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February 1, 2022
Examining What The Satanic, Globalist Cult Has Planned Next: The Destruction Of Our Natural Immune Systems To Meet Their Goal Of A 500 Million World Population Is Playing Out Now
A Couple of weeks ago, Breitbart published a story that has been mumbled about in a variety of news sources that the common cold provides protection against the various corona viruses including the so-called Covid 19 and its variants. This story originated in a journal called Nature Communications where they said Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 does not universally result in infection and pre-existing T cells, primed by endemic human coronaviruses (huCoVs), might mediate protection in SARS-CoV-2-naive personsand while that sounds good, most of that article is way over my non-medical background ability to understand. The Breitbart article simplifies it nicely and they conclude that landmark study led by Imperial College London researchers has found that people who have recovered from the common cold are more likely to avoid being infected with the Chinese coronavirus. People with a higher level of T-cells developed through contracting the common cold, a type of coronavirus, are less likely to fall ill from the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan virus, astudypublished in Nature Communications has claimed.We found that high levels of pre-existing T-cells, created by the body when infected with other human coronaviruses like the common cold, can protect against COVID-19 infection..The findings of the study may explain why children have been more resistant to the Chinese coronavirus, as they are more likely to catch colds throughout the year in comparison to elderly people, who are less likely to come in contact with colds. OK, now that makes sense to me.
As the fear factor of the C19 farce eases, many around the world are asking for, demonstrating for and even rioting to demand that the tyrannical restrictions to supposedly combat the fear campaign be reduced or completely removed. Even the World Health Organization has recommended that be done when they said to Lift or ease international traffic bans as they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced by States Parties.The failure of travel restrictions introduced after the detection and reporting of Omicron variant to limit international spread of Omicron demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time.
Do NOT require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for international travel as the only pathway or condition permitting international travelgiven limited global access and inequitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines..
And while the effects of the supposed virus are diminishing, just as seasonal flu and cold seasons always do, the effects of the kill shots are increasing the death rates and serious injuries from the effects at the same time. Kevin Jackson stated it correctly when he said the impact of the Wuflu scam will be felt for some time. And Leftists havent played this hand out to the bitter end.
While their lies about the numbers continue to reveal themselves, more reckoning beckons.
Yes sir, that is correct, and we must also consider, as he pointed out, insurance anomalies show that is a stunning amount, particularly in light of revelations about bogus data.
For example the CDC Directors admission that less than a quarter of deaths associated with Wuflu are actually from Wuflu. 78 percent of the people who died with Wuflu did not die from Wuflu. That is an amazing admission, given all the hype over vaccine mandates.
That the huge increase in deaths from many other reasons, the fact that it was those vaccinations that caused them was not brought out by the CDC at that time. The murder of so many, likely well into the millions by now and perhaps billions by the time the defective natural immune system finishes its inhumane slaughter, we have more to consider. What if some other actually deadly virus (meaning not the fake one of C19) was released to coincide with that intended depletion of the human immune system. That would seem to be a method of making sure mass casualties would amount to closer to the numbers they want to exterminate wouldnt it? It seems to me the primary purpose of the massive vax mandate is to accomplish exactly that; the destruction of the natural God given immune system to meet the satanic cults desire for only 500 million world population tops. And we are seeing a few of the possibilities already.
Not to mention that the hospitals are murdering peoplefor profit as we brought out mid last year, and now many more mainstream alternate news sites are proclaiming that as well as can be seen in many articles from around the web as shown on a website called Hospital Homocide. I suppose we really started something with those stories over here on ANP, right? We are way ahead of the curve it seems.
The first video at the bottom is the recent one of Dr. Malones full speech from January 23rd.
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Another example of bogus data is the very recent NYT article proclaiming that the new CDC numbers indicate that the number of weekly average deaths per 100,000 are dramatically in the unvaccinated camp (7.8 to 0.6 with boosted at 0.1), which is a total lie. Wayne Allyn Root asked If the Vaccine is So Great, Why are So Many People Dropping Dead?Exactly the right question. Again, they do not count the first 14 days after the vax kill shot, so they know most of the Covid deaths and injuries, not to mention deaths from the vaccine itself (mostly heart attacks) will occur within 14 days of any jab. So, everyone that gets sick or dies in that period is counted as unvaccinated. The NYT are masters at the deception game of statistics which is a numbers game, and the famous quote that There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics is attributed to both Mark Twain and Benjamin Disraeli while the one that Statistics is the art of lying by means of figures is by Wilhelm Stekel. Mr. Root continues the most perfect control group ever is the US military. Every young soldier got the Covid vaccine in the past year. To follow the results is the very definition of SCIENCE. Military whistleblowers have come forward with Department of Defense medical data showing since the start of the vaccine program cancer is up about 300% among military members; female infertility is up 500%; miscarriages are up by 300%, and there is an astronomical 1000% increase in neurological disorders from 82,000 to 863,000 in one year. Now, please convince me that the NYT had any real argument confirming that they tell the truth. This is the greatest scam in world history. Mr. Root said.
Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon said that if not for the PCR tests, there would be NO PAMNDEMIC. And the Geller Report showing England, Czech and others are ending mandates, while the US communist party keeps pushing for far harsher mandates. The Expos also touched on this with their article titled Countries with high Covid-19 Vaccination Rates all suffered an extraordinary rise in Excess Deaths in 2021 suggesting the Jabs are to blame January 31st but enough of this, it is most obvious to anyone that reads more than the generic NWO propaganda that it is true, that this is the real case.
Lets get back to the idea of what they may be planning on to replace the common cold renamed Omicron and its variants with now that they have destroyed the natural means to fight it. Dr. Malone:They are using language that this is a hemorrhagic fever virus. If thats the case then it would be very odd that this would be something caused by the Coronavirus. That terminology is usually used for viruses in the family of Ebola. So this is something that many people have feared is the development of a rapidly spreading Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus. But we have not knowledge of whether that is going on here or not. This storyline came out early this month that it is already spreading throughout China.
Jon Rappoport had an article mid January in Health Impact News about Ebola and its looming outbreak mentioning a Yahoo News article last year that the World Health Organization reported a cluster of Ebola cases in GuineaThe Biden administration is moving forward with plans to screen airline passengers from two African countries arriving in the U.S. for Ebola.
Are there more? How about this one from ZeroHedge; RSV is a common respiratory virus that causes cold-like symptoms in people of all ages. Doctors say that the virus is so common that many children will have been infected with it before they are two years old. RSV is mild in most children and goes away in a week or two but for somewho are immunocompromised or have a lung or heart diseaseit can be quite severe. Now I ask you, why promote children as young as 6 months get the kill shot?
Or the new strains of a fake disease, like the BA.2 strains of C19 aka the common cold, are going to continue for a long while it appears. But the WHO says to be aware that Cholera, Hepatitis E, Yellow Fever, Ebola, Dengue Fever, MERS, Polio, Monkeypox, Zika, Plague, and even Meningitis are making outbreaks around the globe. The CDC also has information on these outbreaks on their website.
The BBC also wondered about what is next and how to stop them as they go over many options and also note the spread of flesh eating diseases in Australia.
Remember that whatever comes next was completely pre-planned and is contingent on the mass injections of the C19 vaccination to reduce the natural God given immune system enough to be sure it kills as many people as possible. Let me put it another way; in any war there are preparatory plans and actions to reduce as much as possible the enemies responses and protections. The pre-beach assaults in Normandy were the bombardment by bombers, battleship shelling, ground attack aircraft, massive rocket launchings, sabotage and so forth. The destruction of our immune systems is the same kind of attack on the enemy of the Elites to soften us up for the real attack, which is still on our future. True, the softening up kills millions, but the real attacks will dwarf those by many factors or orders of magnitude. This is REAL WAR.
Now imagine that with this in mind, that when the next big one is sprung upon us, how will we react? What will we do? We have conditioned the masses to first of all believe anything the government and its little toady boyz say in the MSM, and do as they instruct. Then we are led to believe that it was all a giant mistake, they were wrong and overreacted mightily. What is the natural reaction going to be? Yeh, you are right. Do not believe what they say, they are just lying to us again. The general public will be completely over the masks and the safety measures, and the next pandemic will run rampant because no one will believe that they may be necessary or even helpful. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Is this understandable to you, can I make it more plain and simple than that?
Keep your head about you, think things through, there are very real, very deadly plagues out there, and they WILL be used on us now that we have weakened immune defenses and a high resistance to providing for our own safety.
This is a very serious game they are playing and they will murder anyone or anything that gets in their way.Since covid first appeared, doctors, scientists, microbiologists have been getting murdered whats really going on here?Ethan Hunt wrote in Natural News a short time ago. There has been astrange uptickin murders among scientists, doctors and microbiologists ever since the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was first announced by the government.
Our God uses natural disasters as well as man to produce the results of His warnings to us. Whether by war, disease, natural calamities and so forth we have proof throughout history that He does what He says He will without fail. When looking at a listing of scripture that may have to do with diseases and the end of the world, we can see many possible methods that He may use in bringing them about. This article has such a list, and is a good overview or reminder of those things. Note that world war, or wars all over the world are given. Also note that many of the bowls of wrath or seals sound very much like the results of a worldwide nuclear disaster and its resulting radiation poisoning along with massive upheavals of nature of all kinds. Many of these also can be produced by diseases both natural and manmade. In the Satanic secret societies coordinating to eliminate most of the earths population, they will lose control it appears, and it is right on our doorstep. There are many interpretations of these prophecies, and I give my normal denial of debating them. I will not argue or debate, but do entertain intelligent alternate interpretations. I do not necessarily say that I am in agreement with the following websites ideas (I do have some differences); I only offer them as an indication of where we are headed and they do vary from each other as proof of that, and to give you a broader representation of possibilities of interpretation of scripture. Read and figure it out with the help of the Holy Spirit for yourselves.
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