February 1, 2024
Global Population Maps Show There'll Be Wide Open Spaces For 'The Few' Once They've 'Eradicated' The Rest Of Us - Globalists Using A Provable Lie To Push Diabolical 'Genocide' Agenda
- Evidence Shows Excess Deaths Will Continue To Skyrocket In 2024
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
Earlier today, we published this story on ANP titled "Globalists Still Believe 'Overpopulation' Is The Greatest Problem The World Faces And Must Be Solved 'By Whatever Means Necessary' - 'These Devils Have A God Complex On Steroids' " within which we reported our 'globalist overlords' are resorting to full-scale tyranny in an attempt to 'control' the population they haven't yet been able to 'eliminate,' including controlling our food supply, our energy systems, implementing 'smart cities' as well as 'financial control,' though as we'll see in this story, besides a number of big cities around the world, most of the planet Earth is full of wide open spaces.
With ANP reader 'Remattrixed' leaving an excellent comment in that ANP story, linking to this story over at the website Metrocosmtitled "Half The World's Population Lives In Just 1% Of The Land" which contained the map seen above, with 'Remattrixed' leaving the comment "over population map....not,"ANP reader 'Berzerker' didn't miss a beat in responding to 'Remattrixed' and that map seen above with "Wow....Wide open spaces for a select few once they've eradicated the humans."
With the next map below taken from the map above, zooming in on the United States to show that even the huge majority of the population here lives in just a few, select areas, areas making up less than 1% of the total land area of the US, as that Metrocosm story bluntly reports in total contradiction to the psychopathic globalists who believe our Earth is 'overpopulated' and could never 'sustain' billions and billions of people.:
Does the earth have enough room to accommodate so many people?
Judging by this map, the answer is a clear yes. While overpopulation may be a localized problem in some of the densely population areas of Asia (see population maps of Bangladesh/India and Tokyo), the vast majority of the worlds land area is actually very sparsely populated.
With everything coming down to 'population density,' with the two maps seen above clearly showing us a world much different than the globalists describe with 99% of the land mass of the planet hugely 'underpopulated,' this story over at Vivid Maps titled "US Population Density Mapped" also tells us a story that must be told, that 65% of the US population, nearly 2 out of every 3 Americans, living within 100 miles of a US border as seen in the next map below.
Leaving the huge majority of America's land mass nearly completely wide open, and only 35% of Americans living within that HUGE area, it's NOT just a 'coincidence' that the 100-mile border zone seen in the map below where the huge majority of Americans live lines up perfectly with a 100-mile Constitution-free zone the federal govt claims total power over.
And while the federal government claims the power to conduct certain kinds of warrantless stops within 100 miles of the U.S. border, including random and arbitrary stops, searches and seizures, important Fourth Amendment protections of the US Constitution still apply, though the federal govt claims total control to do what they want within that 100-miles zone. Yet with 65% of Americans living within that 'zone,' we see how over half the country has been 'programmed' and 'conditioned' into accepting 'tyranny'.
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And while the previously mentioned Metrocosm story reports that by the year 2100, the worlds population is projected to balloon to 11 billion,as their story also reports, while to some, especially the global eugenicists, the number might seem astoundingly high, in reality as seen in the top two maps within this story, the Earth clearly has enough 'space' to accommodate that many people.
Though as this ANP story from earlier today had pointed out, with those 'eugenicists' having it driven into their minds that the world is 'overpopulated' and they must 'eliminate' a huge portion of that population to 'save the planet,' they'll do so by whatever means necessary, even when that means carrying out genocide upon those of us 'hanging around,' though as 'Deplorable Susie' had pointed out in another comment, they'll never volunteer to show the rest of us how it's done, and be the 1st in line.
So as this new story over at State of the Nation that Steve Quayle linked to on his website Thursday morning reports, "by any means necessary" it is, with nothing less than "MEDICIDE" being carried out upon the American people and people all across the planet, American doctors and hospitals methodically murdering COVID patients via deliberately withholding effective COVID-19 treatments while systematically injecting them with bioweapons, mislabeled as 'vaccines'.
Thus violating their own Hippocratic Oaths to 'do no harm,' as that story warned, the fact that our doctors and hospitals are quite literally helping the globalists push their 'depopulation agenda' means that most of the medical system has failed us and should be 'washed away'. From that story.:
All of these deaths mean that virtually the entire medical profession, that routinely services Americas healthcare needs, broke the most basic law of doctoring to a powerless patientDO NO HARM!
Not only did these cowardly physicians NOT do no harm, they inflicted untold pain and suffering on the most vulnerable patients in their care.
This national stain on the medical profession will never be washed away. How can such Intentional Mass Murder, Planned Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity ever be forgiven, ever be forgotten?
What all of those doctors, who are stone-cold guilty of medicide, could have done is listen to the very few physicians and scientists who courageously spoke the quite obvious truth about how to successfully treat COVID-19.
This completely avoidable tragedy could have been easily averted had Americas doctors stood up to Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the primary ringleaders of this ongoing genocide.
But instead these spineless cowards went along because of the financial incentives they received to basically kill and/or injure people on a grand scale. Or, they chose to murder their patients in order to avoid being blackballed by their hospital, physician group or professional association.
So with the maps seen within this story showing beyond a doubt that there'll be HUGE wide open spaces for those 1%'ers remaining once they've finished 'eradicating' the rest of us, while as we hear in the 1st video below, the numbers of unexplained and excess deaths will continue to skyrocket in 2024 if doctors like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. William Makis MD, along with analysts such as Steve Kirsch are correct, if you STILL think all of those crazy, unexplained and excess deaths are just some 'crazy conspiracy theory,' you should watch the 2nd video below showing us a countless number of 'celebrities' actually dying on camera over the last couple of years, deaths that would have never happened if it weren't for the global depopulation cult who actually believe the world is 'overpopulated' despite all of the evidence that it's not as seen in the maps within this story.
And as we hear in the 3rd/final video below, according to many the 'answer' to America's 'population problem' is MORE babies, not less, yet as we've seen all across the board in recent years, the globalists are trying to make that impossible by pushing 'abortions' as a 'solution' while insanely trying to 'normalize' the trans agenda, giving 'free,'(paid for by the American taxpayers!) 'sex change operations' for kids, teaching young children that it's 'ok' to mutilate their bodies, and thus ensuring they'll never be able to have children in the future to add to this 'overpopulated world'.
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