February 23, 2023
Following The Detonation Of The Chemical Bomb Over America, There Are So Many Converging Avenues Of Destruction Upon The United States As Globalists Push To Maximize The Body Count

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
On Monday, February 20th, we published this story on ANP titled "As The Destruction Of America's Infrastructure Is Carried Out Before Our Eyes, A Map From The Global Incident Report Shows America Under Attack With 'Grey Terror' Happening Nationwide" within which we warned if stay on the same suicidal path the biden cabal has us on right now, we'd be witnessing mushroom clouds across America in the not-so-distant future so not a bit surprising, the following day we witnessed 4 more such events of 'grey terror.'
With Tuesday alone bringing us a 12-car train derailment in Nebraska, a massive explosion at an industrial building in Florida, a massive fire at a warehouse in New York and a massive fire at a manufacturing plant in West Virginia, those 4 'events' follow at least 10 similar events in the past month alone and as we'd reported in our Feb 20th ANP story, hundreds of such events over the last few months here in the biden cabal's USA.
And with an 18" pipe bomb fortunately found behind a church and allegedly on Conrail tracks in Northeast Philadelphia, PA just days ago, preventing who-knows-what kind of tragedy from happening, take note that this story from the Philadelphia Inquirerwas written weeks before the Philly bomb was found, but AFTER the East Palestine Ohio tragedy, titled "What if a train derailment like Ohios happened in Philly?"And as that story warned us: "A Philadelphia train derailment involving hazardous materials could affect hundreds of thousands of residents."
So while that potential tragedy was avoided, we've got to ask a couple of questions surrounding these 'attacks upon America.' How many more such 'tragedies' involving trains derailing and catching fire, while carrying what could only be considered 'chemical weapons' like East Palestine, Ohio, are ready to happen in America? And why, all of a sudden,after nearly 200 years of railroads in America,are we seeing so many such tragedies happening at once, when they'd only be happening few and far between in the past? Only a fool like the one who stole the White House in 2020, and who seems intent upon getting America nuked, would consider ALL of these 'events' to be unrelated to each other.
So we'll be taking a look at all of those 'grey terror events' from Tuesday within this story plus much more, taking a deep look at the globalists sitting in Washington DC right now and their rush to destroy America via any means necessary to bring on their 'satanic-global-government-new-world-order,' an 'order' that we'll see below would not only be totally unjust in the Eyes and Laws of God, but any 'law' or 'order' that IS 'unjust' is a law or order to be opposed, and quite often, by any means necessary.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship, 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, and outside groups spending millions to blacklist conservative news, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like articles like this, please consider donating to ANP.)
So check out all of these totally crazy events from Tuesday, February 21st alone. As pointed out by several different ANP readers in these two comment sections, 'grey terror' is happening all across America now. Why now? As Russian defector Victor Suvorov warned years ago, this is the kind of thing that happens right before a war to weaken the morale of opponents.
As the Daily Mail reported in this story titled "Keeping track, Mayor Pete?! Union Pacific coal train derails in Nebraska - the fourth to topple over in same area in ten months,"the train derailment that happened on Tuesday in Gothenburg, Nebraska not only sparked an emergency hazmat response, but it was one of more than a dozen reported train derailment incidents since ONLY the start of the year!
Just a 'strange coincidence?And from this story over at NBC Miami titled "2 Dead, 3 Hurt After Explosion, Massive Fire at Medley Welding Business" we see that another mysterious warehouse explosion has taken place, on top of all the other warehouses and food processing plants exploding all across America over the past year+, especially the past few months! Just more 'strange coincidences?'
With a massive fire also breaking out at a lumber storage warehouse in Brooklyn, New York as reported in this thread over at the AR15.com forumjust one more 'event' of another mysterious fire breaking out in a warehouse somewhere in America being another hint at what is ahead for us, we also learn in another story from today that a massive fire has broken out at an alloy plant in Fayette County, West Virginia, requiring numerous fire crews to respond. So, just 'strange coincidences' 4 such events happened in a single day? Hardly. As we'll see below, those 'events' are all just the tip of the iceberg.
From February 20th, also in Ohio: "Video shows moment of explosion in Oakwood Village metal manufacturing plant fire." By the way, another mass casualty incident!
From February 16th, also in Florida: "Large 5 acre warehouse fire breaks out in Kissimmee, Florida. Hazmat teams on the scene monitoring air quality following reports the warehouse is filled with plastic potting material.."
From February 16th, from Michigan: "Another Norfolk Southern train carrying hazardous chemicals CRASHES near Detroit - just a week after derailment caused toxic leak and exodus from East Palestine."
From February 14th from Arizona: "Truck loaded with hazardous materials overturns in Tucson, Arizona. Hazmat situation declared."
From February 12th, also from Florida: "Covanta waste-to-energy facility fire lingers in Florida - Fire in Miami area has resulted in recommendation by city of Doral, Florida, for its residents to stay indoors."
And then check out this story from The Epoch Times which reports a man in East Palestine, Ohio recently found undetonated blasting caps on HIS property less than a mile and a half away from the Ohio railroad tracks, along with black debris that looked a bit like ash scattered all about on his property that wasn't there prior to the 'incident.' So how'd blasting caps get there with the ash and debris?
And those are all just a few more such 'grey terror' events happening in the last few weeks. How many more such 'events' are we unaware of, on top of the other 4 that happened on Tuesday alone, or more ready to happen? As pointed out by several other ANP readers, something might be brewing right now in the heart of California, where ranchers are concerned about 100s of rail cars full of unknown substances brought out to heart of agricultural land and the head of aqueduct to San Francisco, land unowned by any of the landowners. And apparently, no one knows what or why.
There can be no doubt that something stinks to the high heavens here in joey biden's America in 2023. Especially an 'America' where a former 'Clinton associate' with ties to Jeffrey Esptein could be found dead, tied to a tree twice, an electrical wire around his neck and with a gunshot wound, and no gun anywhere by him, and his death be officially ruled a 'suicide'. As the top-voted comment on that story pointed out: "Yeah, sure, said no one." Can you say 'Clinton body count?'
So what happens when 'terrorist agents of government' start acting like terrorists, carrying out what defector from the USSR Victor Suvorov would have quickly labeled as 'grey terror' upon America?
Of course, just like we'll never, ever see the United States government, or elements of the US military, ADMITTING to carrying out 'vax genocide' like they are right now, they'll never admit to carrying out terror attacks upon America but as Victor Suvorov warned us about long ago, such 'attacks' have a very important 'purpose' to those carrying them out upon us, to demoralize and soften up, their future 'war opponents' and when carried out by one's own government 'at war with the people,' act just like 'false flags.'
Yet as legal analyst Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News had pointed out in this ANP story titled "Putting The US Govt And Their 'Agents Of Terror' On Trial For Their War Upon The World - Evidence Indicates Govt Specifically Targeted 'Red States' With Deadly Batches Of COVID Vaxxes,"when govt crosses the line and starts acting like terrorists, it's long past time they are treated like terrorists.
And within that story, Katherine quoted the late St. Thomas Aquinas, that what we see today as 'human law' is ONLY correct law when it is in virtue of its accordance with 'right reason,' and thus it flows from 'eternal law.' But in so far as it deviates from right reason, it is called an unjust law; in such case it is not law at all, but rather a species of violence. And all such 'violence,' whether dished out by individuals or 'the state,' if on immoral grounds, must be opposed, and by whatever means necessary.
So with the globalists of today attempting to 'sell us' their 'insanity' as 'right reason,' despite the fact that it IS in the eyes of most of the plant 'utter insanity,' its a perfect example of what Aquinas was referring to, as was the attempt during the COVID lockdowns and mandates being the 'violence' Aquinas referred to, the state attempting to have complete control over our bodies while inflicting what we've since learned to be a 'method of execution' for far too many; it is our Godly duties to stand up against such craziness.
So as the globalists use one false flag after another to help usher in the 'great reset' upon and unwilling, and still largely unsuspecting, population, and nothing less than agents of globalism carrying out horrific acts of terror upon America's infrastructure, take note that the globalist mouthpiece 'fact check' saidall of these food processing plants on fire across America was some kind of 'crazy right wing conspiracy theory.' But one doesn't have to use their imaginations to vividly to see that those on the left who've believed their lies, and thus have failed to prepare, will be hurting much more badly than those who've gotten themselves and their families all set for difficult times ahead. Hence we see why"Only 9 meals separate civilization from total anarchy."
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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