January 17, 2024
A Form Of Invisible Warfare Used By Global Govt To Overthrow Nations Is Being Used Upon Americans - How 'Weather Terrorism' Is Killing People, Destroying Agriculture & Will Starve Millions
- A sick and diseased populace is a submissive and overly compliant one
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
With a huge part of the country now stuck in a deep freeze of epic proportions, with temperatures WAY below freezing now 'the norm' for hundreds of millions of Americans, and that deep freeze already leading to a number of deaths from hypothermia nationwide, the website State of the Nationput out an alarming story today, pointing out that, with 'weaponized weather' proven to wreak havoc around the world for years now, this bizarrely cold system has all the signs of another 'attack' upon humanity.
Now while 'weaponized weather' might sound like 'another crazy conspiracy theory' being spouted by people with too much time on their hands, all one needs to do is visit the 'Patents' page of Dane Wigington's GeoEngineering Watch website to see that the US govt and globalists have been working on inventions to 'modify' our weather for well over 100 years, and have been quite successful at creating 'systems' they've used for the worst of intentions, just as this SOTN story warns of this current weather system.
Warning us that NWO Geoengineers are routinely manufacturing extreme weather just like todays nationwide deep freeze,and that doing so during the cold weather allows them to wreak havoc with our immune systems so that as many folks as possible will get very ill and die, three must-read new stories over at Natural News also warn us just how they're attacking humanity secretly, with this 'weaponized weather' having deadly repercussions. Each of those stories are linked directly below.
Arctic blast was engineered to cause maximum damage to farms, roads and infrastructure, and interruptions to society
Dane Wigington tells Mike Adams GEOENGINEERING is intended to destroy world agriculture and starve millions
Dane Wigington and Mike Adams: Awareness is key to fighting off climate terrorism aimed at destroying our natural habitat
With Mike Adams recently interviewing Dane Wigington as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, warning us that this Arctic blast will end up having devastating repercussions that last much longer than the cold itself, as we're warned, these geoengineering efforts, which include chemical ice nucleating cloud seeding, are already ongoing, and will end up destroying agriculture and ushering in famine.
And while many might argue that 'chemical ice nucleating cloud seeding' is just a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' we can thank Dane Wigington for his amazing work over the years of gathering the patents that prove to us that such technology to 'alter' the weather really exists, with Wigington providing us with the documentation proving his point with the following patents that you can verify yourself to this day.
3127107 March 31, 1964 Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals
3587966 June 28, 1971 Freezing Nucleation
3858805 January 7, 1975 Ice Nucleation by Micas
4009828 March 1 1977 Organic Nucleating Agent for both Warm and Cold Clouds
WO2020148644A1 July 23, 2020 3d Reduced Graphene Oxide/Sio 2 Composite for Ice Nucleation
2021063943 April 8, 2021 Bacterial Preparations for Ice Nucleation
2021152336 August 8, 2021 Method of Cloud Seeding using Natural Ice Nucleating Agents
Still think that 'weather modification' is just some 'crazy conspiracy theory'?
(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)
And while still to this day, after years and years of proof, we still hear people calling 'weather modification' a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' such as this January 12th Penn Live story titled "Trump backer floats wild conspiracy involving weather manipulation, Nikki Haley and the Iowa Caucus," even CNN back on December 3rd of 2020 published this story titled "China to expand weather modification program to cover area larger than India."
Reporting in that story that, by using 'cloud seeding,' a technology that CNN reports "has been around for decades," China will be able to produce artificial rain or snowfall in an area reaching 5.5 million sq km, while over 580,000 sq km (224,000 sq miles) will be covered by hail suppression technologies, how can anybody still argue that 'weather modification technologies' are just 'a conspiracy theory'?
With that 2020 CNN story also reporting China has long sought to control the weather to protect farming areas and to ensure clear skies for key events it seeded clouds ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics to reduce smog and avoid rain ahead of the competition. Key political meetings held in the Chinese capital are notorious for enjoying beautiful clear skies, thanks both to weather modification and the shutting down of nearby factories,we have to ask, if 'weather modification' is documented as being used 'for good,' isn't just the opposite true, that such technologies can also be used to 'wage wars and wreak havoc'?
As this story over at the website Eightify warns when reporting upon Dane Wigington's must-watch documentary titled "The Dimming," which we have embedded as the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, Climate engineering operations, such as the spraying of toxic particles into the atmosphere, are causing global dimming, harming the environment and human health, and pose a serious national security problem that needs further investigation and transparency. From their story.:
- Climate engineering has been used as a tool for destabilizing and toppling nations, facilitating military occupations by hostile countries.
- Engineering the weather through geo-engineering can be used as a form of invisible warfare, allowing the infliction of droughts without popular opposition.
- Geoengineering is considered a new Manhattan Project on an inconceivable scale, with governments worldwide actively or passively participating in these controversial operations.
- Hurricanes can be manipulated through radio frequency transmissions and atmospheric particulate spraying, a practice that has been ongoing since at least 1947.
- Aluminum nanoparticles, being highly reflective and desiccant, are used by climate engineers to reduce direct sunlight and disrupt the global hydrological cycle, potentially affecting the Earth's climate.
- Climate engineering operations need to be exposed and halted in order for the planet to find a new equilibrium and sustain life in the future.
- Time is running out to stop interfering with Earth's life support systems and allow the planet to respond to the damage done to it on its own, as climate engineering is not a cure but a curse worse than the disease.
So while the globalists scream and moan about 'climate change' and 'global warming,' they themselves are busy inflicting catastrophic damage to our planet Earth, creating much bigger problems for 'the environment' than were ever here before their deadly programs came along. As that previously referenced Eightify story warns, "climate engineering is not a cure but a curse worse than the disease."
And as Breitbart reports in this new story, one way this weather is wreaking absolute havoc with our infrastructure is in the electric car industry. Reporting that the frigid weather in Chicago has turned electronic vehicle charging stations into car graveyards, as that story reports, "A surge of stranded electric vehicles, predominantly Tesla cars, has overtaken the Oak Brook Supercharger station in Chicago, as a severe cold snap renders many EVs powerless and immobile."
Giving us just another reason to avoid electric cars as if they were the plague, with one man describing the scene perfectly as "a bunch of dead robots," as this Natural News story warns, this weather terrorism is also wreaking havoc upon roads, our utility systems and particular, our agricultural system. From that story briefly which reports on the 1st video below and the discussion between Mike Adams and Dane Wigington.
The two also discussed how the manipulated cold weather is hitting the breadbasket of America. "It's Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and parts of Colorado. The food production in this area is massive. This is what feeds much of the United States," Adams pointed out. "In terms of wheat, corn, barley and all these things that are grown in the Midwest and the Upper Midwest, there are devastating temperatures here now."
Wigington also mentioned that the soils are so radically compromised that theyre nearly sterile. "When you kill the soil microbiome, you turn what was soil into dirt. These types of flash freezes are being used to crush crops all over the globe," he revealed. He also exposed that the globalists are spraying defoliants that cause leaves to drop off prematurely. There are also various toxic elements such as aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese and polymer fibers in the air as well as microplastic particles in bottles of so-called clear drinking water.
Farms are also being targeted, according to Wiginton and Adams. "Farmers in Germany are erupting right now with mass protests because the government is taking away the diesel fuel subsidies that made them competitive with other European nations," Adams cited. The Health Ranger further set self-proclaimed vaccine czar Bill Gates as an example, as he is rolling out aerosolized vaccines. "They're spraying all kinds of things in the air right now like malathion," he said referring to the man-made organophosphate insecticide that is commonly used to control mosquitoes and a variety of insects.
With the previously mentioned State of the Nation story also warning us about this weather warfare being used upon us that "A sick and diseased populace is a submissive and overly compliant one,"and that"killing and incapacitating as many US citizens as possible is the global cabal's primary goal,"their story warned that many Americans are now particularly vulnerable to this weather manipulation with their immune systems suffering from the devastating effects of a very stealthy jab and sicken strategy overlaid by geoengineered extreme weather patterns.
And as that previously referenced Eightify story warns, the impacts upon our planet Earth's life support systems of 'geoengineering' are devastating, long term, and irreversible. Once again, from that story.:
- Climate engineering operations, aimed at cooling the planet, are actually derailing Earth's life support systems and worsening overall warming, making them the most insane endeavor ever deployed by the human race.
- Climate engineering is the single greatest and most immediate threat to the planet, surpassing even nuclear cataclysm.
- Climate engineering involves manufacturing winter weather events using chemical ice nucleation, creating the illusion of cold temperatures and sensationalized headlines, while masking the true severity of polar meltdown.
- Climate engineering is the main cause of unprecedented wildfires globally, as it disrupts the hydrological cycle, destroys the ozone layer, and increases the flammability of forests.
- Climate engineering, intended to mask the effects of climate change, has actually worsened the situation by altering wind and ocean currents, leading to massive methane blowouts in unexpected areas like the Arctic.
- Plankton populations globally are plummeting due to extreme UV radiation caused by climate engineering, which is a significant threat to oxygen production and ultimately human survival.
- "The reality is, if you look at where this thing is going, you know better we deal with it. Now. It's like cancer. It's only going to get worse."
Just as Steve Quaylehad warned in his book "Weather Wars & Un-Natural Disasters," Technology will make available, to the leaders of the major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of security forces need be appraised Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. And we're witnessing that now, right before our eyes. Yet most still do not see it.
If you still haven't bothered to purchase a generator, we've got a bunch of them linked at the very bottom of this story. With this absolutely devastating weather proving to be deadly for those who are unable to keep themselves warm, and power outages being seen all over the country, having a generator to keep the electricity going in a worst case scenario could be the difference between life and death.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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Anything at all at Amazon purchased after clickingthis ANP link, or any purchases of the products linked below, will allow ANP to make a bit of revenue, all of which will be used to keep ANP online and to keep a roof over our heads.
Some standard generators available right now and as close by as an order placed and a delivery to your home include the following.:
WEN DF475T Dual Fuel 120V/240V Portable Generator with Electric Start Transfer Switch Ready, 4750-Watt, CARB Compliant
DuroMax XP5500EH Electric Start-Camping & RV Ready, 50 State Approved Dual Fuel Portable Generator-5500 Watt Gas or Propane Powered, Blue/Black
WEN DF1100T 11,000-Watt 120V/240V Dual Fuel Portable Generator with Wheel Kit and Electric Start - CARB Compliant, Black
DuroMax XP13000E Gas Powered Portable Generator-13000 Watt Electric Start-Home Back Up & RV Ready, 50 State Approved, Blue/Black
Generac 7127 iQ3500-3500 Watt Portable Inverter Generator Quieter Than Honda, Orange/Black
DuroMax XP13000HX Dual Fuel Portable Generator-13000 Watt Gas or Propane Powered Electric Start w/CO Alert, 50 State Approved, Blue
Champion Power Equipment 200914 4250-Watt Open Frame Inverter Generator, Dual Fuel Technology
Generac 70432 Home Standby Generator Guardian Series 22kW/19.5kW Air Cooled with Wi-Fi and Transfer Switch, Aluminum
DuroMax XP13000E Gas Powered Portable Generator-13000 Watt Electric Start-Home Back Up & RV Ready, 50 State Approved, Blue/Black