November 25, 2023
Insiders Warn The Dangers Of 'Going Green' Will Be Catastrophic As The Biden Cabal Rushes Shutting Down Hydroelectric Dams And Coal Plants That Supply Power To 10's Of Millions
- When The Grid Goes Down And The Lights Go Out, No One Will Come To Help
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
This new story over at Resist The Mainstream presents us with just one piece of a puzzle that's not too difficult to put together if we only look at all of the puzzle pieces, rather than just this one. With their story titled "Grid Operator Sounds Alarm As Coal Plant Shutdown Threatens Power for Millions," that story immediately caught my attention with the Brandon Shores coal power plant near Baltimore, Maryland serving millions of people in the Baltimore/Washington DC region and that closure, planned for June of 2025, being just a small part of a much larger settlement with the Sierra Club.
Reporting that back in 2020, Texas-based Talen Energy, the coal plants operator, had agreed with the Sierra Club to close Brandon Shores and two other major coal plants in the regionin an attempt to avoid any future litigation, the then-CEO of Talen Energy, Ralph Alexander, described the move as part of the companys transition to green energy and its broader environmental, social and governance (ESG)-focused future.
However as the operator of the grid, PJM Interconnection, has warned, the premature closure of Brandon Shoreswould create an imbalance in the gridwith Jeff Shields, the spokesman for PJM Interconnection, direly warning the severe voltage drop and thermal violations across seven PJM zones that could result from the plants deactivation could lead to widespread reliability risks in Baltimore and surrounding areas.
With Shields also warning of"an urgent need to upgrade the transmission system in order to maintain reliability and the flow of power to the 65 million people we serve, can you imagine the city of Baltimore and numerous surrounding areas, including Northern Virginia, the District of Columbia, Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania, without power for an extended period of time?
As the Resist The Mainstream story warned, such a scenario is potentially catastrophic.
And as we mentioned in our opening, to see the entire picture of what's now happening across America we need to put the entire puzzle together, with the next crucial piece of the puzzle this new story over at Fox News reporting the Biden admin is quietly working on a settlement with groups in the State of Washington who are seeking to tear down a key power source there, four different hydroelectric dams.
Once again, a long-running project of the Sierra Club, the Sierra Club has outright stated that their goal is the protection of 'wild salmon' in the Columbia Basin, damn the human beings who might suffer or die due to such premature shutdowns with filings jointly submitted by the federal government and eco groups requesting a multiyear pause on the litigation to allow for the implementation of the package as soon as Dec. 15, 2023.
So, starting to see the 'big picture'? As we'll explore within the remainder of this story, it's not just power plants in the state of Maryland and the state of Washington that are now at risk due to environmental groups teaming with 'big government' to shut down America's power supplies in a mad rush towards appeasing environmental groups w/o first getting the proper replacements in place.
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As Susan Duclos had pointed out within this November 24th story, everywhere you look as 2023 comes rushing to a close we see the Biden administration in a mad rush to destroy America. From leaving our Southern border wide open for who-knows-who to come rushing in to him forcing the American people to take their death jab, as Republican Representative Andy Harris warned of the decision to close Brandon Shores, "Closing an efficient, low-cost energy producing plant like Brandon Shores is just one more way America is surrendering our energy advantage to China and Russia.
With Rep. Harris also warning of "a very real danger to the well-being and livelihoods of Maryland families and businesses," having lived and worked in the Baltimore/Washington DC area for years and years I can assure you, most of the people living in those areas will be 'up sh*t creek without a paddle' should the power grid come crashing down for any kind of extended period of time.
While most of the people living in those city areas unable to even tell you what 'prepping' is, at a time when more Americans than ever are worried about paying their rent/mortgage, utilities and getting food under 'Bidenomics,'it's not too difficult to imagine the chaos that would be unleashed should, God forbid, the grid come crashing down.
How many Americans do you think could even go a week without power, heat and water? And all of this madness unfolding now so the Biden crime cabal can appease the environmental groups seemingly running America (into the ground!) From this Resist The Mainstream story before we continue.:
Christopher Summers, president of the Maryland Public Policy Institute, expressed concerns about the accelerated timeline for exiting coal-fired power plants in the state of Maryland, known for its blue-shelled crabs and visually appealing state flag.
"There has been a strong push for quite some time to get coal power out of Maryland, Summers said in an interview with Fox News Digital. In this accelerated timeline of exiting from coal-fired power plants in the coming 12 to 24 months, I think its going to create a major reliability concern for the state.
The loss of power poses a real danger to the well-being and livelihoods of Maryland families and businesses, Summers said. Until these current risks to our grid are fully dealt with, its a mistake to close reliable, baseload power plants too soon. That should be a concern to consumers in Maryland and businesses in Maryland that rely on dependable power.
With ALL Marylander's, and practically everybody across the country in 2023, totally relying upon 'dependable power,'and most Americans totally clueless about what they'd do in such a SHTF scenario as the electric grid going down, as we see in the image above, a long term, grid down scenario will immediately lead to supply lines being cut, resulting in shortages of just about everything, everywhere, leading to a total economic and societal breakdown that would create utter chaos all across the areas that were hit, leading to a declaration of martial law and military rule on the streets of the USA.
And as this March 24th of 2014 story at Utility Drive had direly warned us,all it would take would be nine key substations being knocked out, through a terrorist attack or through government madness, and the entire U.S. could suffer a crippling coast-to-coast blackout for 18 months or more. And as we can clearly see now, all of the terrorists that biden is letting in could do just that. From that story.:
The possibility of a terrorist attack knocking out the power grid makes for a good headline, but could it really happen? The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) says yes.
If terrorists are ever able to knock out nine of the nations 55,000 substations, the U.S. power grid could suffer coast-to-coast blackouts lasting 18 months or more, according to leaked excerpts from a FERC report.
There are 30 substations in the U.S. that play a critical role in the nations grid operations, the report said. If any nine of them were taken offline, there could be widespread blackouts for weeks or far longer.
Just because a crippling grid attack is possible, doesnt mean its going to happen. But terrorist attacks on the power grid dont just make for good headlines theyre already happening.
With environmental groups in California also right this moment working on the worlds largest dam removal projecton the Klamath River, with Cal Matters reporting that by the end of 2024, four aging hydroelectric dams spanning the California-Oregon state line will be gone,once again due largely to salmon, we see once again how environmental groups are dictating to politicians.
And with all of the 'green energy' demons inhabiting the Biden administration insanely giving those terrorists who might seek to take down America's electrical grid a hand by removing all of these hydroelectric dams and coal plants before adequate steps are taken to replace the lost power that is generated by those facilities, let's take a look back less than two years to February of 2021, while also looking forward, to the state of Texas and what happened when they decided to impose rolling blackouts to ease the demand on the electric grid there.
As the Daily Mail reports in this new story, Texas officials have just warned Texas residents to expect rolling blackouts this winter to ease the demand upon their electrical grid there, the exact same strategy that they used in the Winter of 2021 that led to the deaths of over 200 Texans unprepared to survive the cold without electricity. If the grid were to go down for an extended period of time in the middle of Winter, such as we had last year with a long string of sub-zero temps, could you and your family survive?
One of the huge reasons why we here at ANP made sure we got a home/office with a fireplace, while the temperature here outside this morning got down to a frigid 18 degrees, with a fire cooking inside, (and no other form of heating our home at all,) we still had it up to over 70 degrees in our basement where our fireplace is in no time at all. From this Daily Mail story before our conclusion.:
Texas officials have warned they may need to use rolling blackouts to ease the strain on the state's power grid this winter, despite the same strategy resulting in over 200 deaths during a previous storm.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas said it may need to employ controlled outages if temperatures plunge below freezing for days on end as they did in February 2021.
ERCOT ordered rolling blackouts to help cope with the surge in demand as Texans cranked up the heating to cope with the plummeting mercury. Hundreds of people subsequently died.
At its peak, four million people were kept in the dark for a record 70.5 hours after 365 generators were knocked offline as a result of the severe weather.
With what happened in Texas back in February of 2021 proving to us that TEOTWAWKI is only a moment away at just about any time, we've also warned time and again on ANP about this worst-case-scenario long forecast by the deep state, military industrial complex linked Deagel Report of America turned completely into a 3rd world nation by the year 2025, and if we look out at other 3rd world nations one of the things we instantly see is many of them without reliable electricity.
So with the Biden crime cabal in a mad rush to destroy America as Susan Duclos had warned in this recent story, while feverishly working with environmental groups in America to institute 'green energy' nationwide, the fact that grid operators are sounding the alarm that all of this is being done too quickly should be a dire warning to us all about what's to come in the days, months and years ahead.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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Anything at all at Amazon purchased through this ANP linkor the items below will allow ANP to make a bit of revenue, all of which will be used to keep ANP online and to keep a roof over our heads.
Some standard generators available now and as close by as an order and delivery to your home include the following. Had those poor folks in Texas who died back in the Winter of 2021 had items such as this, they might be alive this moment. :
WEN DF475T Dual Fuel 120V/240V Portable Generator with Electric Start Transfer Switch Ready, 4750-Watt, CARB Compliant
DuroMax XP5500EH Electric Start-Camping & RV Ready, 50 State Approved Dual Fuel Portable Generator-5500 Watt Gas or Propane Powered, Blue/Black
WEN DF1100T 11,000-Watt 120V/240V Dual Fuel Portable Generator with Wheel Kit and Electric Start - CARB Compliant, Black
DuroMax XP13000E Gas Powered Portable Generator-13000 Watt Electric Start-Home Back Up & RV Ready, 50 State Approved, Blue/Black
Generac 7127 iQ3500-3500 Watt Portable Inverter Generator Quieter Than Honda, Orange/Black
DuroMax XP13000HX Dual Fuel Portable Generator-13000 Watt Gas or Propane Powered Electric Start w/CO Alert, 50 State Approved, Blue
Champion Power Equipment 200914 4250-Watt Open Frame Inverter Generator, Dual Fuel Technology
Generac 70432 Home Standby Generator Guardian Series 22kW/19.5kW Air Cooled with Wi-Fi and Transfer Switch, Aluminum
DuroMax XP13000E Gas Powered Portable Generator-13000 Watt Electric Start-Home Back Up & RV Ready, 50 State Approved, Blue/Black