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October 8, 2024

'FEMA IS DESPICABLE' – Glenn Beck : The Deliberate Attack On Americans Proven With The Incompetence And Intentional Neglect The U.S. Government Has Toward We, The People

This morning when I glanced at the headline news reports on my phone, before getting to the laptop for some real news reading, a headline from the NYT struck me:  “Another Hurdle in Recovery From Helene: Misinformation Is Getting in the Way” with the sub heading that states “In North Carolina and other states, a barrage of conspiracy theories and false claims over efforts to bring relief after Hurricane Helene is alarming and disheartening officials and workers.”  As this is most obviously and patently false, I took a quick scan to see what the hell they were up to in such a fake hit piece.

In that article they stated “The only lithium for sale in Rutherford County is at the local Lowes stores in a 9-volt battery,” said Bryan King, the chairman of the county commission, who was at the meeting. The power of the conspiracy theory, he added, “is just disheartening.”  What a dumb-ass lie that would seem, except Australian owned Piedmont Lithium is in Gaston County and not Rutherford County as far as I can determine and runs an open pit mine there with intentions to greatly expand.  Not to be outdone, lithium can also be extracted from ground water such as that pumped up from extensive saline fracking injections as proven by Blue Ridge Lithium Corp. that also does hard rock mining for lithium.  And that is just for starters on this grab for land rights and mineral rights in the Appalachians.

One of the other many blob controlled “news” outlets claiming there is no reason to believe any great interest in mining lithium and that the floods were created to obtain land, or at least mineral rights, for lithium production are the old bugaboo of truth, NPR when they just two years ago said initial plans call for four 500 foot deep open pit mines and destroying farms, fields, housing and more to obtain that dream of wealth while destroying the lives of tens of thousands of citizens.  They got their mining permit just this last April.


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That Times article then proceeds to spout disinformation as they FALSLY claim others do when they said “conspiracy theories and rumors on X after Helene tore through the Southeast have also been circulated and elevated by high-profile figures, including Elon Musk, who has pulled back on content moderation and repeatedly amplified disinformation to his millions of followers since he bought the social media platform” (please note the drive by hit piece on Musk as they have reversed course on the electric vehicle mogul that they worshiped like some sort of demigod just a short time ago) and of course, they had to get in on the anti-Trump bandwagon as is expected of such a radical left wing farcical gag-rag.

Former President Donald J. Trump has also falsely claimed that disaster-relief funds were being diverted to house undocumented migrants and suggested without evidence that Democrats were not eager to help conservative residents.”   Really?  False claims?

On the FEMA website itself they claim that using their Shelter and Services Program they have spent so far just this year over $340 million dollars and intend to spend much more.  Between fiscal year 2023 and 2024 they have spent over a billion dollars doing just exactly what the propaganda outlets say they have not.   But who is to quibble about such little pittances of offerings?  They have a budget of $30,2 Billion this year, that is an increase of $315 million over last year.  Just a drop in the bucket, yet they are out of funds to do their intended job even though this has, up until now, been a very slow and mild hurricane season with little to be claimed against such massive funding and the victims of this weather war waged against this nation by our own government need to get by on basically no help at all from those we pay to do just that one job.  But Trump and others that mention this are making false claims they say; it matters not what the actual agencies involved say and what the federal budgets back up.

Of course, the leftist idiot of a governor of North Carolina that removed himself from the running for the appointed dictator ‘wannabe’ Camela’s (spelled the way she used to pronounce it before pretending to be an elected candidate) running mate said “Misinformation is a grave threat in the aftermath of a storm like Helene,” Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina said in a statement, warning that it could be “deadly.”  Yeh guv, that is correct, so why in the hell are you pushing such outrageous lies?

The Times then goes on pretending how the monkeys with FEMA are doing such a great job and how everybody owes them everything for saving them from the floods that cannot in any way be man induced or steered to do such damage.  All massive lies just as they are of wont to do.

Perhaps the greater question is not so much the intentional failures of our supposed government, but the insidious war they are waging upon the peoples of not just this nation, but on the world as a whole.  Weather warfare is one of those “conspiracy theories” that the blob propaganda outlets claim is to blame for much of the response they acquire that is so negative that it defies any belief in their claims to innocence.  This is where the tale becomes very interesting.

A short (less than five minute) video covering the basics of this is the first video by Greg Reese as posted in the Alex Jones InfoWars Banned Video resource linked below.  It is well worth the view if you have not watched it before. 

I think one of the overall best video commentaries I have seen thus far is done by Glenn Beck while on the ground visiting the affected areas and speaking with those actually involved.  It is his reactions to the idiots pretending to be there to assist and that are employed with FEMA that makes this an absolutely must see video, and it is posted as the second one below. (“FEMA IS DISPICABLE” – Glenn Beck) Please make time to watch its sixteen minute length, it is well worth the time and he is in his very best and famous tirade posture.

But then – FEMA is worried about the comfort level of their employees because of the massive WELL EARNED criticism of their incompetence.  This (embedded link) Bit-Chute video by Mark Dice tells the tale well with the Director of FEMA saying exactly that.  Poor little useless idiots, no one speaks well of them for their stupidity and ineptness. 

Real Clear Investigations reported that FEMA reported to Congress (last month) that they had “$4 billion in its Disaster Relief Fund” but that at the years send they could be $6 billion past that.  The fact that they have accumulated unspent funds for disasters over the past few decades amounting to over $73 Billion in what could best be described as a slush fund (they vehemently deny that terminology) lends great power to the vast and lushes offer of $750 to those win such great need with no home, clothing, food, water, transportation and so on; you know, the very basic necessities of life itself.  I must agree with Beck; FEMA is despicable.

Perhaps the story can be continued by listing a few of the seemingly endless articles showing the incompetence and intentional neglect our government has towards we, the people.  Just a few of the many hundreds or even thousands of stories about the evil and intentional incompetence of FEMA and our government’s response below.  Links are imbedded herewith.

Rep. Cory Mills says FEMA is largely MIA because it has diverted resources for immigration resettlement.”  Video

“Mountain Mule Packers Deliver Relief Supplies to North Carolina Flood Victims as Biden-Harris Regime Fails”  Video

“FEMA Hiding DEATH TOLL of Hurricane Victims, Bulldozing BODIES“

“Millions of Appalachian Homes Impacted by Hurricane Helene Have No Flood Insurance Because Most FEMA Maps Don’t Consider Flooding From Rain”

“BREAKING: FEMA Director Locks Her Twitter Account”

“Hurricane Helene Exposes a Deep Betrayal of America”

“North Carolina Sheriff Threatens Arrest of FEMA Officials Blocking Rescue Efforts”

““My Blood Is Boiling” – Elon Musk Says FEMA Would Not Allow SpaceX Engineers To Deliver Starlink Terminals And Supplies In North Carolina”

“FEMA Whistleblowers Step Forward with Troubling Allegations About Helene Response”

“FEMA under Biden now CONFISCATING donations made to Hurricane Helene survivors”

“Kamala Harris Faces Growing Backlash Over Administration’s Failure to Help Hurricane Victims!”

We would go on and on with this, but this is likely more than enough.  The next idea to counter with the sloppy lies that the Times and other Blob rags are pushing has to do with the topic of weather modifications and our ability proven for over decades and bragged about by those involved, so why do they keep insisting that it is impossible and is somehow conspiracy theory when THOSE INVOLVED say otherwise?  That is a topic for another discussion, my mission today is now complete.

God Bless – especially those now in need and those soon to be as the intentional and well planned weather war against this nation continues.

How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium


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