation on which principles of reservation and delegation of political power rest.
And yes, I know the central bankers have rigged the elections, to control who gets into Congress and who stays out.
Im referring to the moral, governing institution of Congress itself, and to the handful of men and women of honor and integrity who currently serve in Congress despite the best efforts of the globalists to keep every last one of them out. They are the embryonic cells of the restored Constitutional republic now aborning.
Looking ahead into the murky, turbulent future, I think its worth giving serious thought and doing serious planning about how to get the members of the real Congress out of that chain link perimeter on very short notice, back into relative freedom, back into direct contact with and under the direct physical protection of the People, in a defensible physical location that can become a new American capital.
When and if the moment comes, where this alternative continuity of government scenario unfolds from necessity, it will isolate the illegitimate, Potemkin US government on the inside of the perimeter fence, entrapped by their own treasonous and seditious acts and misplaced loyalties.
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