August 31, 2024
In Memory Of Stefan Mark Stanford: September 22, 1962 - August 30, 2024 - Rest In Peace, Sunshine
By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline
On Friday, August 30, 2024, I lost my Sunshine, a mother lost her son, a son lost his father, and two sisters lost their older brother to a beast of a disease, cancer.
The world lost a Watchman, Independent Media lost a huge voice, and ANP readers lost a beloved family member.
Stefan Mark Stanford touched everyone who knew him, and those that read the passion in his work understood instinctively that his sole goal was to inform and educate. Stefan made it his mission to always question the official narrative, especially when said narrative had so many holes throughout it was more like Swiss Cheese.
Stefan literally felt it was his calling to research, double-check, read everything about the topic he was writing about, question any anomaly, and most importantly, find the answers and share them with you, his ANP family.
All News PipeLine was Stefan's dream, his design and his outlet for his passion of writing and researching.
ANP will continue, it will just be missing a large part of it's heart and soul, but that is okay, those parts belonged to him anyway.
Last but not least, Dear Readers, Stefan loved all of you, and often said we at ANP had the best readers and commenters and brains on the internet.
I concur.
Rest in peace, Sunshine.
For those that would like to make a contribution, you can do so via Paypal, or snail mail.
Susan Duclos
10510 South Ave
Poland, OH. 44514