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April 25, 2023

Those Ruling Over America And The World Are An Independent Force Of Evil With No Oversight Or Legal Consequences For Their Criminal Actions Who Treat Satanists As A Special Protected Class

By Alan Barton -All News PipeLine

What is behind all of the insane escapades or our evil tyrant leadership of this nation is not easy to see, but most obvious when pointed out.

The same thing that history has shown was behind many other evil regimes in power; the love of money and power.More especially that power fueled by money, or rather, by wealth (close but not exactly the same thing).Last time we met, we covered briefly the involvement of China in the coming New World Order and how they have so many people buffaloed that they are not the real New World Order.This time we will look at how they are involved in the modern destruction of our nations peoples.All of this is done, of course, with the help of our CIA and even our top leadership offices.Lets start at the beginning of this evil legacy in the 1950s and see how it developed to where we are now.

TheFive Star Trust.Do you remember hearing of that group before?Although below is a video that briefly covers it, the beginnings were made during WWII and involvements with the US intelligence service called the OSS, or Office of Strategic Services.We covered this briefly sometime ago and how they became the CIA, but we should also mention its relationship with the Five Star Trust.Very briefly, it is a CIA drug running operation that includes the very top names in the CIAs history including George Bush senior and can be read in this redacted FBI report link(imbedded here)from July 7 1989.Please note in the header of this report below the first sentence of the second paragraph; During the tenure of Richard Helms as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, decisions were made by the director, withimpliedapproval of the Oval Office, todraft a blue-print and put into motion a plan by which the CIA could have as much funds as, and when, needed, without knowledge of Congress.They also mention that the dual purpose included the means to carry outclandestine and covert operationswithout the knowledge of Congress(Emphasis is mine).Perhaps a mention that the de Rothschild emperorship (who take one third of the profits directly off of the top of the CIA profits like any other criminal organization) is alsodirectlylinked and can be found in the accompanying FBI report noted above.

In other wordsthey have this kind of power without any sort of oversight or legal consequences enabling them to become an independent force of evil in this world without any limits whatsoever.They have done just exactly that and this column is a brief overview of a few things they have accomplished with that unlimited power.

In September of 2009 there was a letter sent to then president Obama that gave some very interesting linkages with the various presidencies near that time era including Bush 41, Clinton 42 and Bush 43 and their crews plus the aforementioned Barry Obama along with the de Rothschild banking systems and many billions or more accurately trillions of dollars.They KNEW what was going on, and you can bet your sweet bippy that the imposter infesting our White House right now fully knows as well.Please see thisimbedded 5 Star Trust letterto Obama for confirmation.The implications of this is vast beyond measure as it links directly the satanic evil of the de Rothschilds with the CIA and our top office holders (with the possible exception of Don Trump as they tried desperately to keep him out of any knowledge of anything actually under operation).Overall, these documents prove that the federal government, thecourts, and major federal agencies are engaged in ongoing criminalactivity of the highest order and with trillions of dollars and gold bullion that puts to shame any other scam in history.I can never look at our present government with any degree of respect again.I am a very patriotic and strong believer in our God given Constitution, but they have trampled it into the filthiest sewers imaginable.

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So they started out early by pushing drugs and, using the timeline fromGlobal Research, beginning with CIA arms, money, and disinformation enabled Corsican criminal syndicates in Marseille to wrestle control of labor unions from the Communist Party. The Corsicans gained political influence and control over the docks ideal conditions for cementing a long-term partnership with mafia drug distributors, which turned Marseille into the postwar heroin capital of the Western world. Marseilles first heroin laboratories were opened in 1951, only months after the Corsicans took over the waterfront.Then working through the Nationalist Chinese army (who should have been fighting the communist revolutionaries which the US along with the CFR had also installed in the first place)shipping opiumfrom the worlds richest areas inSouth East Asiaall over the world usingAir Americawhich is constituted by the US military units involved.US involvement in Indochina included CIA opium refinement labs in Laos and resulted in over 70% of the worlds opiates that destroyed millions of lives including so many US servicemen assigned to cover their operations inViet Nam.No wonder theNYT headlinein December 1994 read HUGE C.I.A. OPERATION REPORTED IN U.S. AGAINST ANTIWAR FORCES, OTHER DISSIDENTS IN NIXON YEARS.It would seem that those CIA illegal domestic intelligence operations against the anti-war groups were primarily because they might interfere with their profit margins.

Large Photo: CIA Agent Paul Lional Edward Helliwell meets Frank Nugan from Nugan Hand Bank and Michael J Hand, a former US Green Beret force, affiliated with Nugan Hand Bank. Below: US President George HW Bush meets Manuel Antonio Noriega, CIA informant who later became the dictator of Panama.

Then in the 1970s, Australia bank Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was aCIA bank in all but name. Among its officers were a network ofUS generals, admirals and CIA men, including former CIA Director William Colby,who was also one of its lawyers. With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. In 1980, amidstseveral mysterious deaths, the bank collapsed, $50 million in debt.Then we move into Panama where Manual Noriega was a CIA asset with heavy involvement in drug trafficking and money laundering.He provided protection for the drug running aircraft and pilots, safe haven for drug cartel officials, discreet banking systems, and then ClA Director William Webster and several DEA officers, sent Noriega letters of praise for efforts to thwart drug trafficking (albeit only against competitors of his Medellin Cartel patrons).The only reason the US turned against him and invaded Panama was because of his providing intelligence and services to the Cubans and Sandinistas while the drug trafficking only increasing thereafter.And lets not forget the Kerry connections tocrack cocaine CIAmonopoly along withso much morelike theClinton Mafialink with airport operations in Arkansas.

Manuel Noriega

Then we come to the infamousContrasand their involvement with theCIA drug operations.A long sordid affair that saw the Medellin Cartels Miami accountant, Ramon Milian Rodriguez, testified that he funneled nearly $10 million to Nicaraguan contras through long-time CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who was based at Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador.This is an extension of their operations involving Panama and those aircraft that were contracted to ship arms to them also returned massive amounts of opiate products to the US.Here is where it becomes even more interesting because of the recent news cycles that include so many references to the illicit trade of poppy plant products.Yeh;guns, drugs and money- lots and lots of money.

TheCIA supported Mujahedeenwere the terrorists (read as heroin cartels) that we used to kick Russia out ofAfghanistan.We really did not care if they were there except that they had control ofthe worlds then largest producers of heroinand other poppy plant products and that could not exist with the CIAs penchant for drug profits to finance their endless wars, assassinations, coups, whoredoms, destructions and eliminations of any nations with any Liberty (including the USA).It can be properly stated that theAfghanistanwas entirely aCIA operation.We assisted the Central American and Mexican cartels importing and distributing those opiates byarming them with the armsthey needed with the KenyansFast and Furious gun running schemesupposedly to find out who the users would be. That is insane as we gave them to those cartel members we supposedly wanted to track who obtained them, but rational excuses never were their forte.Far worse was the bribery we used to pay off the rest of the Afghan rebel terrorists by giving them $80 plus billion in prime new US military arms and mounds of cash to also allow them to flourish in their own poppy products businesses, along with a readymade terrorist army that could be controlled and sent off to wherever we needed them (assuming they would obey).Gee, thanks Biden or should I have said Obama.

See how it all very neatly falls into place when the actual reasons for world events are known?Even theNY Timesunderstood when in December of 1993 they published an opinion article that was titled The CIA Drug Connections as Old as the Agency perfectly stating that the history of the CIA is based on drug trafficking.And it is tied directly into the CIAs involvement in JFKs assassination including the George Bushs (both were there that day) as I laid out this past January in an opinion column about it.Even the Burma airlift to supply B-29 bombers during WWII to bomb Japan is connected as shown in an article onOperation Paper Clip.After the war, the operation was put into place to vastly expand the production of opiates that stretches from Burma, Thailand, and vicinity to Afghanistan itself.During WWII the opiate production of China was all but eliminated and the US err, I meant the CIA went about rebuilding the production of it.And it seems quite successfully as ensuing world events show.

There is far more to all of this including what we went over recently regarding military intel/CIA MK Ultra and the hippies pushing LSD and other drugs and so on, but this is just the intro to my intended topic.

And now we have a new Fentanyl crisis.TheRand Reportsaid Fentanyl is the most dangerous illegal drug in America.The CDC said it is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more than morphine.A synthetic opioid, it is found itboth pharmaceutical form and illicitcreations.Available in both powdered and liquid forms, it is often mixed with other drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth of various sorts, and many other forms imitating other valid medicines available which has successfully fooled many and also killed many.A2020 CDC studyshowed over 150 people die from overdoses of synthetic Fentanyl products daily; you can bet that the number is far higher now.In 2021 they rose about 25% and are now more than double from 2019.Although therate of rise has lessenedin 2022 to today, the actual number is still increasing and is well over 110,000 per year now.Our liberal city streets are full of dead and dying overdoses from the various forms of Fentanyl and Fentanyl laced other drugs.Dirty syringes and needles, along with human wastes and other filth contaminate so many city centers, parks, and other sidewalks that now they are a danger to anyone entering those areas.

As a side note to what the above graph illustrates, the massive increase started right with the election or better saidselectionof the Kenyan,Barry Hussein Obama, a CIA/NWO operativein his own right.

So much for the liberals, or rather leftists claim that they and they alone can make America and her cities safe for everyone as they are doing all they can to assist the CIA in poisoning the youth, veterans, mentally ill and those of lower income levels that have been made homeless by the ever increasing attacks on the virtuous and Christian America.An extremely potent poison, Fentanyl in amounts as small as2 milligramscankill you due to respiratory depression (decreased breathing) which can quickly lead to coma and death.Heroin is expensive while Fentanyl is very cheap; the profit margins are far higher.Originally the Mexican drug cartels sold it in the US in smaller numbers and then they figured out they could cut it into the poppy and cocoa products along with numerous fake pharmaceuticals.The CIA is not going to allow anyone to step into their massive profits from the other hard drugs, so they assisted the Chinese in importing it to Mexico or even directly into the United States.When we supposedly cut into the marketing of Chinese originated Mexican Fentanyl, the cartels (assume I am saying CIA drug importation agents) decided they could make even more profit and go around the bans on imported Chinese Fentanyl by importing to Mexico the precursors or the agents that are mixed to create Fentanyl.

Only a small amount of fentanyl is enough to be lethal.AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Supposedly we arefighting the cartelsbringing it into this nation, but as we already know that the CIA is operating those cartels. I suspect that only those that do not go along with their orders are the ones sacrificed to satisfy the demands from the public for a war on them.The DEA and Justice Department are helping the CIA, or are operated by CIA agents, to hide the system as best they can.As the Chinese are the ones exporting those precursor agents used in the production facilities in Mexico, and as in our last story showing the Chinese involvement with the New World Order operational systems, we can also safely assume that CIA has a massive investment it all areas of that production line.Oh, and by the way, yes the Biden criminal organization is also directly involved and they are owned by the Chinese and therefore by the CIA and also explains why the sudden move out of Afghanistan; the profits had dropped too far to pay for the operations there and so the puppet infesting our white House was ordered to skip out quickly, which he did along with General Milley running that portion of the ops.

But as bad as all of that is, there is yet far more to it and even more sickening to those with any moral standards left in them.

What happens to so many of the lone children that cross our border, that disappear in Afghanistan, that are saved by various agencies in the war in Ukraine, that disappear on our own streets and from so many other places in the world?That is easy to answer as there have been many stories published explaining just exactly that even here on ANP by myself as well as others.Heart breaking and indeed very sickening, but is easy to answer.December 26, 2021Vaccine Impactanswered that question nicely when their headline said FBI Declassifies Files on theCIAs Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking when they covered a story on the CIA group calledThe Finders.Quoting from aWinter Watchstory earlier in that month, theysaid the report mentions bodies being buried on a Finders farm in Culpepper, Virginia. There were also cages. Therole of the CIA is referenced, but its convoluted.Its almost as if the more powerful agencies treat satanists as a special protected class. In todays inverted, captured world, that wouldnt be surprising.Do you really understand what they are saying here?It is a long and well documented (see the image below as an example) story that is well worth the time to read over if your stomach can stand it.

Comet Pizza of the infamous PizzaGate affair is just one portion of the CIAs trafficking in children.If I may, please allow me to quote a bit from anSGT Report articlefrom October 2018.Remember, our open borders facilitate all of this; the drugs, the military aged men making an invasion, the child trafficking, organ harvesting and more.No wonder Biden will not close them, there is too much profit to be made.

there is a worldwide network operating a vast human trafficking ring with far-reaching implications. Certainpeople within the CIA are involved, in their tradition of being the great facilitators of anything and everything.This leads all the way to the top, the most elite and powerful of global society. Up to 800,000 people are trafficked each year; 80% of them are female with 50% of the total being children[Note:I am sure that number is far higher today] [Wikileaks] leaked Podesta emails seemed to include some form of strange code. Some of the more sinister messages referred to a ritual called Spirit Cooking. This involves mixing blood, semen and human excrement to be used in rituals by a sex-magic priestess who has connections to Podesta and other high-level political insiders. there areat least 500 global trafficking routesused by those who deal in peoples lives. It also showed that there has been ahuge rise in human trafficking in the last few years,much of this due to the volume of migrants leaving war-torn countries; many made war-torn following the actions of the CIA. People are trafficked predominantly for one of 3 reasons Sex, slave labour or organ harvesting.Take ISIS for example,a CIA-made organisation; theyre known to have killed thousands of prisoners in order to harvest their organs for sale on the black market. former FBI agent Ted Gunderson and many other investigators have shone a light on the likes of the CIAs MKUltra program.Under the umbrella of MKUltra, children were relentlessly tortured using rape and physical abuse until the desired result was achieved; the fracture of their minds. these techniques created multiple personalities and what is now classified by the medical profession as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). goal of the CIA is to program a specific fragment of their personality in any way it desires.those same children must also endure being trafficked to sex parties. A recent and famous example of a customer of this trade is Jeffrey Epstein, an extremely degenerate billionaire who had his own private island which was nicknamed Orgy Island by the media. We cant lose sight of the factthat those of the Deep State itself consist of paedophiles and Satanists who have diabolical needs that are met by these services also.

Just how much money is the CIA making from all of this?More than I can even imagine.

December 2021story on RTheadline, Child sex abusers at CIA avoiding prosecution: What we know says it all well enough. There are so many stories on this that we could go on and write a whole book, and I am sure as my research has shown others have done so.This is not an in depth column, but an attempt to be sure you realize just what kind of evil is running this nation under the guise of an intelligence agency of our government that includes the highest paid and elected officials of this nation, including the current occupants of our White House.I am so sickened to my soul that I need to stop at this point and hope that you, my treasured readers, are not too offended by my bringing it all up.I began this one with this question: What is the power behind the current evil regime running this nation and their predecessors?I will answer it most simply by stating they are run by Lucifer himself and his agency that has NO legal limits on how it can create wealth to destroy the world at large as I pointed to at the outset.They are the arms and legs of the Illuminati and have been given the power to do what they will.

God bless -

The CIA And The Drug Trade

Video by The Corbett Report video embedded in link below

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