January 20, 2024
The Globalists Want To Criminalize Simply Talking About The 'Tsunami Of Deaths' In The Young And Healthy, Attempting To 'Normalize' Athletes Dropping Dead At The Ripe Old Age Of 29
- Bioweapon Attack On America Carried Out By US Govt Working With Our Enemies
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
While most Americans probably don't know the name 'Shawn Barber,' the Canadian World Champion at pole vaulting, who'd won the World Championship in 2015, had been battling 'health ailments' for a period of time before tragically succumbing to them on January 17th.
Barber, not long ago the picture of health and athleticism, lived to the ripe old age of 29 years old.
Just the latest young athlete who has passed away tragically and mysteriously, most of them in their teens, twenties, and thirties, people in the prime's of their lives who passed away, suddenly and without any warnings, as detailed brilliantly in this December 11th of 2023 story by Dr. William Makis MD, Barber's agent claimed "Its tragic to lose such a good person at such a young age." Yet it's happening every day now.
See: SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - MILITARY DEATHS after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination - 45 Cases since May 2023
See: SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - ATHLETES & Retired Athletes (Football, Rugby, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, Volleyball, Olympians, Triathletes, Cyclists, Racers, Surfers, golf) - 88 deaths May to Nov 2023
See: SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - MEN ages 30-39 who died May to Nov.2023 - 186 sudden deaths explored - What is killing COVID-19 Vaccinated Men at 30-39?
See: SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY - CANCER DEATHS in 11 to 49 year olds - 160 Tragic Cases of suspected Turbo Cancer in the COVID-19 Vaccinated since May 2023
With Barber's death at such a young age stirring up what this story called "bizarre COVID vaccine theories online,"take note that Barber's death happened at the time when the World Health Organization is busy with their plans of rolling out a global police force to arrest people spreading 'information' that goes against their ramblings, with the World Economic Forum claiming 'misinformation and disinformation are the greatest threats the world faces.' Yet as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this January 12th ANP story, it is groups like the WEF and WHO spreading more 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' than any independent news outlets, hence why they're targeting us.
And while we can imagine that any attempts by the WEF or WHO or anyone else to actually go out and pretend they can be 'dictators' here in America and shut down independent news media outlets would be quickly met with the response that America's Founding Fathers had in mind in the first place, with one of the purposes of the 2nd Amendment in the United States Constitution being to protect the 1st Amendment, if you listen to the words of globalists, including Joe Biden, they insanely believe themselves to be above the law, and the repercussions for breaking those laws, that America's Founding Fathers had in mind.
(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)
So while the mainstream media, more than happy to take their paychecks for covering up genocide, will continue to call all of these alarming deaths in young and healthy people all across the planet a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' with our wannabe global government attempting to outlaw even reporting or talking online about this 'tsunami of deaths' as 'misinformation' or 'disinformation,' more and more people all across the planet have awoken to the treachery surrounding us, while the MSM calls it misinformation.
Such as this story by globalist-tied MEAWW.com who, upon reporting upon the death of Shawn Barber, called all of the posts seen on 'X' that we've republished below 'crazy conspiracy theories'.
Yet if the WEF and WHO and even Joe Biden and the US govt have their way, simply speaking about the alarming death of Barber at the age of 29 as being somehow tied to the vax should be a punishable crime. Yet as we ALL know by now, it is those genocidal crooks themselves who should be shaking in their boots and VERY SOON facing charges, even executions, for engineering genocide. Some of those posts called crazy conspiracy theories that the WEF/WHO would love to outlaw being spoken.:
An X user tweeted, There sure are a whole lot of young and healthy athletes dying since the jabs rolled out. RIP.
Another user wrote, Medical complications, ah, that explains it.
The Vaccines arent so safe and effective I see. Thank God I didnt get Vaxxed, one user chimed in.
A user questioned, Why are so many young healthy people suddenly dying since the vaccine roll out?
Another added, How is it libs have managed to sink themselves so far up their own asses they still cannot see how YOUNG PEOPLE ARE DYING RIGHT & LEFT LATELY?! Is it pride or ego preventing from admitting they WERE PLAYED? ANOTHER SUDDEN DEATH OF A YOUNG MAN. RIP.
Why was it considered to be OK to ask someone if they have been vaccinated during the mad push for vaccine passports and excluding people from society, but now "vaccination" status is not mentioned? I think that the answer to this should be very clear to us, a tweet read.
So while the WEF/WHO global government 'conglomerate' would love to punish Americans and people around the world for putting out tweets like the ones seen above for spreading 'misinformation' or 'disinformation,' people such as Dr. Paul Alexander has labeled these people still attempting to murder people via their vax as the 'Horsemen of the Apocalypse' who MUST be held accountable for their genocidal crimes upon humanity, and that means they should be executed if found guilty.
This brand new story by Dr. William Makis MD is absolutely alarming. Titled "mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer Tsunami is underway - and it's driven by young people," as the story reports, new cancer diagnoses are expected to hit a record high in 2024 according to this story from Axios using alarming statistics and a statement by the American Cancer Society.
With the ACS warning that this huge spike in the numbers of cancers is being alarmingly driven by young people, check out some of the statements below we've republished from that story.
- New cancer diagnoses in the U.S. are expected to top 2 million for the first time in 2024, driven in large part by an alarming increase in cancers among younger Americans, according to new American Cancer Society data.
- Doctors are trying to figure out why they're seeing more young patients with cancer.
- "Colorectal cancers are presenting with more aggressive disease and larger tumors at diagnosis," ACS chief scientific officer William Dahut told Axios.
- Preliminary MSK research found significant differences in the microbiomes of early-onset colorectal cancer patients compared with older ones.
- "Notably, people aged younger than 50 years were the only one of these three age groups to experience an increase in overall cancer incidence during this time period," the ACS report said.
Proving that what we're witnessing in this huge spike of rapidly growing 'turbo cancers' among the young and previously healthy is ANYTHING BUT 'normal,'most of the mainstream media, US government, WEF, WHO, CDC, NIH and all of the rest of them STILL REFUSE to report upon this massive spike in the numbers of cancers in young people, nor the tsunami of deaths we've seen.
And while the Wall Street Journal did put out this story titled "Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled," their pathetic subtitle of "Researchers are trying to figure out what is making more young adults sick, and how to identify those at high risk" is MORE PROOF they aren't even bothering to look at the vax as causing all of this sickness and death, a heartbreaking topic that all of the videos below take a look at. Showing once again the independent media is miles and miles and years and years ahead of the MSM, while outlets like the WEF and WHO seek to criminalize the truth. And we can certainly see why, as people around the world finding out the MSM is covering up genocide will end up very, very badly for all of the guilty who put profits ahead of humanity.
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