June 10, 2023
Gargantuan New Evidence Pfizer, Big Pharma And 'Global Govt Terrorists' Are Carrying Out 'Depopulation' As Forecast By Deagel And Have Targeted OUR Children For 'Elimination'
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Dating all the way back to 2014 and the launch of ANP, we've been reporting upon a mysterious website which got the huge majority of its 'data and information' from all of the 'deep state/global government characters' who've declared war upon the human race and are now going about the brutal and pure evil process of 'human extermination,' Deagel.com, and as we've reported many times before, for many, many years, Deagel was running a '2025 forecast' for America and the world, one within which they 'forecast' the US population to be well below 100 million people by 2025, a stunning drop of over 230 million people from the years the forecasts were made.
With Deagel for years used bymilitary authors such as Tom Clancy, before he was murdered, to gather information for their books, as we'd reported all the way back in 2014, the fact that Deagel's sources included the United States Department of State, the CIA, the World Bank, the European Union and the US Department of Defense among others, was a huge reason we reported upon Deagels legitimacy as a group having knowledge of future mass death for America and 'Western civilization,' although the mainstream media reported Deagel's forecasts were 'crazy conspiracy theories'.
And while Deagel finally back in 2021 removed all mention of their 2025 forecast for America that showed our population being 'culled' by over 200 million people within just 4 years, while they've continued to put out military reports for countries all over the planet, as we'd reported back in April of 2021 after Deagel removed their 'forecast,' their information also showed America would be a full-scale 3rd world nation by the year 2025, as if they somehow knew something 'the masses' didn't.
And as we'd reported back in April of 2021, this removal of Deagel's 2025 forecast came soon after an expose about them on Doug Casey's International Man website had gone viral, an expose in which Casey called Deagel's forecast "the biggest thing in the world" for their massive depopulation prediction for America and Western Europe.
And with Deagel's sources for their 2025 forecast showing a massive culling about to take place in America and throughout Western Europe absolutely the 'deep state' and the 'terrorist global government'now waging war upon the human race as we see in the screenshot below taken from their website, you've got to check out this new story over at Zero Hedge reporting newly emerged documents PROVE that 'Pfizer' KNEW all the way back in 2021 that their mRNA gene therapy injections sickened babies and infants and the poisons could be passed on through their mothers to their unborn or just-born babies, nothing less than depopulation being carried out before our eyes. From that story before we continue.:
Per internal Pfizer documents forced into the public domain by court decree, we know now that the company knew way back in April 2021 of the risks its mRNA gene therapy posed to infants.
Via Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review:
[Pfizers] safety database was searched for all BNT162b2 vaccine cases reporting any exposure to vaccine during pregnancy (mother and/or baby) or exposure to baby via lactation from all time through 28 February 2021. A search of the Pfizer safety database identified 673 case reports.
Of the 673 case reports identified in the search, 458 involved BNT162b2 exposure during pregnancy (mother/fetus) and 215 involved exposure during breast-feeding
In 174 of the 215 reports, there was no AE reported other than Exposure via breast milk/maternal exposure during breast feeding. In the remaining 41 cases, AEs were reported in the infants following BNT162b2 exposure via lactation.
Doing some quick math, this means that Pfizer documented adverse effects in no less than 19% of the babies almost 1 in 5 that it observed to be exposed to the spike proteins produced by their mRNA shot.
None of these findings, of course, were voluntarily disclosed by Pfizer, the Public Health authorities, or the corporate state media that the biomedical state effectively owns.
Meaning we now have even more proof that 'big pharma terrorists' and their terrorist compatriots within the US government were putting America's children in danger with no care in the world, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised with mass abortion one of the most treasured 'rights' of Democrats.
Yet as we had reported previously back on May 8th on ANP, carrying out massive depopulation upon our younger generations allowed the satanists to 'double down' on their 'culling of humanity' with biden and the globalists NOT ONLY MURDERING countless young children and young adults, but in doing so, they're ensuring those children would never have children, either. Briefly from that story.:
Children reported to VAERS database, who died after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines
VAERS ID: 2535782: 11 year old boy (non-US) had 3rd Pfizer dose on Dec.13, 2022, had a cardiac arrest 4 hours later and was found by family member with face immersed in bathtub, died the same day.
VAERS ID: 2396993: 7 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer 2nd dose on April 19, 2022 and died 3 months later on July 17, 2022.
She presented 3 months after Pfizer jab on July 13, 2022 with fever, upper abdominal pain, rash, then had a seizure and died on July 17, 2022.
VAERS ID: 2395618: 10 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer jab, 8 days later presented with diarrhea, died on July 8, 2022.
VAERS ID: 2373124: 5 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer jab, next day developed nasopharyngitis, outcome was fatal, died on June 11, 2022 (one day after Pfizer jab.)
VAERS ID: 2410237: 5 year old girl (non-US) had 1st Pfizer Jab, died 4 months later on June 5, 2022.
In the months after Pfizer jab she developed acute ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura), was hospitalized with life threatening thrombocytopenia for 18 days, suffered brain death and passed away.
VAERS ID: 2316094: 6 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer 2nd mRNA dose, 3 months later she developed abdominal pain, vomiting and died on May 28, 2022.
VAERS ID: 2334700: 10 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer mRNA jab, 24 days later she presented with fever and malaise and died on May 21, 2022.
VAERS ID: 2193609: 8 year old girl (non-US) had Pfizer mRNA jab on Feb.18, 2022, and died on March 06, 2022, 16 days later.
She presented Mar.4, 2022 with fever and headache, on Mar.6, 2022 presented again with abdominal pain, vomited blood, had shortness of breath, was intubated, suffered cardiac arrest and died.
VAERS ID: 2152560: 7 year old boy from Washington died 13 days after 1st Pfizer mRNA jab, on Feb.16, 2022.
He had fever for 24 hours, became lethargic, vomited on the way to Emergency, was listless on presentation. He proceeded to a shock state and had a cardiac arrest. He was not able to be resuscitated and died in the ED.
VAERS ID: 2109625: 8 year old previously healthy boy from Mississippi died 8 days after 2nd Pfizer mRNA dose on Feb.10, 2022.
Mom called in 6 days after 2nd Pfizer jab complaining he had nausea and vomiting. Sometime during night of Feb.10, 2022, 8 days after his jab, his parents found him blue and lifeless in bed (cardiac arrest). Was taken to hospital, were able to get a pulse back several times, but lost him in the ICU.
VAERS ID: 2377304: 9 year old girl from California had 1st Pfizer mRNA jab on Dec.12, 2021, presented with 2-3 days of stomach ache, sore throat and chest pain, died 2 weeks after Pfizer jab on Dec.27, 2021
VAERS ID: 1975356: 7 year old girl from Minnesota died in her sleep 11 days after her 1st Pfizer mRNA jab, on Dec.10, 2021 (she had fever, mild cough & congestion the night before, mom found her at 9:15am not breathing)
VAERS ID: 1890705: 5 year old girl from Iowa with complex medical history died in her sleep 4 days after 1st Pfizer mRNA jab, on Nov.22, 2021
TGA (Australia) ID: 724023 9 year old girl died after Pfizer mRNA jab of Cardiac arrest (March 25, 2022)
TGA (Australia) ID: 719838 7 year old boy died after Pfizer mRNA jab (seizure, cardiac arrest) (Mar.11, 2022)
So WHY are SO MANY young and previously healthy children dying sudden, mysterious and completely unexplained deaths following their being 'vaxxed'? As Dr. Makis warned us in 'his take' of what we've been witnessing, with AT LEAST 25 children ages 5-12 who've died after a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vax, and only ONE child death from these products being far too many, these vaxxes should have NEVER been rolled out for anyone at all, much less for the young and innocent children in our world. But we shouldn't be at all surprised that the NWO is murdering kids; as Susan Duclos reported in this recent ANP story, the globalists war upon children continues unabated.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to ongoing censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'rerunning an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
So why for years and years would any 'intelligence agency' with deep ties to the United States government and the 'deep state' have been 'forecasting' America's population by the year 2025 to be only 54 million people as seen in the screenshot above taken from their website before they finally removed it?
Also 'forecasting' our gross domestic product by the year 2025 to be ONLY $921 billion, down a whopping $18 TRILLION+ from what it was the year the forecast was made, and showing our GDP per capita to be just over $16,900, down from over $57,000, one could easily look at Deagel's 2025 forecast and see a stunning and alarming 'foreknowledge' of America's future collapse.
And as Alan Barton had reported in this June 9th ANP story titled "The Biden Crime Family Enriches Itself While In Direct Cahoots With The Chinese Military As They Wage War On The Human Race And Push World Closer To WW3 And Nuclear Annihilation," we've got alarming proof joe biden is enriching himself while killing off Americans - nothing less than outright genocide being carried out before our eyes. And in Doug Casey's viral Deagel story, he tackled that alarming madness.:
A look at the Deagel website, which is quite sophisticated, makes it clear were not dealing with some blogger concocting outrageous clickbait. It seems to be well-connected with defense contractors and government agencies like the CIA.
Theyve predicted that about 70% of the US population, and about the same percentage in Europe, is going to disappear by 2025. Its hard to believe that anybody in their position would make a forecast like that. Theres no logical business reason for it, especially since it was done before the COVID hysteria gripped the world. It stretches a readers credulity.
Could it possibly happen? It would be the biggest thing in world history. Does it have a basis in reality, or is it just some bizarre trolling exercise? Im not sureits hard to take almost anything from any source at face value these days. But for the last several years, Ive been saying that World War III would basically be a biological war. Of course, it will have substantial conventional, nuclear, space-based, and AI/computer elements as well, but its most serious component will be biological. Essentially, it will involve the use of bacteria and viruses to wipe out the enemy. The odds are that it will be between the US and China. But since anyone with a CRISPR in their garage can hack the genome and DNA of almost anything and anybody there are no limits to the possibilities.
Certainly, from the Chinese point of view, a biological war makes all the sense in the world. Thats because the Han Chinese share a lot of genetic similarities. Presumably, a bacteria or virus can be bred to favor the Chinese and take out most everybody else. The fact is that anything that can be done eventually will be done. Its just the law of large numbers.
Somebody might respond, Well, thats horribly racist. Of course its racist. Notwithstanding rational and philosophical arguments against it, all ethnic groups and countries are quite naturally racist. A fear of different racial and ethnic groups has been bred into humans, as a survival mechanism, over the hundreds of thousands of years since we became biologically modern.
All races and ethnic groups like to think that theyre the best or the most worthy, and that non-members are other, perhaps only marginally human. Biological warfare plays directly into feeling.
Americans wholike everybody elsesee themselves as the good guys, believe were immune to that. However, dont forget that the US pioneered modern biowarfare. Fort Detrick, Maryland, has been an epicenter of it for over 70 years, and there are undoubtedly many other more clandestine sites where US government agencies are working on biological warfare. No doubt the Chinese and other major powers are working clandestinely as well. Its not something anybody wants to advertise for many reasons.
What shocks me is not that a biowar is being researched or even actively wargamed, but that a connected organization like Deagel is actually saying it publicly. Its not like what goes on in the spook community is an open book.
Deagel doesnt explicitly say what, exactly, will cause the great die-off. But there are many advantages to biological warfare over other types of warfare, so it will probably be featured. Its probably inevitable, now that the technology has made it practical.
And as we'll explore in this final section of this story, with the globalists now pushing for themselves to have lives that last 'forever,' seeking to use 'artificial intelligence' and 'transhumanism,' with Forbes having reported in this February of 2023 story that "AI can now make you immortal, but should it,"as Doug Casey had pointed out in that 2021 story, 'biowarfare' has a lot of advantages for those who seek to 'live forever' while they 'cull the masses of humanity'.
What are the advantages of biowar? What might wargaming generals like about it?
First, it doesnt destroy materiel. Thats a huge plus. After all, whats the point of conquering a country if all you have to show for it is a smoking radioactive ruin? Thats the major advantage of the neutron bomb, of course; it kills the people but limits damage to buildings. Bioweapons essentially make atomic weapons obsolescent.
Second, bioweapons can be structured to attack only certain racial groups. Thats potentially either a big advantage or disadvantage to China. The diverse population of the US could also be either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on who strikes first. But, on the bright side, you can perhaps immunize your own population, or at least the military and essential workers, to control the damage. (ANP: Yet, as we've seen, all the vax rollout did was introduce another bioweapon here!)
Third, bioweapons are very cheap and easy to fabricate. Anyone with access to a good high school chemistry lab is in business. Theres no need for expensive and tricky U-235 or, for that matter, any of the junk toys the Pentagon spends hundreds of billions on.
Fourth, bioweapons dont need sophisticated delivery systems; again, no need for B-2s, B-52s, cruise missiles, ICBMs, or any of that. A sick tourist or two, or a few packages sent in the mail, can get the job done. (ANP: Remember all of those mysterious seed packages from China that were sent to Americans back in 2020? We here at ANP received packages of those mysterious seeds, too!)
Fifth, bioweapons, whether theyre viruses or bacteria, not only offer plausible deniability but the potential to blame a third party. You can launch an attack, and nobody can really be sure who did it. Or even that an attack is, in fact, being launched.
Theres every advantage to biological warfare from an aggressors point of view. And, the aggressor doesnt even have to be a nation-state, which is, of course, another excuse for governments to further clamp down on their populations, as COVID has shown. Guns are good self-defense weapons, and governments are trying to eliminate them; basement biowar labs are strictly offensive. Imagine the bureaucratic enforcement possibilities.
And with the COVID bioweapon being unleashed upon the American people and people across the planet, only to be followed up soon after with the release of the 'vax bioweapon' meaning we were all victims of a multi-pronged 'attack,' and a countless number of people dying sudden and mysterious deaths in the following months and years, and now stunning proof that the Pfizer 'big pharma terrorists' knew all about the deadly effects of 'the vax' long before it was being 'marketed' for children, the fact that SO MANY of America's children have since been seriously injured or killed, while even to this very day, the CDC STILL recommends that all pregnant women get shot up, as does the legacy media,really tells us everything we need to know.
And, of course, to this very day, to repeat this absolutely crucial point from earlier in our story, none of these alarming findings were voluntarily disclosed by Pfizer, the Public Health authorities, or the corporate state media that the biomedical state effectively owns. This is full-scale genocide.
See also:
WHO head warns of even deadlier pandemic coming
More Than 100 Young Children Suffered Seizures After COVID Vaccination: Study
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