October 30, 2022
Something Freakily Weird About The Paul Pelosi Attack - Looking More And More Like An Election False Flag! The More We Find Out About The Circumstances, The More Questions We Have
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
As most that follow politics know, soon-to-be former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's Husband Paul was attacked early Friday morning, resulting in hospitalization and brain surgery after taking a hammer to the head by the assailant, 42 year old David DePape.
Those are the facts.
If those facts seem to be awful thin it is because a number of things were instantly reported about the attack, with the media claiming almost immediately that DePape was a "right-winger," extremist, who ran two blog sites with conspiracy and "right-wing" rhetoric, all suggesting the attack was politically motivated, until more information was revealed.
This is where everything gets strange.
The man lived in what has been referred to as a "hippie" commune, had Black Lives Matter signs, anti-capitalism signage, and another bumper sticker with the definition of liberal on it and a slap to conservatives.
Left wing messaging on back of DePape home camper |
Top that off with a marijuana flag hanging off the tree in the yard of where he lived and we have.... a die-hard conservative??????
Wait, no. That doesn't make sense. Unless you are a liberal that took this story and ran with the initial media reporting, which was a case-closed rightwing attack.
The questions about the "official media narrative" began almost instantly, when we saw reports that Pelosi managed to use his cell phone, while DePape was right there in his home with him, to call 911, with claims he spoke in "code" telling them someone was there, looking for his wife Nancy, and that he didn't know him but was a "friend."
Eerily enough that isn't even very strange in comparison to other information that started coming out.
A Politico screenshot had another bit of information that instantly brought on more questions than answers.
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Questions: An unknown person let the police in. What was that unknown person doing while the 82 year old Pelosi was struggling with DePape before the police got there. Who was the unknown person? If it was a servant, housekeeper or such, wouldn't they have called the police instead of Pelosi?
Another glaringly obvious question is why the police, standing right there, watching the two men struggle for the hammer, didn't stop DePape once he got ahold of the hammer, before DePape could bash Pelosi in the skull.
Question: They couldn't tackle him or shoot him before he was able to hit Pelosi with a hammer right in front of them?
Forbes writer,Michael Shellenberger, did some actual journalism and investigated more about DePape, rather than running with the liberal "official media narrative," and found some interesting information about DePape.
The entire piece is at this link, but below I am highlighting a key paragraph:
Neighbors described DePape as a homeless addict with a politics that was, until recently, left-wing, but of secondary importance to his psychotic and paranoid behavior. What I know about the family is that theyre very radical activists, said one of DePapes neighbors, a woman who only gave her first name, Trish. They seem very left. They are all about the Black Lives Matter movement. Gay pride. But theyre very detached from reality. They have called the cops on several of the neighbors, including us, claiming that we are plotting against them. Its really weird to see that they are willing to be so aggressive toward somebody else who is also a lefty.
Related:Paul Pelosi attacker David DePape lived in a school bus
Another bit of reporting, that was retracted, was that the DePape was in his underwear at the time of arrest.
The only credible media outlet to report that DePape was in his underwear has retracted it. No credible media outlet has reported that Pelosi was in his underwear, and authorities have not confirmed either.
A single news organization, KTVU-TV, reported that DePape was wearing only his underwear when police arrived. Although that news organization is generally regarded as a credible television station, it later posted a correction and removed the information on the underwear from the article.
KTVU-TV is a Fox affiliated television station located in Oakland, California. The article was written by investigative journalist Evan Sernoffsky. He has a long career in investigative reporting in the Bay area, having worked as a San Francisco Chronicle criminal justice reporter before coming to KTVU in 2020.
He also retracted the underwear claim on Twitter, writing, Im now told by other sources that DePape was NOT dressed only in his underwear. Working to clarify.
Question: Seems to be weird detail to report without any evidence, or direct citations, so where did these reporters, who have good reputations first hear that detail?
Someone had to have parted with that detail, and there has been no explanation that we can find to justify the confusion.
Next up: Reports indicate that DePape broke in from the back of the Pelosi estate, breaking a window. Images taken by helicopter shows the broken glass, outside of the door as if broken from the inside.
Pelosi home: Glass outside the doors |
I am not a physics major, but I have seen broken windows before and when broken from the outside, the majority of the glass ends up inside, not outside.
Questions: Why is the glass outside of the house? Lawmakers also face threats on a daily basis, so they have top-of-the-line security, so where was the security? Pelosi's private security was with her in DC, but what about the home security? Alarms? Guards? What about security footage from video surveillance?
Moving along we note the disconnect between the media's instant rush-to-judgement that DePape was an unhinged right-winger, and the witness testimony about the man by neighbors, can be explained by the claim by the media that DePape ran two blogs/websites, filled with QAnon, conservative conspiracy chatter.
While both websites have been shut down, media reports about the content are why the instant rush-to-judgement claimed this was a politically motivated attack, but according to Gateway Pundit, who provides screenshots from the Wayback Machine, claims both websites were created Friday, after the attack, and deleted/removed on Saturday, just a day later.
Via GP:
The problem is the websites cited by the mainstream media that were supposedly aligned with DePape were created on Friday and they are no longer active today, Saturday.
The site Godisloving.wordpress.com was opened on Friday and shut down on Saturday.
If you try to link to it now, you will find it has been shut down.
The other site listed, www.frenlyfrens.com/blog is no longer active as well. It too was created on Friday and shut down on Saturday. The only activity on this site as well was in the last two days.
Question: If GP is correct, then who created those websites?
Stefan Stanford, knowing I was writing this piece, sent over a little reminder that offers yet more possibilities.
Reminder:Democrats are operating a series of 51 'fake news' websites pushing left-wing stories in toss-up states in a bid to turn the midterms in their favor, shocking investigation finds
Writer Catherine Salgado published an article highlighting some of the speculation that we are seeing all across the web.
And, as mentioned above, the connections between this assaulter and conservative or right-leaning politics were invented after the fact. DePape may be homeless and a drug addict, living in a Berkeley hippie community, but hes not a hard-core Trump supporter or LGBTQ critic. Im fact, the whole situationPaul calling David a friend, David in his underwear, and Paul possibly semi-nude as wellseem to lend at least some support to the homosexual memes circulating the internet about the incident right now. The Pelosis are hideously corrupt. Who knows what they do for fun.
Question: A gay tryst gone wrong?
While the rumor, and chatter is speculative, it would certainly explain why the original reports stated DePape was in his underwear when arrested. A quick coverup, in a city where the Pelosi has been state a city leader for decades, is not out of the realm of possibility.
The coverup explanation would also explain the breaking of the window from the inside in order to appear as if it has been a break in.
As shown above, the more news that comes out about this attack, and the alleged assailant, the more questions pop up. At this point there are more questions than answers to the entire episode.
One thing is definite, if this wasn't a false flag attack, where the attack actually happened but was done with the intent of helping democrats in the midterm elections just over a week away, then it is certainly being used by Democrats, the man who occupies the White House, Joe Biden, and the liberal media to do just that.
Bring the sympathy to Democrats while claiming Republican rhetoric caused the attack in an attempt to get more Americans to vote against Republicans and for Democrats in just nine days.
The last, but perhaps most important question is whether the SF police would lie and cover up for one of the families that have led CA for decades?
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