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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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October 19, 2023

Fake News From The Media Causes Attacks On U.S. And Israeli Embassies Around The World, Protests And 'Insurrection' At The U.S. Capitol By Pro-Hamas Supporters

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

Once again the MSM creates chaos by reporting according to their agenda and bias instead of doing any type of investigating before pushing "misinformation" (or is it disinformation?) and causing massive protests, and "insurrection" at the U.S. Capitol (by the Democrats definition at least), in their rushed and false reports regarding a bombing of a hospital in Gaza.

It is misreporting like this that will bring about more death, more hatred for Israel by those programmed by the media to blame Israel for everything under the sun, as long as it is bad.

Setting the scene: There was an explosion at a hospital in Gaza. Hama's and their merry band of supporters instantly blamed Israel, claiming they had struck the hospital with a missile.

The result: Global attacks on U.S. and Israel embassies and protests throughout the Middle East.

Hundreds of Protestors Surround US Embassy in Lebanon After Deadly Blast at Hospital in Gaza

Anti-Israel protest in Jordan after deadly Gaza hospital blast

Jordanian police clash with protesters near Israeli embassy

Angry protests flare up across Middle East after Gaza hospital blast

Others things that happened include Istanbul, Turkey: Protesters breach Israeli consulate. Iran: President Raisi threatens the flames of US-Israeli bombs will soon consume Israel. Amman, Jordan: Israeli embassy reportedly stormed by a mob. Tehran, Iran: Massive crowd forms outside of the British embassy. Baghdad, Iraq: Reports of massive protests in the streets.

There are pages and pages in the search results, but those above are representative of what happened after the MSM blamed Israel, as they usually do when something like this happens.

Rather than focusing on that we'll move along to the "fake News" media, double standards and hypocrisy.

It turns out that the Pentagon independently concludedIslamic Jihad was responsible.

President Joe Biden was asked by a reporter in Israel on Wednesday what made him confident that the Israelis weren't behind the explosion that killed hundreds at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday.

Biden responded that it was "the data I was shown by my Defense Department."

Two U.S. officials told ABC News the Pentagon independently concluded the Gaza hospital blast was likely caused by an errant Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket that fell short of its target.

The National Security Council Spokeswoman stated on social media "While we continue to collect information, our current assessment, based on analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information, is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday."

We did need that verification since Joe Biden has a nasty habit of making stuff up and likely wouldn't have remembered talking with his Defense Department in the first place.

The media though, they did what they do so well. The pushed a false narrative, then they slowly tried to backtrack by changing the headlines, after the initial story was read and believed by the liberal sheep that still trust the MSM,

As an example we can note how liberals, to the day, still believe the original headline reporting that claimed in 2015 that Donald Trump called all Mexicans rapists. Liberals still believe the Russian collusion hoax. The still call the January 6, 2021 protest an "insurrection" despite the fact that not one person has been charged or convicted of "insurrection."

Moving along...

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The headlines above read, in the order they were published, then changed:
1) Israel Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinians Say
2) At Least 500 Dead in Strike on Gaza Hospital, Palestinians Say
Final) At Least 500 Dead In Blast at Gaza Hospital, Palestinians Say

I used to think the media just wanted to be first, finding that to be more important than being correct. After years of reporting on their journalistic malpractice, I have learned that they don't just want to be first, they want to set the narrative, knowing people generally do not go back to the same MSM articles after reading it the first time.

Those readers then move along and start spreading the fake news the media programmed into them, and for some, they never learn the truth and continue spreading the lies, even years later.

That is their goal, to tell people what to think. This was admitted, on-air, by MSNBC's MikaBrzezinski, when she stated that it was the media's "job" to "control exactly what people think."

In the meantime, after the misreporting by the NYT and the rest of the narrative setting media outlets, there was a protest at the U.S. Capitol, over a hundred people demanding a cease-fire against Israel because of the blast at the Gaza hospital, all because of false narrative set deliberately by the MSM.

Remember when the media and democrats insisted that illegally protesting inside the Capitol buildings was an "insurrection" and the people arrested were so dangerous they had to be held without bail and prosecuted to the fullest?

U.S. House and Senate office buildings are open to the public but protests are forbidden in congressional buildings.

Arrests took place in the Cannon Rotunda, police reported.

U.S. Capitol Police spokesman Paul Starks told USA TODAY on Thursday that police arrested 308 people on charges of crowding, obstructing, or incommoding in a forbidden area. They were ticketed and released.

Double standards and hypocrisy on display. I have seen one MSM outlet call this an "insurrection," and yet they still call Jan 6 an insurrection, even though no one has been charged with an actual insurrection.

The protests, here and around the world, all caused by a media that is dead-set to spread their own agenda and set the anti-Israel narrative, which shows that while many are awake to the MSM bias and misinformation, there are still way too many that still believe them.

Whether it is because they are being told what they want to hear, or because they are just that gullible and stupid, is a toss up. I will say that while monitoring chat forums, social media, comment sections, and email groups, even those that claim to not trust the MSM will spread their propaganda if the story matches their mindset.

With that said, it is heartening to see the numbers from Gallup on Media distrust.


Gallup's report, dated October 19, 2023, shows the trust in the media is at record lows with 39% saying they have no trust in the media at all. 32% still have a great deal of fair amount, and 29% say they don't have very much trust in the media.

Interestingly enough, despite most of the media being liberal, even Democrats trust is down 12 points since last year; lowest since 2016

Gallup first asked this question in 1972 and has tracked it nearly every year since 1997. Trust ranged from 68% to 72% in three readings in the 1970s, and though it had declined by the late 1990s, it remained at the majority level until 2004, when it fell to 44%. After rebounding slightly to 50% in 2005, it has not risen above 47% since.

I find that extremely interesting as it shows how media trust dropped as the media became more liberal and started letting their liberal bias influence the "news," making it hard to determine what is news and what is the opinion of the writer.

In addition, Gallup in June found confidence readings in both TV news and newspapers that were near their historical lowsand last December found a record-low-tying rating of the honesty and ethics of journalists.

I am conservative and write with the conservative bent. The difference between myself and the MSM today, is they pretend to be objective, and claim they do not have a bias, while I fully admit mine and write to try to balance out the constant drumbeat of the liberal MSM.

Still, looking at media trust from Democrats, compared to Independents and Republicans, it is clear why so many in America are misinformed and spreading MSM propaganda.

Democrats confidence in the mass media has consistently outpaced Republicans, but the latest gap of 47 points is the narrowest since 2016. Democrats trust in the media has fallen 12 points over the past year, to 58%, and compares with 11% among Republicans and 29% among independents.

People are learning, but in many cases they are still allowing the MSM to control what they think, even while claiming to distrust them.


58 percent of Democrats trust the media. The media says Jan 6 was an insurrection, and now Dems call it an insurrection. The media spreads Israel hate, and Democrats spread propaganda about Israel like the good little parrots they are. The media tells us Donald Trump will destroy America if reelected and Democrats believe them despite the same warnings in 2016, and despite the fact that country still exists. The media insists the experimental Covid vaccine was safe and Democrats all ran right out and got the jab.

The media believes it is their job to tell you what to think, and 32% of Americans still trust them, allowing themselves to be told how to think.

This time the media caused riots, illegal protests, attacks against American and Israeli embassies and consulates.

We have to wonder how many people the media has gotten killed because people believed their fake news.

At about the 8:40 minute mark in the video below, we see the police start arriving in numbers big enough to start arresting the protesters, which were later simply ticketed and released.

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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