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September 22, 2023
This Could Have Been The 'Theme Song' Of The 'New World Order,' Espousing World Economic Forum Goals That's Really A 'Mandate From Hell,' Forced Upon By Servants Of That Evil Realm
As I begin this column it is the afternoon of International Day of Peace and the radio stations are filled with songs and programs proclaiming the benefits of peace and sweet unicorn rainbows. Yes, peace is the goal, but the prescribed methods of obtaining it by the world at large are not; except perhaps the truth of it being an imaginary goal using their methods. That goal is being pushed by the so-called New World Order under the United Nations 1981 General Assembly declaration. I use the term so called for a very specific reason; New World Order is an umbrella term covering a myriad of various Secret Societies with one goal in mind, and there exists a massive disconnect between the stated goals and the intended results. One is for public consumption, the other for actual action so please keep this in mind as we continue. They do not all work in perfect harmony although the long term goal is the same for all of them. Short term variances should not be mistaken for lack of coordination and effectiveness variances should not be mistaken for failures or changes of plan. Remember that Lucifer is behind it all and his war against God is paramount with the fickleness of man messing up many of their operations.
What actually triggered this column is not the fact that September 21st is declared as the International Day of Peace, but that perhaps the more often played song in honor of that day is an old one by john Lennon named Imagine. So it is not imperative that this be published on that day as any day will suffice, it is just that the initial impetus came from celebrations of and on that day. It is therefore a discussion of that song and the implications and linkages with the United Nations goal of Peace that is the priority to be looked into.
Musically a beautiful song, simple and has stood up to the test of time as Biography dot com states, The song has been covered by artists in every genre, fromLiza MinnelliandStevie WondertoNeil YoungandLady Gaga, and performed at some of the biggest events across the globe. The Olympics. New Year's Eve. Concerts for Peace. Concerts for Hunger. Lennon composed the song in one session, sitting at his white grand piano in his Tittenhurst Park estate in England in May 1971. His wife,Yoko Ono, watched him as he played the melody and wrote most of the lyrics. Recorded in his home studio, it was released in October of that same year. It has been covered by some of the worlds greatest artists from many different genres of style that encompass just about every area and culture.
The lyrics are quite simple and in some instances can be misunderstood or even deceiving depending on the point of view of those reading them. The first verse goes like this;
Imagine there's no Heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today
In other words, no heaven and no hell with only sky above us means you should not concern yourselves with obeying our Creators laws nor worrying if your actions will condemn you to one or the other. That is the classic basis for do whatever the hell you want because there is no repercussion. It has the same effect as the loss of enforcement of law in so many blue cities that have stifled their police with judges and DAs refusing to prosecute and imprison those who will not follow the rule of law. It is this irrational and dangerous leftist thrust that is destroying our once great cities turning them into prisons for those who cannot escape. Living for today is the classic phrase used to ignore consequence and enjoy yourself at the expense of our future and any other persons welfare. It is the fundamental quality of selfishness taken to the limits and destruction, self destruction, soon follows. That cannot be considered as peace and I cannot understand why they would think that we should imagine it as we are seeing the destructive and so often violent results of that mindset everyday now.
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace
Nations are an essential element of human organization that extends from the family to the community to the state that includes resource management including land, agriculture, and so forth to production of life sustaining goods and to protection from adversarial forces of nature as well as man and working together for recovery if such happens, which it most assuredly must always happen. That phrase suggests we live at best like wild beasts with no concern for the next thunderstorm or earthquake or hyena attack. Nothing to kill or die for? That is so self evidentially false that it is not just laughable but insane to even consider it has any effect from the claimed vision.
No religion? Many articles I went though while preparing for writing this mentioned that it does not mean there is to be no belief in God, but that organized religion or churches are not to be. Again, a spit in the face of our Creator and His laws as given through His prophets. I am speaking not only of the one true Christian God, but of all other religions and their beliefs. It is true that religion has been at the center of so many of the worlds wars and bloodshed since Cain slayed Able, and that will not stop until Christ returns in glory and power to put an end to it. But man in and of himself cannot do that as Satan has so great an influence on mortal man. Under those circumstances I cannot imagine living in peace, let alone all the people doing so. Even after Christs return it will take some time to accomplish even with His direct control over matters perhaps even centuries.
You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one
I am also a dreamer of when Christ returns and peace is established on this Earth and I am not the only one. Under those circumstances the goal of the world being as one may come about, but not until then. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact, it will only get worse until that promised time arrives.
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world
That sound just exactly like the goals of the World Economic Forums planned result of their Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030 where you will have nothing and you will like it; a mandate from hell that will be forced upon us by those servants of that same evil realm. A true socialists dream, a communist utopia, that peace and sweet unicorns rainbows utopia we mentioned at the very beginning.
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From the very beginning this song was called an anarchist call to action, labeled as a pro communist song, and anti-American or at least an anti-establishment song and conversely as a song of positive hope of a better world. Even the World Church asked if they could use it with slightly modified words saying One world religion rather than No religion. No possessions by a hyper rich man with a psychedelic Rolls Royce and the lyrics co-scripted by his wife Yoko Ono.
What occurs to me is that this song should be the theme song for the New World Order. Every movement of some size requires a theme song, and when you hear this one you should drop your hamburger, pick up a bug and eat that instead. Reading through the Davos Switzerland notes from the past few years reminds me of this song. Again, I like the music and the portions of let the world live in Peace appeals to me greatly. But the whole of it makes my stomach churn badly as I hear those dreaded phrases such as and no religion too scream at my very being.
My initial intent was to go more thoroughly over the concept of how it matches the NWO agenda and I have a lot of things left to say on it, but I would belabor a point already strongly made so we will end here with this thought; his song Give Peace a Chance is a better song for world peace that does not proclaim Satans form of government supreme over Gods, and my prayer is for peace as war is of the devil.
God Bless
John Lennon live at Madison Square Gardens, 1972
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