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May 17, 2024
Hillary Clinton Jumps Back In The 2024 Election Proving That Democrats Obsession With Abortion Makes Them The Party Of Baby Killers - Stop Allowing Them To Claim Murder Is 'Reproductive" Healthcare
Democrats, with the help of their cohorts in the media, are literally betting everything on abortion as their "top issue" for the 2024 election. Imagine thinking that killing unborn babies, the most vulnerable among us, is a "winning issue" in a presidential election.
The cynicism of thinking the majority of Americans will put killing babies above illegal immigration, crime, inflation, and the economy is only equaled by the evilness of such a gambit.
Before getting into the latest, and the reemergence of Hillary Clinton in the spotlight, let us be clear with those around us, whether liberal family members, neighbors or online and offline friends, and refuse to let them hide behind false terms such as "reproductive healthcare."
The reason Democrats across the spectrum use that term is because they know that calling it was it truly is, will turn people away from their cause. Call it what it is, killing unborn babies, force them to acknowledge what abortion is before allowing any conversation about it to move forward.
Americans, in fact human beings from anywhere are generally not fond of big change, which is why when the Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade and sent the issue of abortion back to the states, after 50 years, Democrats were able to use the issue as hammer, get abortion on ballots and get states' constitutional amendments passed.
In late June 2024, it will be two years since the issue of abortion was sent back to the states, and in that time, other key issues have taken over as top concerns for Americans, but Democrat politicians, liberals all across the internet and the media, are still trying to dredge up anger in Americans in regards the the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade.
The latest of which is Hillary Clinton, or how I like to refer to her, "The Hildabeast."
First, abortion was never a "constitutional right." Second, it was not Donald Trump that sent the issue back to the states, as the little blurb she used makes clear, it was the Supreme Court, and yes, three of them were nominated by Trump. That doesn't mean Trump "ended Roe v Wade.
Why won't the wicked witch just fly away on her broom?
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As of March 29, 2024, according to Gallup, immigration and inflation topped abortion, where only 3% surveyed answered with abortion to an open ended question of "What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?"
Those numbers come as the media has spent the past two years pounding the issue, stories of women wanting abortions and having to travel to another state to get one. Poor things, so inconvenienced in trying to kill their own babies.
Despite the never-ending litany of abortion stories and the constant push to keep abortion at the forefront of voters' minds, they are failing, and other concerns are far more important to the majority of voters.
No matter how many times leftists state media like the NPR claims that "abortion looks like a key issue in 2024," it continues to fall behind inflation, the economy and illegal immigration.
In fact, the issues that came ahead of abortion to those that answered the open ended question, were Immigration, The government/poor leadership, economy in general, high cost of living/inflation, poverty/hunger/homelessness, unifying the country, crime/violence, election/election reform/democracy, race relations/racism.
Abortion isn't even in the top five of concerns.
This strategy of trying to keep Democrat voters angry over abortion, won't work in a presidential election year, as it did during the midterms and special elections, because the electorate that shows up in a presidential election year, are different, as the far left website Vox tries to warn Democrats in a piece headlined "Why abortion politics might not carry Democrats again in 2024."
Polling indicates that its these voters that Biden is now struggling with, those who cast ballots for him four years ago but now are leaning toward Donald Trump or considering staying home on Election Day. Things have grown especially dire for the president among young, Black, and Hispanic low-propensity voters. Nate Cohn, the chief political analyst for the New York Times, said in October these less engaged voters might just be the single biggest problem facing Biden.
And for these voters in particular, abortion rights are simply not among the top issues they say they care about.
Vox is right, and that is something I rarely, if ever, say. A look at the Demographics of voters in presidential election years, are as follows.
The turnout of older Americans, 65 and older, and voters aged 45 to 64, vote higher by double digits that 25 to 44, and 18 to 24. People no longer concerned with pregnancy, nor abortion because it doesn't affect them personally.
Vox isn't alone in liberal websites trying to warn Democrat politicians, as Politico headlines "National Dem strategy worries state abortion-rights leaders." The sub-header states "Democrats efforts to ride the coattails of abortion ballot measures put passage at risk."
Democrats are pro-abortionists, not "pro-choice," which is the terminology they prefer to use, and they have overplayed their hand on abortion, and those against the murder of the unborn need to stop allowing them to use said terminology, and call it like it is.
Abortion is not health "care" of any kind, it is the termination of a pregnancy, the killing of an unborn child.
Democrats are not "pro-choice,' they are anti-life, pro-abortion. Abortion is not "reproductive" healthcare, it is the exact opposite or reproduction, as reproduction is defined in the following manner:
1. the act or process of reproducing.
2. the state of being reproduced.
3. something made by reproducing an original; copy; duplicate:
Abortion is the exact opposite of reproduction.
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