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April 4, 2023

Google Censored And Gagged Right Side Broadcaster From Livestreaming Trump Indictment Coverage In Attempt To Control The Narrative As Manhattan DA Opens Pandora's Box

Pro-Trump protesters outside Manhattan courthouse

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

We have shown previously how Google works to help Democrats control the narrative as they disabled ad serving on ANP for daring to contradict the "authoritative, scientific consensus," in a number of matters, such as election news, climate change, and Covid.

Now we see Google is up to their old tricks again by targeting Right Side Broadcasting News. RSBN often offers live coverage of events, with commentary from a conservative angle to counter the "official narrative" often mimicked by liberal MSM news outlets.

RSBN's YouTube (owned by Google) account has been suspended from posting new livestream news.

RSBN is covering Tuesday's events, including the Donald Trump indictment, and speeches expected by President Trump outside the courthouse in Manhattan, and later from the President's home Mar-a-Largo in Florida later in the day/evening.

Their release from April 3, 2023, shown below:

AUBURN, Ala. Just one day before RSBN was set to cover President Trumps arraignment in Manhattan, YouTube has resumed its censorship practices and suspended RSBNs channel, blocking our ability to livestream for seven days.

On Monday, RSBN received a notice from YouTube informing us that due to content violating their elections misinformation policies, the platform has removed several videos. These include President Trumps most recent rally in Waco, Texas, his remarks at CPAC, and our exclusive sit-down interview with him at Mar-a-Lago.

YouTube listed the following violations:

Claims that the 2020 US Presidential election and 2022 Brazil Presidential election were stolen,

Content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches occurred in the 2020 U.S. presidential election or the 2022 Brazilian presidential election,

Absence of countervailing views in the video, audio, title, or description.

As a result of these violations, YouTube has also issued a strike on our channel and temporarily banned our account.

Accordingly, the videos have been removed and a strike has been applied to the channel, and as a result, uploads and live streams by your account are suspended for a week. You can read more about our strikes system here, a YouTube representative told RSBN.

Conveniently, YouTubes Orwellian censorship practices have returned just one day before President Trump is arraigned in a gross weaponization of the justice system. Rather than allowing RSBN to show a countervailing view to the mainstream medias version of the arraignment, they are simply shutting down our efforts. Again, they are leaving millions of Americans voiceless in the face of tyranny.

However, this is not our first rodeo. RSBN is fully prepared to move full steam ahead with Tuesdays all-day live coverage of pro-Trump protests in Manhattan and President Trumps press conference at Mar-a-Lago.

RSBN's Rumble livestream, expected to run throughout the day, is embedded at the bottom of this article.

This is blatant censorship, and an attempt to prevent balanced coverage of this sham of a persecution against the leading Republican candidate for President in 2024, by a Soros-backed DA that campaign on taking down Donald Trump.

We also have seen chatter and reports that the Judge in this case may attempt to gag Trump as well, a clear violation of his First Amendment rights.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history.

During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)


The circus atmosphere outside the Manhattan courthouse is already showing protesters and counter-protesters clashing ahead of Trump's arraignment, narrowly avoiding becoming physical encounters, but the day is still young.

We also hear that Alvin Bragg's DA office tries to keep today's proceedings from becoming a public spectacle, caused by Bragg himself, by trying to have the arraignment done by using Zoom, but Trump was having none of that.

If Bragg wants the fight, it will be done in the light of day, not hidden from the public in an attempt to control the narrative.

Seeing President Trump walk into the courthouse will invigorate Trump supporters, as we have seen with campaign donations topping $8 billion since word of the indictment was leaked.

Related: Live updates from New York Post


Independent Journalist Paul Sperry has a very interesting piece out about how Bragg has opened Pandora's Box, which Democrats may severely regret in the coming months and years.

Democrats are jumping for joy at the prospect of Donald Trump finally getting hooked, like Al Capone, on some kind of any kind of criminal charge.

But their own political idols namely, the Clintons or Bidens could one day be gored by a hyperpartisan district attorney in search of a crime, no matter how picayune.

Democratic Manhattan DA Alvin Braggs case against Trump is so convoluted that even the Washington Post thinks its a stretch and one that sets an ominous precedent. It threatens to open a Pandoras box of political indictments against former presidents and other elected officials, as well as their family members, by local prosecutors seeking to settle political scores.

He points out that a Republican DA in Arkansas can go after Hillary and Bill Clinton, along with the Clinton Foundation, or how a Florida or Tennessee DA can go after Joe Biden's brother Jim for allegedly defrauding health care companies, all because Bragg opened the door to political prosecutions.

I would add that Bragg has just opened the door to any Democrat presidential candidate being targeted if they are in the lead for their party's nomination.

Imagine the chaos of every single presidential candidate being investigated in an attempt to "find" a crime, and then ruin that candidates chance of running or winning their party's nomination.

Trump on the other hand is using Bragg's underhanded tricks as part of his campaign, showing how a Soros-backed DA deliberately targeted a former President with an indictment that came after the Republican candidate announced his intention to run and is the undisputed front-runner.

Pandora's Box indeed.


While Democrats and NeverTrumpers (basically the same these days) are cheering for Bragg in hopes that Trump will drop out of the presidential race, Bragg has managed to do the unthinkable, uniting Republicans In Name Only (RINOs), and true conservative Republicans, in criticizing the persecution of Trump.

No fan of RINOs, it is still interesting to see then speaking out publicly in defense of Donald Trump, as well as seeing those that were leaning in other directions, towards other candidates, suddenly backing Trump again.

Even other presidential candidates, like Nikki Haley, are speaking out against Bragg for his political attack on Trump. Others who haven't announced but to which the media claims will announce, such as Gov. Ron DeSantis, have also indicated they think this is nothing more than a political witch hunt.


With the media, and Democrats insisting on Trump's guilt, before any trial has occurred, the censorship by suspension of Right Side Broadcasting News, is a clear attempt on the part of Google to prevent countering narratives other than the official one being pushed, to see the light of day.

Uniting RINOs and conservatives, even if just for this moment, will be a mistake Bragg comes to regret, especially when Republican District Attorneys start going after liberal politicians by targeting the man, then finding the "crime," as Bragg has done.

Below is live coverage by Right Side Broadcasting Network on Rumble.

EMERGENCY ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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