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March 13, 2024

Gangs Of Cannibals In Haiti Could Infiltrate Refugees In Mass Migration Into America With U.S. Federal Agencies Incapable Of Vetting Incoming Arrivals

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

On February 22, 2024, ANP published a piece regarding the attempts by media to normalize cannibalism. In that piece we cited a NewScientist article which asked "Ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine. If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why cant it be left tofeed the hungry?"

Since that piece we have seen a number of other cannibalism-related issues. One brought to our attention by a reader, Shannon K, on Tuesday, another on March 5th, and an interesting set of conflicting claims from March 11, reported on today by Twitchy.

Taking these out of order, we'll begin with the conflicting claims from the 11th.

Multiple social media users posted a video claiming to show ongoing cannibalism in Haiti. Following the links to see if the video did, in fact, show what it is claimed to show, we find that every video has ben removed from Twitter.

It started with verified user Dom Lucre, who stated "X removed my video of the Haiti cannibalism and only my video. Every other video on X is still currently live. After El Salvadors president responded my post was shut down. There is somebody at X that wants me to fail. Ive noticed it long ago but I refuse to quit."

Since that post, no less than four other videos purporting to show the same thing have been removed, with some claiming the video in question was taken two years ago, but nothing confirming that statement, or the claims that cannibalism video was recent.

Either way, ANP is not embedding a video showing a man eating another person, whether two years old, or recent, so for those that want proof of cannibalism in Haiti, here is a link.

The reason I started with that particular claim is because despite the conflicting account regarding the video, on March 5, 2024, six days before the video controversy, we saw a report by the Daily Express about how a journalist on the ground in Haiti witnessed cannibalism on the streets in the most recent upheaval which has forcedHaitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign, due to threats of further violence by the gangs that have taken over.

Key portions of hat article below:

Describing the violence in the country, a journalist on the ground told Daily Express US that cannibalism has been witnessed on the streets as the violence reaches "unprecedented" levels.

He continued: "For instance, we have seen images of gang leaders eating people they have killed. We have seen images of people being tortured when they are kidnapped.

Following the interview, the journalist said via message: "Cannibalism is not widespread, but definitely an indication of the worsening situation. It definitely happens on a few occasions."

That report, days before the publishing and removal of recent cannibalism videos on Twitter, offer some weight to both the claims of the videos being recent, and the report from the Daily Express. Even if the video is two years old, it doesn't change the fact that people are eating other people in Haiti.

It does seem worth mentioning that the PM that was just forced to step down, was not elected to begin with, but was installed by the international community, including the U.S, and that the gangs causing all this violence have been seen using weapons made in the U.S.A.

Before moving along, while there is nothing amusing about cannibalism, it is ironic that the former law enforcement officer turned gang leader,Jimmy Cherizier, is nicknamed "Barbeque," for his alleged penchant for burning people alive.

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A site called Harbinger's Daily also found the piece from the NewScientist and highlighted why humans eating humans is far different than eating animals or even animals eating other animals.

Humans have an aversion to cannibalism because we know that humans are different from cows, dogs, and fish. Even those who claim humans are animals intuitively know theres a vast chasm separating us and the animal kingdom. Its obvious, and its written in our hearts. Thats why we grieve over murder but dont demand a lion be given life in prison for killing a baby gazelle. Humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), but animals are not. Humans may have a body like a mammals body, but they are not animalsthey are special and separate from the animals.

Cannibalism is wrong in all cultures today and in all past cultures, not because of some taboo we need to just get over but because people are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Our bodies arent our own, but they belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:19). He cares about the body, not just about the soul! Thats why the human body should be treated with respect and care, living or not, because that person reflects Gods image and is the ultimate pinnacle of his creative work.

Nicely put.


Things have become so volatile in Haiti that countries, including the U.S. are airlifting, members of their Embassy staff out of the country.

Perhaps the most concerning reports comes from the Department of Defense's Assistant Secretaryof defense for homeland defense and hemispheric affairs, Rebecca Zimmerman, in response to a question byRep. Matt Gaetz in regards to the possibility of a massive influx of Haitian immigrants into the U.S.

"Congressman, we're doing a number of things to ensure that we're keeping track of the situation and we're prepared at the moment, we have not yet seen large numbers of what we would characterize as maritime mass migration," said Rebecca Zimmerman, assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense and hemispheric affairs, to which Gaetz interjected, clarifying that they were aware of the possibility.

"We are alert to that possibility," she continued. "I think you're right that the driving conditions in Haiti could very well press more people."

As we have seen during the past three-plus years, as we have watched millions of illegal aliens crossing what amounts to open U.S. borders, it has been impossible to vet or investigate or even know the true identities of those coming across the U.S. borders.

This begs the question of whether we will have members of "Barbeque's" cannibal gangs mixed in with refugees?

Cannibalism aside, it certainly doesn't seem like a good idea to allow people into America that are chopping living people up with machetes.

Just sayin'.


There is an ongoing effort by the media to normalize cannibalism, and we are seeing article after article attempting to justify the practice, as we also see an increase in reporting events which involve cannibalism itself.

While this is not Haiti, if we start seeing mass migration from Haiti, as Zimmerman suggests they are preparing for, then it will be only a matter of time before we start to see more reports of cannibalism right here in America.

Our Immigration system is so overloaded by Biden's open borders, federal agencies are incapable of properly vetting the incoming.

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