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August 8, 2024

From Killing The Unborn To Mutilating Children, With So Many Courts Caught Up In The Luciferian Scheme, We May Have To Wait For The Heavenly Court Of Justice To Bring The Hammer Down

By Kathlees Gotto -All News Pipeline

It is evident that the United States of America is on a downward slide, but when did it begin? Certainly many cultural shifts have happened since the U.S. became a nation some 235 years ago.

Momentous catalysts for the country were all the wars we engaged in with the resultant loss and suffering on all sides. When WWII ended, a collective sigh of relief prevailed because the world-wide carnage was over, and prosperity and hope began shining through the darkness.

It was only a few brief years after the destruction and loss from WWII that cultural upheaval began in earnest. There was the Civil Rights movement with its laws, marches and associated riots; Woodstock with its rock music, love-ins and the entrenchment of drug use that has gotten worse and more deadly today. God and the Bible were kicked out of schools and replaced with progressive humanism (socialism/communism); abortion made its way to a Constitutional amendment in Roe v Wade (now repealed but still being performed), and egregious laws were enacted to protect and enshrine deviant sexual beliefs and behaviors.

These deplorable evils rocked the sensibilities of those who knew evil when they saw it, despite the heavy and incessant use of euphemisms by legacy media.

Its hard to pinpoint exactly when euphemisms began to be seriously employed as propaganda tools, but it appears they picked up steam some time after WWII when their use became more prevalent and pervasive in everyday life. It is quite telling that when euphemisms are deployed it is to shield truths, like with abortion. Abortion, in its unvarnished, no holds-barred definition, is nothing less than murder in the womb. The deliberate taking of life, especially the life of a defenseless baby, is so horrific and soul-searing that new words had to be used to hide the murder; e.g., protecting womens health, justifying womens choice, and a woman having the right to her own body, etc. For those who seek to live by Gods Word, there is no justification in any circumstance to shed innocent blood. That said, for the millions of women who did take the lives of their unborn children, there is forgiveness at the foot of the Cross of Calvary where the soul-cleansing blood of Jesus Christ was shed for the sins of mankind, and that includes the sin of abortion.

Today we see gender dysphoria being whipped into a major health issue and aggressively hyped to be solved by changing ones gender through mutilating surgery. Ka-ching! Any surgeon who pushes and/or supports the mutilation of children for filthy lucre deserves a special place in hell! That goes for parents, also, who would be so ignorant and dismissive of Gods creation that they advocate and seek to remake what God made in perfection.

The audacity and hubris of all those involved in gender dysphoria will not go unpunished. Sowing and reaping have consequences.

Who is likely behind this gender mutilation and the frenzied push to incorporate it as a human right? A reasonable assumption would be those monied Luciferian, Marxist, Satanist, eugenicist individuals who rule world entities behind the scenes and push to reduce the worlds population. Their fingerprints are all over Agenda 2030, which, like other propaganda, uses nobless oblige language to assuage the suspicions of those who havent quite figured out their dark and twisted goals for humanity.

A hefty example for those who can slog through, or at least skim, its 257 pages, UN100 Remaking the World Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment uses all the bell-ringing, collectivist terms for those who believe, or want to believe, that concepts such as equality and equity are attainable and will be given by benevolent masters. However, masters dont want equals; they want slaves.

Todays wanna-be kings, or gods, the Luciferians, who hope to live forever with the help of artificial intelligence, are incredibly delusional. That said, they are also incredibly dangerous as they pursue their lust for power and control. Lucifer deceived Adam and Eve, and his followers today use deception and lies to attain their ends just like their master. As Lucifer hated God and His creation, the Luciferians of today are no different.

It is worthy of serious consideration that the COVID-19 Plandemic was, and still is, a Luciferian project to kill and maim as much of the worlds population as possible.

It is only the honorable and brave scientists, medical health providers, independent journalists, podcasters, attorneys, and everyday people who are speaking out publicly that we know there is a concerted effort to kill off as many of the human race as possible. If that were not the case, the shots would have been pulled immediately after problems were made known. They werent. The statistics dont lie!

COVID-19 was a truly monstrous force of evil that was unleashed upon the whole world. It started out as the COVID-19 sickness, which in all likelihood was manufactured and unleashed globally in 2019/2020. You can be sure it had its start way before then, but the obvious purpose of the sickness was to frighten and herd as much of the gullible world populations as possible into compliance with taking the jab. The big lie was that the jab would protect them and protect people around them. Reluctance or refusal was met by loss of employment and/or loss of business. Were those employers seduced by financial bonuses or other perks? Follow the bread crumbs.

So the COVID-19 sickness can be seen as the stick while the COVID-19 vaccine was the (poisoned) carrot. There is more than one way to induce compliance of the masses, and when big pharma is manipulating the play, Hegels dialectics are very useful. Create the pandemic, offer solution to the pandemic, and people can get back to normal. Uh huh. Methinks the Luciferians are so giddy with the success of their murderous plan that they cannot comprehend that we are on to them.

So, do we have empirical evidence of at least some of what was in the COVID-19 shot called vaccine. Yes, we do and have had such receipts (see Maria Zeees July 30 and 31, 2024 interviews especially). Embalmers have been been reporting and showing the white, fibrous clots for several years that they have been pulling out of corpses while trying to flush out body fluids with replacement embalming liquids.

It is not the purpose of this writing to enumerate the litany of injuries and deaths of people from all over the world, all walks of life, all ages and in all professions. The Internet is replete with voluminous accounts of people who died suddenly or were injured post-vaccine. But here is the stunner: the COVID-19 issue is being aggressively covered up or ignored by global governments, magistrates, healthcare providers, legacy media, law enforcement, et al, in a concerted, conspiratorial operation. What a haul of COVID-19 criminals and miscreants that a global and lawful RICO task force could gather together for a Nuremberg trial!

Unfortunately, with so many courts caught up in the Luciferian scheme, we may have to wait for the Heavenly Court of Justice to bring the hammer down. But dont lose heart, because God will not be mocked and unrepented evil will face the ultimate sentence of eternal death in the Lake of Fire. The Luciferians want to live forever, but the Lake of Fire will give them eternal death forever where they will want to die, will beg to die, and cant. Give that a second thought. The Luciferians want life eternal but will end up with death eternal! It doesnt matter that they dont believe in the Bible. Gods Word stands forever.

For those who may be new to the research that has been and continues to be done on the COVID-19 clot shot, Dr. Pablo Campras work was instrumental for the German chemist, Dr, Andreas Noack, to also examine the contents of the COVID-19 shot. Dr. Noack told of his frightening discovery of graphene hydroxide in the vaccines he examined. You can see the fear on his face as he realizes that the only way for the graphene to make it into the vaccine was for someone to put it there.

Watching the video translation of Dr. Noack explaining his discovery of graphene in the COVID-19 shots was chilling! It was like watching a movie where someone discovers where the bodies are buried and that that knowledge will cost him his life. Dr. Noack died shortly after going public with his findings.

In recent years the cultural catalysts that are tearing away and destroying our society and our country are manifold: stealing elections (always one side gets burned); using lawfare as a weapon against innocent Americans (J-6ers and others); opening our national borders to let undocumented, unvetted foreigners and known terrorists flood our country by the millions; blatant lying, cheating, stealing all over the country; suspicious Intel, FBI, and Secret Service actors surveilling and targeting innocent Americans; and we now have Joe Bidens handlers propping him up or blowing him up to appear alive when the country honestly doesnt know if the man is dead or alive!

So, has America lost her soul? As a country, no doubt. Gatekeepers failed us over and over again and let the wolves in. On the other hand, perhaps half of the countrys population have not lost their American souls because their eyes are on another prize and therein is peace.

---Kathleen Gotto

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