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March 8, 2022

'Get Ready For Some Serious Pain': Gas And Food Prices Spiking Again - Joe Biden Did This As His Policies Continue Destroying America From Within

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

I saw "Get ready for some serious pain" warning in the comment section, and since as I was browsing news and thinking close to the same thing, I decided to use it in the headline, because what we are witnessing is but the beginning of the Biden regime lighting our nation on fire.

Food shortages during the pandemic lockdowns, with reader submitted images of bare shelves ? Pfffft, those are going to look like well stocked shelves soon in comparison to what we are going to see.

Inflation was out of control even before the Russia/Ukraine war, and now it is rising exponentially, with the Biden regime using the situation to pretend the conflict is the cause.

Apparently just because Biden cannot remember the sequence of events, the MSM and Democrats think Americans shouldn't either.

After all, Biden is convinced that Russia invaded...... Russia? Yup, he did that.

How did we get to the place where, you know, Putin decides hes gonna just invade Russia? Nothing like this has happened since World War II. - Joe Biden

Not only did he say that which caught a lot of attention, but another example which garnered less attention is when he stated that Russia was "indiscriminately firing missiles into Russia cities."

Listen for yourself, both clips are in the short clip below.

Gas prices and food prices, also part of that inflation, not only have seen increases for the past two years, but it is being acknowledged now by experts that they have no idea if or when the pain will lessen, with many positive that the damage will continue to get worse, at the pumps, and at the grocery stores.

Via Reuters:

A new daily index released on Tuesday by the London-based ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA) showed the expected pace of consumer price increases over the next year rising from 3.5% on Feb. 1 to 5.24% as of March 7. The index is based on trading in the roughly $300 billion monthly market for inflation-protected U.S. Treasury securities and in the $100 billion monthly market for inflation swaps contracts.

Inflation anticipated over longer 10- and six-year horizons has also turned abruptly higher since the onset of the Ukraine war, with rates as of Monday around 2.43% and 2.73%, respectively, significantly above the Fed's 2% annual price increase target, the index shows.

Let us make this clear: The pain of inflation is only going to get worse. That is not opinion. That is not hyperbole. That is not "fear porn." It is reality and hiding it or hiding from it is not going to make it go away.

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Joe Biden gave a speech on Tuesday, or rather muttered a bunch of lies, about the rising gas prices being everyone's fault except the Biden regime's policies, when it is common knowledge that Biden himself, in less than a year, managed to turn our nation from being energy independent for the first time in 70 years, to depending on energy/oil from other nations.

FACT: Biden killed the Keystone Pipeline on day one of his White House occupation.

The January 21, 2021 executive order titled "Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad," effectively killed Keystone, and America's energy independence by banning fracking and drilling on public lands.

Joe Biden, or his handlers did that.

Then we see things like the article promo below, showing that the average gas price is high, but as the images prove, in some places we see how much worse it can, and likely will get.

As Summit News pointed out, the prices shown above are even higher than the Zombie Apocalypse movie "I am Legend" predicted they would get right before the end of the world as we know it.

As the images hit social media, people began to point out that the prices are higher than was predicted in the 2007 disaster movie I am Legend, which suggested prices would reach almost $7 before society completely collapsed due to a rage zombie-type plague outbreak.

According to a CBS News article on March 7, 2022, the rising gas prices are already costing families $2,000 a year, and was before Biden's March 8, 2022 speech announcing we would no longer be importing any oil from Russia.

While I see both RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and Democrats insist on "punishing" Russia for the war in Ukraine, when America would be better off just minding its own business, and focus on helping Americans rather than making the inflation-related pain even worse.

The aforementioned politicians are betting that Americans will come together and willingly bear the brunt of the pain because "WAR," what they are ignoring is that America is not at war, yet the Biden regime is trying to convince the populace that they are somehow obligated to suffer for a war we should have no part in.

That gambit, using the "war" cry to make Americans feel "responsible" enough to just accept the pain our own political leaders are causing, using Russia and Ukraine as an excuse to make it worse, will fail spectacularly as Americans continue to try to survive with the higher and continuously rising gas prices, food prices, and food shortages.

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As Stefan Stanford recently cited a truck driver that explained how the rising fuel prices affect every person in the country.

It takes gas to run the entire supply chain system, and when gas prices become as high as they are now, with the Biden regime acknowledging it will get worse, everything, every product sold in America will become even more expensive, as those rising prices passed down to the consumer.

That includes food.

What happens when a family has to start rationing their children's meals because they have to spend more on gas to get to work? What happens when families cannot feed their children at all? The answer is chaos and anarchy.

The nation is "Nine meals from anarchy," an expression that accurately describes what happens when people cannot feed their families.

That moment is rapidly approaching, and for some the only thing standing between starvation and anarchy, are food banks and/or food pantries that hand out food to the needy.

Those food banks/pantries are also feeling the the question becomes, how long before we see total anarchy in America when those that helped hungry families can no longer do so?

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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