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May 1, 2022

Unbelievable! You've Got To Check Out The 'Full Scale Crazy' Who Is Biden's New 'Minister Of Truth'! Her Challenge: NO ONE Believes The Biden Cabal Except The Sheep And The Slaves!

- 'If All Accept The Lie The Party Imposes, The Lie Passes Into History And Becomes Truth' - Orwell, 1984

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

On Friday, Susan Duclos reported in this ANP story titled "At The Beginning Of Every Dictatorship Comes A Ministry Of Truth, Joe Biden Just Unveiled His - We Are Officially Living In Orwell's '1984'"that Joe Biden's new 'Ministry of Truth,' the taxpayer funded 'Disinformation Governance Board,' is another sure sign of where America is headed, with truth being forever criminalized while lies are forever engraved into the granite of history at the behest of those who'd surely be tried, convicted and executed for their crimes of treason if the truth ever came out in full.

And while Susan's story warned that throughout history, dictators have been absolutely terrified of the free flow of information and 'open debate', as real arguments based upon factual information can rip gigantic holes in the insanely false narratives of those who seek to eternally control us, we've got to take a look in this ANP story at just 'who' will be heading Biden's 'Ministry of Truth' at a time when practically nobody anywhere in America except for 'the sheep' and 'the slaves' trust anything 'government' or 'the mainstream media establishment' says to us, anyways.

With that last point perfectly proven in this July of 2021 Gallup Poll news story reporting Americans trust in EVERY major US 'institution' except for the US Military, Law Enforcement and Small Businesses, had TANKED, how does a 'Ministry of Truth' go about getting Americans to believe HUGE LIES when that 2021 poll found Americans confidence rating in Congress at an absolutely abominable 12%, 'the presidency' at an almost equally abominable 38%, the 'media establishment's TV news' at a horrid 16%, the print media's confidence level at an almost equally awful 21% and the public school system at a horrid 32%?

With those numbers showing the only way in the world this 'Ministry of Truth' would be able to get Americans to believe their lies would be through carrying out massive genocide upon us all, and any such genocide sure to be strongly resisted by Americans who own 475 million+ guns thanks to the amazing wisdom of America's Founding Fathers, the US Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, we expect Biden's 'Ministry of Truth' to fall apart about as quickly as CNN+ as long as they keep pushing globalists lies and censoring the truth.

And if you haven't seen it yet, you absolutely have to check out the 'full scale crazy' in our new 'Minister of Truth', Nina Jankowicz, as seen in the video we've embedded directly below. As the NY Post reports of the video, "the person tapped to head President Bidens new Big Brother-like disinformation board drew fresh disdain Friday over her flippant attitude toward misinformation and her own history of spreading it".

Nina Jankowiczs ability to be taken seriously in her role on Homeland Securitys new Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board was thrown into question after a cringeworthy TikTok video resurfaced of her adapting the Mary Poppins tune Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious to be about fake news.

You can't make this stuff up!! Did Joe Biden watch this video before her hiring? The video first before we continue. Please by all means let us know what you think in the comment section below.

With THAT 'the head' of Joe Biden's new Ministry of Truth giving us a small taste of things to come, and absolutely giving us a taste of what the 'new normal' is among Democrats in 2022, and the 'utter insanity' seen in the video tying in perfectly with Joe Biden's selection of 'transgender Rachele Lavine' as an Asst. 'Minister of Health', we shouldn't be surprised that America is being herd into crazy-town as 'bats**t loonie' is exactly what they need to transform lies into reality and truth into felonious fiction as they fully introduce America to their Orwellian world.

'Bats**t crazy,' including Jankowicz believing in her wacked out mind that there are many non-binary people who give birth despite the basic fact that pregnancy is biologically unique to women.So just imagine the utter lunacy in our world ahead should the globalists succeed at taking down reality and superimposing their own lunacy upon it, their 'methods to madness' reminding of this quote from Orwell's 1984.:

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposedif all records told the same talethen the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.

Also seen in the "1984" quote seen in the image at the top of this story, "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command,we'd just reported on ANP only days ago that the Biden admin seemed dead set on getting Americans not to believe their own eyes about anything, including the fact that 'the vax' is NOT working to stop COVID, the fact that vaxxed people all across the world are just 'dropping dead' out of nowhereas well as the Biden administration for months and months claiming there we no food shortages before finally admitting there are.

So with our new 'Minister of Disinformation' actually believing the insane leftist drivel that totally goes against 'real science,' with Jankowicz writing an article for Wired recently in which she actually 'erases' women as a gender, receiving heavy criticism and pushback for that article from women all across the country, the final section of our story below will take a look at Jankowicz's thoughts on Hunter Biden's laptop and more and more 'crazy' from our new 'Minister of truth'.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With the website Red State recently reporting Nina Jankowicz is the gift that just keeps on giving, that story referencing and highlighting all of the bizarre social media released by her that has come back to haunt her and Joe Biden over the last several days, as that story reported, not only is Jankowicz a big supporter of censorship, but she also stumped for the government to forcibly lock down American citizens during the COVID pandemic, showing no care at all for constitutional rights.

And with that story also pointing out the 'irony of all ironies', in that Jankowicz for quite some time spread 'disinformation' about both the Hunter Biden laptop and the Mueller investigation, we see once again that Biden is trying to get the blind to lead the blind, someone who seemingly truly believes the 'disinformation' and 'propaganda' coming from the US govt, appointed into a role to further spread it.

And as this NY Post story reports, with even Jen Psaki over at the White House being forced into defending the choice of Jankowicz after her earlier social media postings, especially the Mary Poppins song/video, went viral, absolutely everything that Jankowicz says or does going forward is subject to ridicule and heavy resistance.

And with Jankowicz given the impossible task of getting the American people to believe a government that excels in telling lies and spewing propaganda, we'll offer her some advice before we conclude this story: Please start telling the truth, no matter how hard, and maybe the American people will somehow begin to believe government again. Until then, they're working on an absolutely impossible task.

So with CNN+ making it only a 'whopping' one monthbefore being 'tanked' the perfect metaphor for about how long Biden's 'Ministry of Truth' will probably be around with Americans 'en masse' showing they no longer believe the lies and BS we're being fed, especially with both sides of the political aisle jumping on Biden and his 'Ministry of Truth', nothing less than another rush towards Orwellian tyranny.

Each of the videos below give us more looks at Biden's new 'Minister of Truth', with some showing her reports on the mainstream media while others show her absolutely horrid social media postings that lead us to ask, why exactly DID Joe Biden bring THIS into the fold in 2022 America? To help prove the globalists are lunatics leading us to the slaughter?

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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