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February 8, 2024
Expect A Dangerous And Explosive Free-For-All In The Times Ahead With Global Govt Terrorists Operating With Total Impunity: 'Life Will Become A Deadly, Daily, Hungry Hell'
-Head Of United Nations Warns Of A 'World In Chaos' In 2024
While those who've been watching events all over America and the world within the independent media have been warning to be prepared for something huge ahead as we steamroll into 2024 in our mad dash towards '2025' and the future, the Secretary General of the United Nations has just added his voice into the mix during a speech to the UN.
With UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres bluntly warning 'our world is entering an age of chaos,'chaos due largely, according to Guterres, to the never-ending wars all around us, as well as to what Guterres calls 'dysfunction' and a major division within the UN's Security Council, what he calls a deeper and more dangerous division than they experienced during the Cold War, Guterres warns that 'Peace' is the 'missing piece,' and that "Every day and at every turn, it seems its war."
Warning also "There is so much anger and hate and noise in our world today" and the 'turbulence of our times' is leading to life every day for millions of people who are caught up in the wars all around the world beinga deadly, daily, hungry hell,never in his remarks does he bother to mention all of the distrust and chaos unleashed upon our planet by the UN itself, and'Governments' waging war upon their own people, quite literally carrying out 'genocide' upon us as we've witnessed in 'the West,'nor does he take responsibility for the unleashing of this 'chaos' by the failures of the UN and 'global government'.
And while Guterres does briefly mention "more and more people are losing trust in institutions and faith in the political process" and "this is especially troubling in a year when half of humanity will go to the polls," that 'trust in institutions' Guterres mentions will NEVER BE regained again as long as those institutions continue to blatantly lie to us every day, Orwellian-level lies we see in 2024.
Nor will that 'trust in our institutions' and 'political processes' EVER BE regained as long as wannabe tyrants continue to maneuver the results of our elections, ensuring that 'their candidate' is 'installed into office' as we witnessed here in the USA in 2020, with 2024 looking more and more like a repeat of the '2020 steal'.
Thus ensuring a huge explosion of chaos and violence in 2024 either way the election turns out, as half the US population is dumbed down into believing every single word the MSM babbles to them while half the country sees through the never-ending lies we're getting from our so-called 'political leaders' and their 'talking heads' in the MSM, and both groups growing more and more angry every day, as Guterres warns of this 'age of chaos' we have entered:We are seeing the results: a dangerous and unpredictable free-for-all with total impunity..
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So while the UN's Secretary General is busy crying about how the 'World of Chaos' that is'engulfing our world must end,'he, like the countless other psychopaths destroying our planet right now, never takes responsibility for his role, and the UN's role, in the 'chaos' spreading across the world.
Chaos like we hear about in the 1st video seen at the bottom of this story from The New Americanwarning we've got absolute proof the UN is one of the groups funding the massive invasion of America at our Southern border happening this very moment.
As we're told within that video, Biologist Bret Weinstein recently traveled to Panamas Darien Gap, where he discovered camps funded by the United States and the United Nations designed to help passing migrants reach the U.S. southern border.
Reporting that Weinstein also discovered a camp filled with Chinese migrants heading to the United States, who seemed hostile,the United Nations is directly responsible for that 'chaos' being unleashed here in America, but like an abusive spouse or government, they'll NEVER take responsibility for their actions.
Or chaos like we hear about in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story titled "UN WARNS: HISTORIC RISE IN CANCER! Why Are Doctors "Baffled?" in which we learn that strange cancers, along with vaccine deaths, are skyrocketing across the planet. Yet the United Nations will NEVER take responsibility for the role they played in that very real genocide being carried out before our eyes.
Josh Sigurdson reports on the historic rise in cancer as the United Nations, WHO and media warn of a 77% increase in the rate of cancer in the coming 25 years. The problem is that it's already much worse than that and of course for reasons other than those claimed by the establishment propagandists.
Doctors are claiming they're "baffled" by the increased rate in cancer over the past 3 years despite it being blatantly obvious. They're claiming alcohol, tobacco and aging are causing the increased rate of cancer when the elephant is clearly standing in the room with us. It's the injections.
In fact, we can trace the rate of cancer with the rate of injections side by side and it almost looks like the same chart. Thai corporate media has reported that covid injections definitely lead to an increased rate in cancers, including so-called "Turbo Cancer." Switzerland health insurance data shows a 73% increase in cancer treatments since 2020. The UK government has released data showing young people dying of cancer at an explosive rate in the past 3 years. US government data has also shown a staggering 143,233% increase in fatal cancer cases linked to covid vaccinations.
Now one must understand that that number is based on cases LINKED to covid vaccination, so the number appears high, though keep in mind that likely around 90% of cases are NOT linked to covid injections when they should be. Meanwhile, Moderna has admitted that their injections cause cancer due to the same DNA editing technology that Pfizer uses. This is a global health crisis and there ARE solutions outside of big pharma. From apricot seeds to oils and chlorine dioxide. It's time people take charge of this crisis.
And as we're warned in the 3rd video below, with the United Nations and the globalists now strongly pushing for worldwide censorship, if the UN gets their way, it'll one day be illegal for 'free people' to even talk about this 'genocide' and the 'globalists war upon the world,' meaning they truly will be able to get away with their 'crimes upon humanity' with utter impunity, unless the 'people' of the planet put a final stop to it.
According to the UK government in this January 31st announcement from their website, those who post 'fake news' online could be jailed for up to 5 years. With 'fake news' being what 'government' determines it to be, and the globalists calling just about anything that goes against their agenda either 'fake news,' misinformation or disinformation, any tyranny would love to have that power the UK govt seeks, using it to shut down dissent and any and all investigations into them carrying out genocide or 'crimes upon humanity'.
Calling such reports 'disinformation' and jailing those investigating them for up to 5 years, as this 'X' post by 'TheStarkNakedBrief'points out, 'news' put out by MSM outlets aren't held to the same standards. Meaning they can continue to lie to the world with impunity, it won't be long until we here in America are held to the same tyrannical 'standards' if the 'global government terrorists' get their way.:
Here's the interesting part about Rishi's tyrannical new online bill...
Yesterday, his government announced that offences under new online laws have kicked in so "criminals can face up to five years behind bars for their demeaning and dangerous actions.
Part of this new law outlines a new fake news offence - a false communications offence - that outlaws the intentional sending of false information that could cause non-trivial psychological or physical harm to users online.
The govt provided an example. Basically, if someone encouraged people to inject antiseptic to cure themselves of coronavirus on social media, a court would have to prove that they knew if was not true before making the post.
But guess what? Recognized news publishers and broadcasters (including on demand services), like the BBC etc. are exempt from this provision.
With global-government-tied entities now building a network using artificial intelligence that will flag 'misinformation' sent even in private messages as reported in this recent Reclaim The Net story, while 'global government' claims anything and everything that goes against their agenda falls into the 'fake news/misinformation' category, we've long warned that governments 'policing our speech' is how dictatorships are cemented into place.
And should they acquire the power to jail people for up to 5 years or longer for reporting 'truth,' the kinds of 'truths' that global government seeks to permanently turn into 'lies,' we'll have officially crossed that line into tyranny that there's no turning back from short of all out revolution or Civil War.
So with the Secretary General of the United Nations warning of dire chaos ahead as we race towards 2025, blaming ongoing wars all across the planet largely in his summary, yet he and the United Nations and every government across the planet refusing to accept responsibility for their own roles in this mad dash into tyranny and total destruction and chaos, in the 4th and final video below Joe Rogan warns us bluntly that he believes something huge lays just around the corner, and that it worries him, as we follow 'political leaders' who've proven they are psychopaths into a world unlike anything most of us have ever seen in our lifetimes, a world of madness, chaos and social unrest that most of us have long been preparing for.
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