April 13, 2023
Fatal 'Fungus Now Among Us' Invading America Prompting 'Last Of Us' Fears Has Led To The 'Big Pharma Mass Murder Mafia' Creating A 'New Vax' As The Globalists Work On 'Depopulation'
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While the story over at Yahoo news on Tuesday titled "'Never seen anything like this': Fungal outbreak infects over 90 workers at Michigan paper mill" reported on a massive 'blastomycosis' outbreak at the Billerud paper mill in Escanaba, Michigan unlike any they'd ever experienced before, reading through the comment section of the story gives us much more info than the story itself.
With the story reporting at least 90 of the 900+ employees at the paper mill had been struck by this very uncommon fungus, a whopping 10% of the employees at least, Investment Watch Blog reports that both the CDC and the FBI had showed up at the scene of the outbreak, hinting something more is at play.
And while this outbreak in Michigan could just be a natural occurrence and just a one-off, we couldn't help but notice it happened during the same time period where the CDC just warned of a dangerous fungal infection spreading throughout the USA as reported in this Epoch Times story from March 23rd, althoughthe fungus the CDC warns of was the antimicrobial-resistant fungus Candida auris (C. auris) whichthey reported in this March 20th press release.:
Candida auris (C. auris) an emerging fungus considered an urgent antimicrobial resistance (AR) threat, spread at an alarming rate in U.S. healthcare facilities in 2020-2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Equally concerning was a tripling in 2021 of the number of cases that were resistant to echinocandins, the antifungal medicine most recommended for treatment of C. auris infections.
And then a key paragraph:
In general, C. auris is not a threat to healthy people. People who are very sick, have invasive medical devices, or have long or frequent stays in healthcare facilities are at increased risk for acquiring C. auris. CDC has deemed C. auris as an urgent AR threat, because it is often resistant to multiple antifungal drugs, spreads easily in healthcare facilities, and can cause severe infections with high death rates.
Also happening at a time when the Daily Mail had put out this March 21st story titled "American College of Physicians warns of 'urgent threat' posed by highly contagious FUNGUS that has a kill rate of 60% and is growing across the US sparking Last Of Us fears," we've warned on ANP time and again the globalists love to tell us what they're going to do before they do it; are we now witnessing just such a scenario?
With the World Health Organization just last year releasing its first ever list of 'Fatal fungi,' a list of fungal pathogens that are 'becoming a threat to humanity,'and the WHO designating 19 different fungi as 'priority pathogens,' none of us should put it past these devils to create the many 'crises' we face, especially with reports that 'big pharma' is already attempting to create a 'vaccine' for fungi, with Gizmodo reporting such a vaxwould be the 1st of its kind.
So while Susan and I here at ANP wouldn't take a vax for 'fungi' if offered a million dollars to do so no matter how much they push this new 'fungi fear' in our faces, we're wise to keep in mind all of the alarming news coming out about the 'COVID kill shots' they attempted to pass off as being 'safe,' despite all of the proof people in America and all across the planet are dying from them.
As Joel Hirschhorn just reported in this Pandemic Blunder newsletter, we've now got stunning evidence 'the vax' actually induces 'immune system tolerance' from studies that have been completed, which: Represents a state of unresponsiveness of the immune system to substances or tissues that would otherwise have the capacity to trigger an immune response in a given organism.
So with overwhelming evidence 'the vaxxes' actually harmed the American people rather than helping them avoid COVID, and the 'big pharma mafia' doing everything in their power to make sure Americans NEVER FIND OUT that bit of evidence by completely controlling the mainstream media, we've got a pertinent question to ask: DO the 'big pharma mafia' and US politicians actually WANT us dead? If not, why are they ATTACKING the human immune system rather than helping it out?
Especially considering that in this Epoch Times storythey hadreported that COVID infections occur most often in people with weakened immune systems,with several of the comments from that earlier mentioned Yahoo news story on the fungal outbreak republished in the next section of this story below. Now why might a whole slew of 'employees' have 'weakened immune systems?' And as Alan Barton had pointed out in this story Wednesday on ANP, we're also now witnessing MASS corporate suicides taking place ALL ACROSS America! Think that the employees with weakened immune systems and mass corporate suicides are all related somehow?
As Alan also succinctly points out, the fact that so many of these bigwig corporate suicides are happening at the very same time that those companies had 'gone woke and gone broke' due to their anti-Christian, pro-LGBT agendas speak volumes! As Gallup poll reported back in March of 2022, ONLY 7% of Americans are LGBT, (if the numbers are even that high,) meaning well over 90% of Americans want nothing at all to do with that insanity. Yet for some crazy reason they keep pushing it in our faces!
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
So check out the comments below from this Yahoo News story titled "'Never seen anything like this': Fungal outbreak infects over 90 workers at Michigan paper mill" before we continue.:
Aberration: "This is how the world ends, fungus at a flour mill/factory which spreads it across the world." They left that comment while including a photograph from 'The Last of Us' tv series.
Steven: "You don't want to get sick in the usa. The usa has the most expenssive and less quality healthcare in the world. For the working class anyway. Just like everything else in this country. The rich get what they tell all of the workers is bad. The workers get this end stage capitalism and seem just fine with it. But then again, they like having to pay an insurance man before they pay their doctor. It makes no sense to so many of us. I guess the elite can't call themselves true Americans if they can't make a profit off of our misfortunes. Why do Americans love the rich and famous so much? They love their celebrities. They love the millionaires that are exploiting them and their families. Once again, it makes no sense."
TH: "I just called around up there to see if I could locate a number for the mill. Somebody had their number and told me the CDC was up there taking control. I told them what I wanted the number for because I thought I knew what the source was. When I called the company and I told them I think I know what the source was and they needed to look at this study done by the Cleveland Clinic that covid vaccines switch up immune response she replied "I can't talk to you about this" and proceed to hang up on me. The minute I said covid vaccinations and her response tells me they already think it may be connected and since the CDC is involved they are up there controlling the narrative. Like the study said it doesn't matter what respiratory illness you get moving forward once your immune system is switched your body is told to tolerate it instead of rid your body of it and you are transmissible longer. Chances are the source they can't locate is whatever employee got it first and transmitted it to the others through respiratory droplets. Science Immunology: Class Switch Towards Non Inflammatory Spike Specific lgG4 Antibodies After Repeated Sars Cov 2 mRNA Vaccination study by Cleveland Clinic."
Jerry: "If only people hadnt willingly destroyed their immune systems."
McFreedom: "Sounds like possible c vaccine booster exposure - robert malone on rumble says exposure can damage immune system."
So while we here at ANP NEVER EXPECT to actually be taught by the globalists that they are RIGHT NOW carrying out depopulation, because 'depopulation' is ALSO KNOWN AS 'MASS MURDER,' and the devils who are carrying out this 'crime upon humanity' also completely control the mainstream media as Etienne de la Boetie2 of the Art of Liberty Foundation had reported in this linked story also republished on ANP, we'll return to the fact once again that the globalists completely believe our planet Earth is vastly 'overpopulated,' and thus will face a planetary catastrophe in the years ahead, as being the reason why they're trying to 'kill off' as many as they can right now, using deadly vaxxes, if not diseases or 'fungi,' to do so.
Yet as one commenter had mentioned above from that Yahoo News story which we've emphasized time and again on ANP, IF the globalists truly believe our planet Earth is 'overpopulated' so they must GET RID OF some human lives to do so, they go ahead and START with themselves, showing the rest of it how it's done. And then let it be up to US on whether or not we want to follow their lunacy.
With the satanists from the globalists trying everything in their power to get Americans to 'take the vaxxes' via any means possible, including injecting our food supply animals with the deadly vaxxes, proving to us they'll stop at nothing to get Americans to take 'the kill shots,' even when we don't want the deadly poisons in our bodies, each of the videos below take looks at the topics discussed within this story, including the 1st video which looks at 'the fungus now among us' while the 2nd video looks at all of the farm animals the globalists will begin injecting the deadly vaxxes into, contaminating our meat supply.
And in the final video below we hear more about how both the COVID vaxxes and COVID are causing a 'hyper-acceleration' of cancers and tumors, as if the entire 'COVID operation' was created just to depopulate our planet Earth for these globalists, who have long been acting as if they want us all dead to do away for them what they see to be our planet Earth's 'overpopulation.'
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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