"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"
May 5, 2024
Collusion! New Major Crackdown On Independent Media By Google And Others, As MSM Editor Complains 'We Used To Own The News' And 'We Very Much Owned The Facts As Well'
Now that the realization that the New York trial against Donald Trump will be the only trial that makes it to a jury before the November election, a case described as the "weakest" of all lawfare cases against Trump, we are seeing another wave of crackdowns against conservative independent news, by Google and big tech.
While Google long ago disabled advertising on ANP for contradicting the "authoritative, scientific consensus," on climate change, and the Covid experimental vaccine and other health related issues regarding the pandemic, their influence in the world of advertising, along with federally funded groups like NewsGuard, not only still prevents ANP from making what we used to, but they are cracking down on other independent news websites that lean conservative, in the months running up the the November 2024 presidential election.
Twitchy, a conservative-leaning website that tracks X, formerly known as Twitter, reactions to the top news stories of the day or week, has recently reported that Google has demonetized nearly 50 of their stories, which is exactly how it started with ANP. Demonetize this story and then that story, and once they start adding up, if a publisher refuses to deleted and/or alter the articles, they then disable advertising on the entire website.
Try nearly 50 stories ... and I hate to say it, but I'm one of their biggest targets. I know, you're all shocked.
Here is just a handful of the stories they've demonetized from yours truly (which means you should totally go read them right now):
So basically, any story that even comes close to damaging the left and their sacred cows can hurt us. By demonetizing us, they think that will keep us from writing about:
Climate Change
Election integrity
COVID-19 and the pharmaceutical industry broadly
Illegal Immigrants and the Southern Border
What Twitchy did was create a VIP subscription service, where most their stories are still free, each day a story or two is for VIP members.
Kudos to Twitchy for not bowing down to the pressure to delete and/or alter their work just so they can keep those stories monetized. It isn't an easy decision since Google controls the largest share of targeted advertising, followed by Facebook and Instagram.
All controlled by liberals, and all more than willing to use their control of advertisements to either force compliance to a liberal agenda, or cut websites off, forcing them to accept the lowest of paying ads from smaller advertising groups. This means twice as many ads to make maybe 25% of what was made when using Google Adsense.
Twitchy isn't alone, as multiple others are experiencing the crackdown by Google, and they all appear to have one thing in common.....they lean right. Those leaning right generally favor Donald Trump over Joe Biden to win the 2024 presidential election.
In 2016, Independent Media, collectively, managed to bypass traditional MSM and get Donald Trump elected, and that is when the massive demonetization efforts by Google, and a couple of years later on, NewsGuard, declared war on conservative Independent Media.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
On April 27, 2024, Chris Fountain from the website 'For What It's Worth' published an article titled "Google isn't alone in shutting down dissent, but it's doing a good job of swinging the sledgehammer on its own."
The website describes itself as "Greenwich, Connecticut real estate, politics, and more." They wrote the following:
So, after Id determined that it wasnt the Google AdSense ads that were responsible for the grossly pornographic pop-ups that were appearing on this site, I decided to reactivate my account, which Id cancelled 24 hours before. That triggered a review by the master computer Google uses to control anti-progressive political sites, and lo Ive been informed that I am no longer eligible to participate in AdSense.
I lose $400 a month in ad revenue, which is annoying, but not fatal, and my loss is readers gain, but the real issue here is Googles very effective effort to demonetize and silence all who dare speak out against the State. Forget my little blog, and look instead to whats going on with the big, conservative websites, like PJMedia, parent site for itself, TownHall, RedState, Hot Air, and several others. Heres a report from one of PJ Medias columnists
That led to this PJ Media articlefrom April 2, 2024, which informs readers that 109 of their articles have been demonetized by Google. They put each article, with the reason listed for demonetization, and the date Google flagged the article, into a SCRIBD.
Google is nothing if not predictable, using the same terminology, claiming articles that criticized the climate change hoax, and Covid vaccine articles as "Unreliable and harmful claims," or "dangerous and derogatory content."
The same claims they make about ANP articles that disagree with the "pet projects of the corporate state," including transgenderism, election integrity, and "Any esoteric Current Thing (a colloquialism for a popular narrative being foisted on the public via astroturfed, controlled media)."
NEXT UP! 'Naked Capitalism'. Matt Taibbi over at Racket News writes about an influential website called Naked Capitalism,a popular site containing economics commentary and journalism, and how they received a letter from their advertising service that stated "Hope you are doing well!
We noticed that Google has flagged your site for Policy violation and ad serving is restricted on most of the pages with the below strikes"
The letter went on to list four data fields: VIOLENT_EXTREMISM, HATEFUL_CONTENT, HARMFUL_HEALTH_CLAIMS, and ANTI_VACCINATION. From there the firm explained: If Google identifies the flags consistently and if the content is not fixed, then the ads will be disabled completely to serve on the site.
Readers can see the spreadsheet listing their "offenses," at this link, but the conclusion by Taibbi in regards to these threats of demonetization, is chilling for freedom of press ramifications.
Either way, the decision to even once tell a media outlet that it must remove content to remain ad-eligible sends a message someone like Smith will think of every time she publishes going forward. And think she will, because like most sites of this size, Naked Capitalism cant afford to forego even a small amount of revenue.
We are so lean, Smith says. We have nowhere to cut.
That is the entire purpose. Force compliance or force bankruptcy, they don't care which as long as they can collude with the liberal MSM to "own" the news and "own the facts."
ANP has readers that have donated and managed to keep us online so far, but Naked Capitalism, while larger than ANP traffic-wise, doesn't have the community feel to it, where people talk every day in the comment section, know each other and treat each other like family the majority of the time, which explains why Taibbi writes that 'Naked Capitalism' will have to think twice about what they write.
In January 2024, a website called 'Reclaim The Net," highlighted somethingEmma Tucker, the Wall Street Journals Editor in Chief, expressed at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) gathering.
If you go back not that long ago, We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well, Tucker said.
If it said it in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times, then that was a fact. Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news, and theyre much more questioning about what were saying.
That right there ladies and gentlemen, is the reason that big tech, Google, Newsguard, and others are trying to shut down conservative Independent Media. They want the liberal MSM to once again be the gatekeepers, controlling the narrative and "owning the news."
ANP is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable!Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're trying to bankrupt ANP.
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