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October 2, 2023

Bill Gates Fiendishly Close Ties To Communist China, Funding Wuhan University A Year Before COVID & Firm Mining Our DNA Data, Exposes The Evil Mastermind Behind The Curtain

- Bill Gates And The NWO Carrying Out Satanic Witchery Of The Worst Sort

This may be something we have gone over before, but lets do a refresher to help keep this topic in focus. Science, what is it, what does the term mean? Britannica says science is any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. Emphasis is mine. Wikipedia says Scienceis a rigorous,systematicendeavor that builds and organizesknowledgein the form oftestableexplanationsandpredictionsabout the world. The Science Council said Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence and added that Objective observation.Evidence.Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses.reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions drawn from facts or examples.Repetition.Critical analysis.Verification and testing: critical exposure to scrutiny, peer review and assessment as essential components of actual, real science. Again, any emphasis is mine to highlight essential components of the term Science that we should be taking into account when anything is claimed to be scientific or scientifically proven. It is, basically, just a methodology to understanding something, usually involving our natural world in one form or another.

The term trust the science so often used now is a false claim that is not to be done. One may trust in the scientific method, or trust that ones findings may be true, but an intelligent person would NEVER trust something that is only a theory that has been tried by some tests that were designed to show that the theory is true. Especially when those tests are faked or manipulated to show the theory is correct when it shows no such thing. Note that we put in the first paragraph describing science things like evidence, verification, objective, repetition, and trusting the science does no such thing. It assumes you trust the claims, NOT the science itself. Remember that current science is driven by academia pushing for a diploma, or a position in a college or research corporation, or to protect ones niche and job in the system, or for pretend verification of very questionable claims, or to sell some product or idea and so forth. There is also no such thing as settled science as the very definition of science dictates that it cannot be settled because there are always tests to make on the THEORIES that are claimed to be settled science. Science is testing and therefore cannot be settled (sorry AlGore, but your claim is an absolute lie).

That is not what it is in todays world, rather it is used as a form of mythology to conform official views to whatever the current trend my mandate. Again, lets look at Wikipedia for the definition of another term; scientific mythis amythaboutscience, or a myth or factoid that is commonly thought to be scientific and Nature magazine said science myths are False beliefs and wishful thinking and added that Once a myth is here, it is often here to stay. There are so many current science myths that are officially claimed to be science that it is difficult to sort through them all, and the above Nature article and an article from Readers Digest run through a number of the more common ones that we will not take the space to go over here, but note that they do not cover the more evil ones like the killing of so many Africans, polio, AIDS and Covid research, climate, and on and on. If it is covered in the non-MSM news outlets, he is likely involved somehow.

Mellissa Fleming, the Chief Communicator for the United Nations, claimed that We own the science and we think the world should know it and that We do feel like we are in an information war and that we need to massively ramp up our response for anything contrary to their mandated beliefs when she spoke of the UNs expanded propaganda and censorship systems now in operation and expected to greatly increase (see her UN video on X here). One such pseudo scientific shill is Bill Gates, with some even claiming he is a vital Beacon for value and healing power of Science while not actually being a scientist, just a pretender to that title. He is not a scientist having NO scientific training, but the owner of a software firm that got its prominence by buying, stealing and otherwise obtaining the code to put together an operating system that has become the standard for most computers on this planet, while claiming to be a programmer himself. The Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation is supposedly dedicated to science and stopping the spread of diseases like malaria, polio, and HIV around the world including African and other underdeveloped countries, not excluding developed ones like China and the USA.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser:The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago,"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But,with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us,"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

The Expos said recently that Bill Gates is the man standing behind the curtain, an obvious reference to the Wizard of Oz image of a fraudster manipulating what people thought of him and his empire. An excellent article on Bill by Patricia Harrity, the portion I would like most to bring up here is their mentions of Gates as The Dictator, as An Evil Mastermind, as one Who Controls the Media, as Gates Controls Academia, as pushing such things as vaccinations in our as food and with mosquitoes, funding (over $200 million) digital IDs and surveillance systems to cover just about all you are and do, funding the Gavi Global Health dictatorship and so much more mentioned in that great Expos article. The first video below is a video on Rumble about Bill and is referred to as the Banned Video. But there is more that I would like to bring up about this evil fiend that may not be as well known.

One is his (just like little Joey Biden) mafia-like very close affiliation with Communist China.

Perhaps a quick way of understanding this reality would be to mention a few headlines that cover this concept. Xi Jinping calls Bill Gates an old friend as he welcomes him to Chinaas Beijing matches his foundations $50 million gift to Chinese research in Fortune.

Bill Gates foundation funded Chinese firm responsible for mining Americans DNA data in Insider Paper.

Gates Foundation helped 'raise China's voice of governance' in Africa, emails show - The foundation helped grease the skids for Chinese-produced medications from Fox Business news.

Bill Gates given one of Chinas highest academic honours - Microsoft chief elected to Chinese Academy of Engineering because of work to develop advanced nuclear technology in SCMP news. Please note the highlighted portion of that one and consider the definitions of High Treason.

Bill Gates: My best investment turned $10 billion into $200 billion worth of economic benefit speaking of return on investments of vaccination investments (think AIDES and Covid) in a CNBC article.

Receipts Show That Bill Gates Just Paid the Chinese Communist Party to Recruit More Foreign Scientists from a Freedom First article;

Massive liberal charities steered millions to Chinese groups tied to its government, speaking of Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation and the Ford Foundation in the Washington Examiner.

Bill Gates Foundation Funded Wuhan University with $500,000 One Year Before COVID Outbreak in American Faith.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is spending millions in China, a fraction of its total funding including this tidbit,

Since 2002, the Gates Foundation has spent US$377.6 million in China across 271 grants largely focusing on preventing disease, including Covid-19 (and that was over two years ago) from SCMP.

Gates Foundation, Chinese Government Partner to Address Global Development Needs from Philanthropy News Digest.

You are the first American friend Ive met in Beijing this year: Xi tells Bill Gates China wants to work with world on innovation as seen in Fortune.

Gates Foundation Foots Bill for China to Hire Foreign Scientists in the New American.

Gates Foundation To Donate $50 Million, Partner With Beijing And Tsinghua To Fight Infectious Disease from Forbes.

Gates Foundation Renews Collaboration with Beijing Government and Tsinghua University on Innovative Therapies for Infectious Diseases Prevalent in Low- and Middle-income Countries regarding the Commitment and expertise will strengthen Global Health Drug Discovery Institutes research and development capacity as seen on the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation website.

That is just a small selection from thousands of hits obtained from a recent web search. That last one from the Bill and Melinda foundation had a number of other hits including topics like We support projects along the entire global health value chain to ensure that China's innovative technologies, products, and models can benefit more people in need We work with government agencies, businesses, and research institutes in China and Africa, as well as regional and international organizations, to help African smallholder farmers improve their productivity, nutrition, and income. As Chinas capacity for innovation has expanded, its commitment to being a global development partner has also grown, particularly to benefit sub-Saharan Africa. We are working to support China in this work, with a focus on health and development policy, expertise, and technologies. We work with the public and private sector philanthropic partners in China to build the countrys philanthropic ecosystem, encourage more charitable giving, and advance progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals showcasing their own love of pretending their and communist Chinas goals are somehow noteworthy.

It would appear as though he is presenting himself to be the worlds savior in disease, ecology, science and the like but there is a huge contradiction between the glowing reports and the realities just as there are those same huge contradictions in the definition of science and the reality as it is presented to the world. The following stories suggest that his version of saving the world and trust the science is so far different than what he has spent many millions cultivating that it defies reason.

Almost three years ago The Guardian posted a review of Gates book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster written as a love fest with Bill and said Gates has changed our lives through his Microsoft software; he has improved countless lives through his foundations work to eliminate polio, TB and malaria; and now he proposes to help save our lives by combating climate change. They go on to say that Gates details the transformation necessary to reverse the effects of decades of catastrophic practices. We need, Gates calculates, to remove 51bn tonnes of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere every year. Failing to do so would cost more than the 1.5 million lives already lost to Covid-19 and could cause, he calculates, five times more deaths than the Spanish flu a century ago. There are a number of false claims here, claims that the current version of pretend science says is true, but real science refutes as every actual study concludes. First, what are those greenhouse gases they speak of? CO2 is NOT a greenhouse gas, it is inert and the unproven theories that search results on the subject do not actually happen, just like the oceans rising to cover the Stature of Liberty and the polar ice caps melting and the polar bears dying off were total bull-stuff.

Five times more deaths than the Spanish Flu from those wicked greenhouse gases and yet they also assume that the normal year in and year out flu and pneumonia caused deaths during the C19 farce that actually were no higher than normal were somehow caused by a virus let upon the world by some accident in a lab in China, which, by happenstance I suppose, was also funded in part by Bill himself. They mention polio, TB and malaria which are items he has funded to be let loose in Africa and other third world nations, and that TB is now coming across our southern border with the criminal invaders. With many millions having died and will die from the effects of the biological weapon they call a vaccine let alone the many millions of children dying and that will die from those shots, the massive number of miscarriage aborted babies and now infertile women from those shots all over the world pales in comparison to even what was expected just a short time ago.

The complete insanity of this is mind boggling and what he is doing now concerning our ecology to fight his phantom foe of climate change is beyond any reason whatsoever. It is, quite literally, absolutely insane. Not to mention extremely evil. Every single thing about it is opposite of reality, opposite of real science, opposite of what must be done. Lets look briefly at what I am referring to so we can see why I am so upset with his actual insanity.

This Yahoo! headline tells the basis of it; Bill Gates declared it's 'complete nonsense' to think planting trees will solve climate change. 'Pro-tree' Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff accused him of going on a 'tirade.' They say that CO2 is the problem, and that we must slow its increase which is an absolute lie. The forests are the lungs of our planet, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen as the plant life absorb it during the day and release oxygen. Yes, I am well aware that our oceans also function in that capacity, but he is not asking to dry up the oceans just yet. The oxygen cycle of photosynthesis and respiration is only half of the equation with carbon dioxide being the other half. Methane (they think cow farts is the cause) is also a gas that the earth emits constantly by out gassing it through the layers of rock beneath our feet. The oceans are by far the most prolific recipients of this methane (and crude oil as well) as it enriches the carbon life cycles of its inhabitants, whether plant, animal or undetermined. Some estimates put the quantity of oil seepage in our oceans as close to the numbers that are pumped out on dry land wells.

As quoting headlines has served us well so far, lets continue with that form for a bit more information on the current insane idiocy of that bas- er, boy Billy Gates.

Bill Gates: Planting Trees Is Complete Nonsense; 100 Percent Fed Up. Please also see the second video below on the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Corporate Media Blasts Bill Gates for Attacking Trees Just Kidding, They Back His Evil Plan 100%; America First Report. Bill Gates plans to raze at least 70 million acres of Western forests to prevent "climate change."

Remember when environmentalists loved trees? Now they want to DESTROY them all to stop climate change; Natural News.

Bill Gates Funds Tree-burial Project to Save Mother Earth; The New American. Gates wants to destroy 70 million acres of trees across the United States and bury the timber underground.... project is a venture of Kodama Systems, a fledgling forest-management company that aims to thin overgrown forests and utilize excess biomass at scale." Now tell me there is not some profit motive in it.

Bill Gates Pushes Plan to Chop Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to Fight Global Warming; Slay News. According to the project organizers, scientists say burying trees can reduce global warming. Kodama claims that burying the trees will prevent them from allegedly spewing carbon back into the air.

Bill Gates-Funded Group Plans to Strip 70 Million Acres of Forest to Save the Planet; The Western Journal.

Everything they say is a lie, everything. This is just exactly opposite what needs to be done, we need more forest, more agriculture, more animal life to bring our atmosphere back to where it needs to be to sustain more life on it. Let me now ask a question knowing there is no evident direct linkage (that we know of); Are the massive Direct Energy Weapon fires in both our forests and cities around the US (including Hawaii) and Canada related to this scheme to destroy our planet? Since it is the New World Order hyper wealthy involved in both, I suspect there may be.

This is NOT science; it is satanic witchery of the worst sort. Real science is exactly opposite of this unholy garbage, but then they do not believe in real science, just their insane twist on it.

God Bless

Are We Science People or Are We the Idiots?"

Bill Gates Says Planting Trees to Solve Climate Crisis is Nonsense.

Scientists say, "burying trees can reduce global warming as well."

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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