April 10, 2023
Signs Show The Globalists Plans For A Civilization Ending Nuclear War Accelerating: Recent 'Leaks' Of 'Top Secret Docs' Show A 'Blame Russia For Nuclear Armageddon' Narrative Being Framed
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
In this alarming story over at RT that strongly hints of escalating destruction dead ahead they report that according to a Russian Lieutenant General, the 'biden cabal' has resumed its bio-weapons program in Ukraine, building secretive new facilities that'll presumably be used to create even newer 'COVID-19' bioweapons, and as Steve Quayle warned in an SQnote while linking to that story, any creation of gene specific bioweapons that directly target Russians will only hasten nukes being launched upon the USA.
With that report interestingly coming out at a time when an alleged 'leak' has allegedly 'startled' the biden administration, with none other than the NY Times reporting a whole boatload of 'top secret' documents related to war and Ukraine and China and have come out on the internet, with the classified documents that were 'leaked' online allegedly adding 'turmoil' to the biden cabal's plans because they 'allegedly' contained 'secrets' that they didn't want Russia or the American people to know, we urge you to note we've highlighted that word 'allegedly' based on Sun Tzu's legendary book "The Art of War."
Because with one of the most famous quotes from that book being "All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near," as the Conservative Treehouse reports of that 'leak,'we must look much deeper than just 'the leak' if we want to see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Reporting within their story that the fact that this story first surfaced in the NY Timestells us something huge with the NYT proven to be one of the totally controlled msm outlets spewing 'state/communist propaganda,' we're also warned this story being kicked off by the NYT is designed to 'shape opinion and a narrative with the mass domestic audience' with a motive towards something else, giving the deep state the perfect opportunity in this case to frame a 'Russian dis/mis/mal-information narrative.'Are we witnessing a 'blame Russia for the upcoming nuclear war' narrative being framed? From this Conservative Treehouse story before we continue.:
Now, lets use this opportunity to expand our knowledge base, overlay the known frameworks that operate within our government, and simultaneously give a perspective that will not surface anywhere else.
First, the story surfaces from the New York Times. What does that tell us? It tells us the stakeholders in a background narrative surrounding the issue as constructed are domestic intelligence interests. If there was a State Dept stakeholder interest, the story would have been presented by CNN. If there was a U.S. foreign intelligence operation stakeholder interest, the story would have surfaced in the Washington Post.
The story surfaces in the New York Times, indicating a U.S. domestic intelligence interest; and the story is sourced directly to the White House via senior Biden administration officials. What does that mean? It means the narrative that flows from the story has a direction to shape opinion from the perspective of U.S. government domestic public relations. It means the narrative is intended to sway a domestic audience with a motive toward something else.
Secondly, and in full alignment with the first point, the centerpiece of the story is focused on a leak that surfaces in social media. This fits perfectly with the domestic intelligence stakeholders (DHS, National Security Council, etc). We know domestic intelligence operates in the backbone of social media platforms. An example is DHS and domestic Intelligence Community (IC) work as outlined in the Twitter files.
Put them together, a domestic IC product surfaced (being called leaked) into social media platforms containing portals controlled by domestic IC.
The domestic IC then report on the leaks to the outlet used by the domestic IC. See how these fit?
If you follow the bouncing ball, what you immediately suspect is the domestic IC planted the classified information in the platforms they can access, then turn around and report on the leak of the classified information to media they use for domestic narrative engineering.
♦ Motive But why would the IC plant classified information, then turn around and report on the classified information they planted? This is where you need to learn how the motives work, against a bigger picture.
The leak (planted information) and then the telling of the leak (NYT story) creates an opportunity for the domestic IC to frame a Russian dis/mis/mal-information narrative.
But why would the IC want to immediately stir up a misinformation or disinformation narrative against Russia?
♦ Answer: 18 hours before the leak/story construct. Two Russian gremlins, perhaps state sponsored, or perhaps just state aligned, tricked former French President Francois Hollande into admitting the U.S. government and western alliance were behind all of the events in Ukraine after 2014, with the expressed intention to construct a proxy war against Russia using Ukraine.
Russian Pranksters Vovan and Lexus, posing as former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko, got French ex-President Francois Hollande to admit the Minsk Accords were a NATO ruse to militarize Ukraine, and Western nations overthrew Ukraines democratically-elected government in 2014.
And all of this provides the perfect opportunity for the globalists to accelerate their plans, not only using it as more ammunition to further push their sinister Senate bill 686which if signed into law will allow them to completelycrack down upon internet freedom, ensuring our children and grandchildren live in a hell upon our Earth tyranny while also fully demonizing Russia as being to blame for the forthcoming nuclear war, which we're getting more and more signs the globalists are accelerating their plans for.
So when the nukes start falling upon America, the globalists will scream "If the RESTRICT Act was in place, the government could have de-platformed the social media websites that put out these 'leaks' that endangered our 'National Security!'"The handwriting is on the wall if you look hard enough to see it. We can be sure the globalists will fully weaponize these 'leaks' against the American people.
And while ANP would absolutely love to see all of these 'leaks' somehow being 'truth being revealed' that are leading us to the end of the Biden administration and the end of globalism and some long-hidden truths coming out, especially with one analyst warning this is likely just the 'tip of the iceberg' and that more major leaks are coming, or possibly have already happened, in something which could begin to rival the 'Pentagon Papers' of the Vietnam war era,we can't help but keep coming back to Sun Tzu's warnings, and believe we're somehow witnessing 'the art of war' played out before our eyes.
Yet if that is the case, the globalists would have long ago learned some of that books most famous wisdom and teachings. Such as the following that the globalists have clearly never learned.:
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.
The wise warrior avoids the battle.
There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.
With that last one above perfectly seen in the fact that back in 2017, America had been at war for 222 years out of the 239 years of our existence, and the biden cabal only extending those years of 'America at war' while pushing us towards a nuclear war that would end in Armageddon, its easy to see our leaders in the White House and Pentagon learned nothing from Sun Tzu's book, if they'd ever read it.
Judging by what's happened in Afghanistan and what is now happening in Ukraine, the following two lines from 'The Art of War' are perfect descriptions of the biden cabals 'losing strategy.':
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
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According to this March 29th story over at PBS, which we know is another mainstream media outlet controlled by 'the state' so they'll continually push 'news' which fits the 'state narrative and purpose' so can be largely looked upon as 'propaganda,'Russia will no longer give the U.S. advance notice about its missile tests, a senior Moscow diplomat said Wednesday, as its military deployed mobile launchers in Siberia in a show of the countrys massive nuclear capability amid fighting in Ukraine.
Warning within that story that Moscow has halted all information exchanges with Washington after previously suspending its participation in the last remaining nuclear arms pact with the U.S., we see the same narrative being pushed that we've seen since the Trump/Russia lies the globalists pushed for years, that 'Russia is bad' and surely once nukes start raining down upon America, there'll be no stopping that 'narrative' from being the only one being 'fed' to the 'masses' by our MSM, with any nukes falling upon America sure to be used by the 'globalists' to fully shut down what remains of the open and free internet, where information and opinions opposing the globalists satanic agenda would emerge.
Withone former UN weapons inspector in Iraq recently warning that nuclear war is completely inevitable if we stay on the track we're now on with Russia, and Steve Quayle warning us the world is just one hair trigger mistake away from a nuclear conflagration in our near future, and the US having NO civil defense bunker for the American public while Russia is proven to have bunkers galore for their people as Susan Duclos had reported in this February 25th of 2022 ANP story, we'll repeat once again that we warned of nuclear war by 2024 or 2025 in numerous mysterious 'Deagel Reports' that came out over the years, a war that appears the globalists have accelerated.
The following excerpt comes to us from a Deagel Report that was completely removed from the internet but saved within this April 29th of 2021 ANP storyoutlining the mad rush to war.
Russia has been preparing for a major war since 2008 and China has been increasing her military capabilities for the last 20 years. Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead.
Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. The ultimate conflict can come from two ways. A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe.
If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. It does not matter. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions.
So with America and the West now rapidly galloping towards the 'collapse' that Deagel had reported was inevitable and directly tied into 'war' several years ago, and that 2025-2030 timeframe they'd mentioned clearly being bumped up with the globalists slowly losing control of the narrative as Americans awaken to the 'crazy card' the biden cabal has been playing, and warmongers long believing 'war' allows them to do whatever they please, and 'damn the American people,' as we'd reported several times on ANP, Deagel themselves had warned of a 'catastrophic die-off' in the US that we see playing out right now before our very eyes.:
The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States.
This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.
Yet while for the vast majority, what has been happening was an 'unseen situation,' people like Steve Quayle and Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog have been warning of these building calamities for many years now, asking people to get their own families prepared and in the final video below they warn us once again why it's so important to get prepared now for nuclear war dead ahead. Each of the other videos below also take looks at the myriad topics discussed within this story. And at the very bottom of this story is an extensive list of nuclear war prepping ideas for those who haven't yet prepared along with a scribd embed of Cresson H. Kearney's classic "Nuclear War Survival Skills."
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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With quick-at-home fallout shelters featuring easy to acquire materials such as Duct tape and heavy plastic sheeting, which you can use to seal doors to shelters and seal off any vents that open into it for a short period of time if a radiation plume is near, some other materials available right now include.:
Atmosure 1 Yard Copper Faraday Fabric (44" x 36") EMF & 5G Blocker Electromagnetic Radiation Protection from 5G Cellular Signal, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS EMF Protection Blanket
Faraday Tape (1" x 20") + Faraday Fabric (44" x 36") - Atmosure EMF Enclosure & Protection from Cellular Signal, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS DIY Wireless Shield Against EMI, E
5G Radiation Shielding Military Grade EMF Blocking Fabric-Electromagnetic Prevention Effectiveness Waterproof for Indoor and Outdoor by 1 Meter Long
Arcturus Heavy Duty Survival Blanket - Insulated Thermal Reflective Tarp - 60" x 82". All-Weather, Reusable Emergency Blanket for Car or Camping. Thermal Barrier Blocks Infrared Signature
ZIP Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets (Pack of 100) - Individually Packaged- 84" x 52"
Geiger Counter/Nuke Alert Kits:
NukAlertTM Nuclear Radiation Detector/Monitor (Keychain Attachable) Alarm
Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Dosage Alarm Professional High Accuracy Radioactive Detector Meter Beta Gamma X Ray Data Tester Marble Dosimeter (Black)
GQ GMC-500Plus Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Monitor Dosimeter, White
Ecosense RD200 RadonEye, Home Radon Detector, Fast & Accurate Real-Time Monitoring, OLED Display, Easy Setup with Free App, Bluetooth
RADTriage Model50 Personal Radiation Detector for Wallet or Pocket,Nuclear Radiation Detector,Electromagnetic Field Radiation Detector, Anti Radiation Dosimeter,Ready-to-Go Portable Radiation Detector
Humdax Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector with LCD Display, High Accuracy Beta Gamma X-ray Nuclear Radiation Dosimeter, Rechargeable Radiation Monitor Meter
Radiation Burn Creams:
RemeVerse Radiation Relief & Recovery Cream for Radiation Burns; Unscented, Paraben Free Contains Hyaluronic Acid, Ceramides, Peptides, Healing Calendula to Soothe Sensitive, Irritated Skin 6 FL Oz
Natural Radiation Cream Burn Itchy Pain Relief CamWell Herb Soothe Oncologist formulated (Pack of 3 Tubes)
Organixx - Iodine - Pure Liquid Iodine Supplement - 1 fl. oz. - Support Healthy Thyroid Function, Restore Optimal Iodine Levels, Boost Mood & Energy Levels
Liquid Iodine Potassium Drops - 1300 Servings | Large 2oz Bottle | Great Taste | 2X Absorption | Just One (1) Drop a Day for Fast, Potent Thyroid Support - Potassium Iodide. Alcohol and Gluten Free.
Potassium Iodide | Iodine Supplement | 1 Year Supply | Iodine Drops | USDA Organic | Nascent Iodine | Vegan | Packaging May Vary | 1 Fl Oz
First Aid Kits:
First Aid Only 178 Piece Contractor's First Aid Kit (9302-25M)
Band-Aid Brand of First Aid Products Flexible Rolled Gauze Dressing for Minor Wound Care, Soft Padding & Instant Absorption, Sterile Kling Rolls, 3 Inches by 2.1 Yards, Value Pack 5 ct
All Health Wound Care Kit, 40 Items | For Small to Medium Sized Wounds
M2 BASICS 350 Piece Emergency First Aid Kit | Dual Layer, Wall Mountable, Medical Supplies for Business, School, Car or Home
Medpride 4 x 4 Sterile Gauze Pads for Wound Dressing| 100-Pack, Individually Packed Pouches| 12-Ply Cotton & Highly Absorbent| Gauze Sponge-Pads for Wound Care & Home First Aid Kits
And all of this madness gives us another reason to double down on our food preparation if we haven't already done so, focusing on meat pales below but there is much more here and here.:
Fully Cooked Bacon, Ready to Eat, 80 Slices Per Pack / Case, 10 Year Shelf Life, Superior to Canned, Real Thick Cut, 2+ Pounds, No Refrigeration Needed, Grocery, Long Term Storage, Camp, Hunt, Lunch
Nutristore Freeze-Dried Grilled Chicken | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Chicken Breast | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life
Nutristore Freeze-Dried Chicken | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping & Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life
Nutristore Freeze Dried Beef Dices | 80 Large Servings | Premium Quality | USDA Inspected | Amazing Taste | Perfect for Camping | Survival Food
Nutristore Freeze-Dried Sausage Crumbles | Emergency Survival Bulk Food Storage | Premium Quality Meat | Perfect for Lightweight Backpacking, Camping, Home Meals | USDA Inspected | 25 Year Shelf-Life
Nutristore Freeze-Dried Pulled Pork | Premium Quality Pre-Cooked Canned Meat | Survival Emergency Food Supply | Meat for Home Meals & Lightweight Camping | #10 Can | USDA Inspected | 25-Year Shelf Life (4-Pack)
ReadyWise Emergency Food Supply, Freeze-Dried Meat, Survival-Food Disaster Kit for Hurricane Preparedness, Camping Food, Prepper Supplies, Emergency Supplies, Entre Variety-Pack Bucket, 60 Servings, Meat
Nutristore Premium Meat Variety Bucket | 60 Large Servings | Freeze-Dried Chicken, Ground Beef, Beef Dices, & Sausage | 25-Year Shelf Life | Made in USA | Emergency Survival Food Supply
The way we look at it, we can never have TOO MUCH 'drinking water' as our families and loved ones will be around to drink it if we're not, and it could make the difference between life and death.:
Member's Mark Purified Bottled Water 24 cases (16.9 oz. bottles, 40 pk.)
Nestle Pure Life 8 Oz. Purified Water, 48 Per Carton
Ice Mountain Brand Distilled Water, 127.99 oz
And with any nuclear war giving us the real chance that the electrical grid eventually goes down, and the grid even being the target of an EMP strike, making sure we have a generator and fuel around to keep them going could be absolutely critical. Some standard generators available now and as close by as an order and delivery to your home include:
WEN DF475T Dual Fuel 120V/240V Portable Generator with Electric Start Transfer Switch Ready, 4750-Watt, CARB Compliant
DuroMax XP5500EH Electric Start-Camping & RV Ready, 50 State Approved Dual Fuel Portable Generator-5500 Watt Gas or Propane Powered, Blue/Black
WEN DF1100T 11,000-Watt 120V/240V Dual Fuel Portable Generator with Wheel Kit and Electric Start - CARB Compliant, Black
DuroMax XP13000E Gas Powered Portable Generator-13000 Watt Electric Start-Home Back Up & RV Ready, 50 State Approved, Blue/Black
Generac 7127 iQ3500-3500 Watt Portable Inverter Generator Quieter Than Honda, Orange/Black
DuroMax XP13000HX Dual Fuel Portable Generator-13000 Watt Gas or Propane Powered Electric Start w/CO Alert, 50 State Approved, Blue
Champion Power Equipment 200914 4250-Watt Open Frame Inverter Generator, Dual Fuel Technology
Generac 70432 Home Standby Generator Guardian Series 22kW/19.5kW Air Cooled with Wi-Fi and Transfer Switch, Aluminum
DuroMax XP13000E Gas Powered Portable Generator-13000 Watt Electric Start-Home Back Up & RV Ready, 50 State Approved, Blue/Black
And a few other items available now for your power outage kits include:
Rocky Mountain Cable 100 Foot Outdoor Extension Cord - 3 Prong Weather Resistant Heavy Duty Orange Vinyl 10 Amps / 1250 Watts - 16/3 - Ultra Flexible, Water & Flame Resistant - Durable (100 feet)
Clear Power 25 ft 14/3 SJTW 3 Outlet Heavy Duty Outdoor Extension Cord , Water & Weather Resistant, Flame Retardant, Yellow, 3 Prong Grounded Plug, CP10124
Extension Cord 15Ft Multiple Outlets 15 Feet Blue 14/3 SJTW, 14 Gauge Heavy Duty Indoor / Outdoor Power Cords ETL
Power Outage Emergency Kit
Etekcity LED Camping Lantern for Power Outages, Emergency Lights for Hurricane Storms Home, Camping Equipment Supplies Survival Kits, Battery Powered Operated Lanterns Lamp, 4 Pack
Emergency-Radio,Puiuisoul 4000mAh Weather Radios with Hand Crank & Solar Charging,3 Gear LED Flashlight,SOS Alarm, Portable Power Bank,AM/FM/NOAA,Motion Sensor Reading Lamp
Power-Bank-Portable-Charger-Solar - 36800mAh Waterproof Portable External Backup Battery Charger Built-in Dual QC 3.0 5V3.1A Fast USB and Flashlight for All Phone and Electronic Devices (Black)
Fuel cans:
Scepter USA 6792 Duramax 14 Gallon Flo-N-Go Fuel Caddy, Red
Eagle UI-50-FS Red Galvanized Steel Type I Gasoline Safety Can with Funnel, 5 gallon Capacity, 13.5" Height, 12.5" Diameter,Red/Yellow
Scepter FSCG552 Fuel Container with Spill Proof SmartControl Spout, Red Gas Can, 5 Gallon
And as always here at ANP, if you have any ideas or suggestions at all for our other readers on nuclear war prepping or anything else, please leave them in the comment section below.
Nuclear War Survival Skills by rand915